#something that sort of fits the holiday season
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targaryenrealnessdarling · 18 days ago
Shut Me Up
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Summary: years after falling out, her, Aemond and the friend group take a summer trip to their Dornish villa, where real intentions make themselves known | word count: 9.2k | warnings: smut, choking, hair pulling, spanking, enemies to lovers ish, swearing, mentions of marijuana use, fingering
A/N: didn't mean to post this on the Mitchelly man's birthday but here we are. A little smutty number in celebration of my seasonal depression cured. And for this fic let's pretend they're all not related, mmk
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She thought it'd stay in the group chat, like most of their holiday plans.
Unfortunately, or fortunately for some, it had somehow materialised into a long weekend away on the white sand Dornish beaches. Her bank account was not particularly happy, but the promise of endless sun, cocktails, friends and fun, would just about make up for it, she supposed.
As the only one with a credit card that wasn't maxed out, she rented the hire van for the six hour road trip it would take to get to the villa. She tried, often, to persuade Baela or Helaena into driving. But the former insisted on doing her makeup in the passenger seat for the first leg of the journey, and the latter, well, she'd likely be handing out the space brownies in the back seat.
So it was decided, in the end, Baela would pick up the second half of the drive. She prayed, for the sake of her deposit, that the roads were clear.
The force at which Rhaena threw her overnight bag at her nearly knocked all the wind out of her, “fuck me, Rhae, the hell is in this thing?”
“What? I need to bring aftersun, painkillers, first aid kit, blister patches—”
Baela snorts, brushing past her anxious twin to stuff her bag in the boot of the van, “Rhaena’s brain doesn't know the difference between having a gun to her head and being unprepared.”
“At least you pack lightly,” she smirks, raising a brow, trying her best to shove the luggage aside to fit.
Jace was quick to follow out, his flip flops unabashedly falling to pieces, clad in khaki shorts and a white shirt. She'll never get her head around what Baela sees in him. Sure he's funny, attractive, but he dresses like he's done it in the dark and it's still the early 2000s.
She watches as Helaena and Aegon squabble for the house keys to lock up, having hosted Jace, Baela and Rhaena the night before in preparation for the trip. Luke and Daeron, as fun as they are to have around, are too young for a trip like this. And it's probably for the better anyway, knowing the history between Aemond and Luke. The incident that nobody really dares to talk about.
Helaena beamed, eyes tinged pink from either sun or something stronger as she clambered into the back of the van in a boho white dress. There was an easy air about everything. An excitement that cut through the humid air that billowed off the concrete pavements. The sort you only get from going on holiday.
And Aegon, well.
He's Aegon.
He winks, pulling his sunglasses over his eyes, “hey babe.”
“Absolutely fucking not, Aegon. Get in the van.”
He feigns disappointment, “you're breaking my fucking heart.”
“You'll live.”
Aegon snacks Helaena's arm to budge up a space and plonks himself right in the middle seat, stretching his legs out only to annoy Rhaena in the seat in front.
“Who's ready for a road trip!” Helaena squealed excitedly.
Baela laughed, glancing back over Jace’s arm that was around her shoulders, “are you high already?”
“Excuse you, I am perfectly sober.”
“She's high,” Rhaena added, barely looking up from her phone.
She bit back a laugh, and was about to ask where the last passenger was, always late but hey, reliably late. But he appeared before she had the chance to utter the words.
He walked towards the van with the usual effortless arrogance, duffel bag shoved over his shoulder, silver hair pulled into a lazy knot. He was dressed in all black because of course he was. Even if it was nearly 40 degrees Celsius and hot enough to fry an egg on the kerb.
To be fair, she'd not seen him in a while, so she looked him up and down, and he was, if not a little bit taller than the last time she saw him. And the scar that lined through his brow, through his eye and down his cheek was almost silvery in the midday sun.
Aside from that, he was still the most raging twat she'd ever met.
For the slightest second, their gazes met, but he was first to look away. No smirk. No greeting. Just the cold, unreadable calm. 
“Here he is, our favourite brooder,” Aegon laughed.
Aemond exhaled through his nose, sighing into the last seat at the very back and tucking his bag between his feet, “shut up, Aegon.”
Aegon grinned, clapping him on the shoulder, “Gods I missed this family dynamic. It's so fucking healthy.”
She pretended to instead be interested with how to turn the headlights on and off, even though she wouldn't need them on the six hour drive. Boot closed, engine roaring and everyone, well…nearly everyone, squealed ‘let’s go!’.
The inside of the car smelled like sun cream, salty crisps, and whatever questionable concoction Aegon had decided to mix into his oversized tumbler. The air-conditioning was on full blast, fighting against the relentless Dornish heat.
Helaena, currently high as hell of a ‘brownie’, was sprawled out like a sun-dazed lizard, arms stretched above her head, blinking lazily at the passing scenery.
Aegon chuckled, “how many did you eat, Hel?”
Helaena giggled, “like…one and a half. But they were big,” she raised her fingers like she was measuring something ridiculous.
She looked in the rear-view mirror as a car behind them overtook them on the dual carriageway, and caught eyes with Aemond, who had his noise cancelling headphones on. The blue of one eye and the misty grey of the other made her heart leap as they clocked on hers, however briefly. And Baela certainly noticed how hard she gripped the steering wheel.
Aemond looked largely the same, lean but built, sharp features, all arrogance albeit silent. And though his hair was tied back, a few strands were loose. And she hated that she noticed.
It had been years since the falling out.
It was a terrible mix. They were teenagers. Had a bit to drink, when the tolerance was horrific. Followed by a very public argument at one of his family gatherings that ended in her calling him a ‘pretentious, controlling asshole’. And well, the rest was history. They existed whenever the friend group got together, each too stubborn to force the friendship group to adjust to their spat, but she avoided him all the same.
For the record she still thought he was all of the above.
The drive was quiet but long. And between Helaena's spaced-out ramblings, Jace’s terrible choice in music and Rhaena complaining she needed to pee, Baela took it upon herself to find a service station to stop up. And as soon as the handbrake was up, the doors flew open and they all rushed out like a chaotic clown car act.
The station was nothing special, some off-brand fast food places and a tiny shop for snacks and drinks. But it would do. She hopped out the drivers side and down the side of the van, bristling when Aemond climbed out his side and they brushed shoulders.
He smirked, “relax, I'm not going to bite.”
All she could do was shake her head and throw a face of disgust that Baela certainly didn't miss, “are you two still at it?” she asked, amused, “this has been going on for years. Honestly impressive at this point.”
She rolled her eyes, watching as Aemond stalked off behind Aegon to the shop, “I don’t have the energy to argue with someone who thinks he’s better than everyone else just because he reads philosophy books and drives like he’s in a Fast and Furious movie.”
Aemond didn't go inside, he leaned on the wall, stoking up a cigarette, the lazy smoke dwindling from his lips into the hazy Dornish air. She hated the way he was just so effortlessly nonchalant, like he belonged in an black and white movie.
“You’re staring,” Baela said, voice laced with amusement.
She tore her gaze away, scowling, “I am not.”
Baela hummed knowingly, “suuuure. You know, if you just fucked it out, all this tension would be gone.”
She choked through a sip of water, “Baela—”
“What? I’m just saying,” she shrugged, smirking, “I mean, I don’t even think he hates you as much as you think he does.”
She scoffed, “please. We’ve been at each other’s throats since we were kids. Aemond thrives on making my life miserable.”
“Or,” Baela drawled, “he thrives on getting under your skin because he likes your reaction.”
She rolled her eyes, but her face felt hot, was she getting a sunburn? “We’re not having this conversation.”
“Fine, fine,” she relented, then, casually, she added, “by the way, I heard he and Alys broke up. Months ago.”
That made her freeze.
Baela watched her expression closely, like she was waiting for a reaction. She forced a neutral shrug, stuffing her hands into her pockets, “and?”
“And,” she smirked, “you’re pretending you don’t care.”
Did she care? Really?
“I'm going to pretend we didn't have this conversation.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” Baela laughed without a care as Rhaena bounded back up to them with a handful of snacks. Aegon and the rest weren't far behind.
Aegon groaned, “thank the gods I was about to gnaw my own arm off.”
“I don’t know how you’re hungry,” she replied, eyeing him, “you inhaled half a bag of crisps like ten minutes ago.”
“I'm a growing boy,” he winked. Making the others gag.
Mercifully, nothing more was said on the matter. She simply graced the spot where Baela had been sat, had her snacks and let her drive the rest of the way. Rolling down her window, she let her hand rest out of it, the warm, dull air flowing through her fingers. Blissfully ignorant of her nemesis in the back seat.
She knew their dad was rich but Viserys’ obnoxiously sized villa was so endless it bordered on ridiculous. It was perched on the edge of a cliff, overlooking the endless blue stretch of sea, with a white, sandy beach sprawling at the foot of it.
The villa was no eyesore either. It's sunbleached patios, white stone walls and glass doors all reflected the shimmer of the sunlight on the water. And despite having the literal sea at your feet, the pool sat beneath the balcony, wide, deep and perfectly maintained.
Viserys Targaryen never did anything by halves.
Aegon whistled, “fuck me, I knew the old man had money, but taste?”
Helaena pushed by him, bag in tow, “I get the biggest room!”
“No you fucking don't—” Aegon called, running after her like a child.
She stretched her legs, hopping out of the van and inhaling the warm, salty sea air. The view was ridiculous, and a natural staircase made of stone led down the side towards the private beach.
Baela nudged her arm, “this is amazing.”
She nodded, “despite the company, this trip might be bearable.”
Aemond, audibly, trudged past with his duffel bag, lazily making his way into the villa with a smirk as if he'd heard.
Yep. Bearable.
Everyone was too exhausted to do anything but dump their bags in their rooms and laze around the pool. That, and raiding the kitchen for all the food.
By the time the sun had dipped below the horizon, everyone had found their spots and Jace and Aegon were already three beers deep and failing to pot anything at the pool table. She had found herself with the girls poolside, nursing a bottle as they dipped their feet in the cool water.
“We're all waking up early for the beach,” Rhaena declared, loud enough for Aegon to groan.
She laughs, the water rippling around her legs, “what are we doing swimsuit-wise? Practical or hot?”
Rhaena and Baela answered simultaneously.
“Hey I've seen you in the bikini, you'll give someone a heart attack,” Baela grinned.
“Shut up.”
Maybe it wasn't heart attack worthy, but the bikini certainly was something. It had honestly felt like she'd lived a lifetime since last seeing herself in swimwear, the seasonal depression had done no favours there. But now, looking at herself in the mirror, she nodded and pulled her hair away from her face, lathering herself with sun cream before attempting the blazing Dornish midday.
“Gods, if I were gay,” Baela whistled from where she sat on the bed, a dark blue translucent shawl tucked over her shoulders.
She rolled her eyes with a snort, “please, you'll be gushing in thirty seconds about how Jace looks in knee length shorts.”
“Hey. Knee length shorts gets some girls going, okay?”
Rhaena scoffs, white streaks of half-rubbed in sun cream glazing her cheeks, “just you, sis.”
Yep, definitely just you, she thinks.
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She'd underestimated the beach. It was gorgeous, idyllic, in fact there weren't enough words. It was just secluded enough to feel private, and nobody wasted any time in making use of it. 
Some jumped head first into the waves, tackling and splashing. Aegon had brought with him a garish purple lilo, which Jace found great pleasure in flipping over occasionally, dunking Aegon and whatever drink he was holding into the turquoise water.
Even Aemond, who usually abstained from these sort of activities, had shed his shirt and waded lazily into the water, the sun somewhat reflecting off his sun-cream glistened skin.
She hated that she noticed.
Even more, she hated the way the water made his hair a shade darker, how the drops of water ran down his chest—
No. No. Nope.
She leaned back on the sun bed, pushing her hat over her eyes, willing the image out of her mind as quick as it had come. And the first day passed quickly. She'd dipped in the sea, yes, but not the boyish, rowdy behaviour that the boys and even Helaena were sporting. Most of it was spent lounging, relaxing.
Gods, a lot of burning.
By the time night-time had rolled around, her shoulders were pink, mirrored with a dusty line across her cheeks and nose. The ticklish sensation hadn't kicked in yet. That was tomorrow her’s problem.
Right now, all she needed was a nice cold shower and peace.
And peace she found. The villa fell into an easy, relaxed quiet. Somewhere down the hall Aegon was giggling drunkenly, Baela was probably spooning Jace and she could fear the faint sound of TV through Helaena's bedroom.
She padded barefoot across the cool tiles, pushing open the balcony doors that graced one side of her room. The breeze crept in, welcome and warm on her skin, just enough to let in the salty scent in the air.
She mindlessly rubbed the back of her neck where the bikini top had made its tan line. Or what would eventually be a tan line anyway, right now it looked more scarlet. Staring out, the flickering lights of nearby villages blinked in the distance, sparkling along the peninsula where the villa sat atop.
The reflection of the lit pool below caught her eye, and she felt her throat tighten at the sight. Swimming, in the dark and illuminated only by the cool lights beneath the water, was Aemond, cutting through the water with lazy, practiced strokes.
He was alone. Quiet. And ashamed to say he looked good.
The thought came before it could be stopped, but once it was there it took root, and an immediate scowl crept to her face at her weakness. 
His bare shoulders gleamed under the tempered light, lean, toned frame moving through the water with a silent grace. The water had made his hair slicked back, revealing the cut of his jaw, and the sharp angles of his cheekbones.
Aemond ran his hands over his face, leaning back with a sigh to dip his hair back into the water. Her heart nearly leapt through her chest as his gaze lifted to her on the balcony, catching her watching him.
Her stomach twisted, heat crept up her neck and it absolutely wasn't sunburn. She could do nothing more than just pretend she wasn't watching him, so she turned on her heel, and slid back inside her room, holding the balcony doors shut with her heart rate going a mile a minute.
She could feel his gaze as she shut the door. Could imagine his expression too, smug bastard. 
Mouth suddenly dry, she pulled her shawl around her tighter and made for the kitchen, needing something to take away this aftertaste. Grumbling and sighing, she scolded herself, barely even at the cupboard before she spotted him.
He was standing by the fridge, bottle of water in hand, in nothing more than the shorts he was wearing to swim resting low on his hips. His hair was still damp, but some bits curled around his face, and she hoped he hadn't seen the way she noticed the slightest ‘v’ that disappeared below the waistband.
He turned, perfectly calm, as if he hadn't just caught her staring for the second time in ten minutes.
“Can't sleep?”
She crossed her arms, looking off, “needed water.”
He laughed once, breathy, and threw the water he was holding to her, which she caught with her other hand as it slipped through her fingers. 
The moment stretched. 
She only watched from her periphery as Aemond grabbed another from the fridge, and twisted off the cap. She had luckily resisted the urge to watch him bring it to his lips and down half as if he was parched.
No sooner had she bought the bottle to her own lips.
“You keep looking at me like that.”
She nearly choked on her water.
Her fingers tightened around the bottle, crinkling under the pressure as she turned to glare at him. “Like what?”
His eye flickered, taking her in with slow, assessing amusement. “You tell me.”
Her breath hitched, and she hated that her body betrayed her, the way her thighs tensed slightly, the way her fingers curled. Aemond noticed. Of course he did.
She rolled her eyes, masking the heat creeping up her neck, “you’re delusional.”
He chuckled, taking a slow sip of his water, his smirk never fading.
“Sure,” he murmured.
Rolling her eyes came naturally, “I still don’t know why you even came on this trip.”
Aemond raised a brow. “Why wouldn’t I?”
She scoffed. “Because you hate me.”
He tilted his head, considering her, his smirk turning thoughtful. “And what gave you that idea?”
She drained the bottle and crushed it with her palm, annoyance brewing, and she saw the amused quirk of his brow, “oh, I don’t know, maybe the fact that you’ve spent the last few years acting like I’m the most insufferable person in existence?”
“You're not insufferable,” he chuckled, “maybe a bit, actually.”
She blinked, “excuse me?”
He shrugged, “I never said I hated you.”
She let out a dry laugh, “right. So all those times you went out of your way to argue with me? That wasn’t hatred?”
“I think you’re confusing hatred with enjoyment.”
She stomach flipped. No. Nope. Absolutely not.
She pointed a finger at him, “don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“You know what.”
That tone. That fucking tone. The one that was both amused and knowing, the one that made her face heat up against her will.
Aemond tilted his head, his voice dropping just slightly. “If I hated you,” he said, “I wouldn’t be standing here right now.”
She stared at him. The smirk had slipped from his lips. The teasing tone gone. Fuck. 
There was something in his gaze that was something else entirely and she wasn't sure she wanted the flip of her tummy to tell her what it was. She swallowed hard. And before she did or said something stupid, turned on her heel and left to the sanctuary of her room.
And he let her.
A lazy morning was needed for most to sleep off the sunburns and drinks, but for her, she needed the lie in just to avoid running into Aemond as much as possible.
So with the day ahead, they'd decided to go to Sunspear Old Village, a collection of independent restaurants, shops and bakeries. The drive was short, but the difference between the villa and the sprawling village side streets was immediate.
The atmosphere was exciting, sunny, citrus and salt, vendors calling out for customer's attention. Markets lined the stoned path, freshly baked goods, colourful fabrics and handcrafted jewellery.
She and Baela lagged behind, a large sunhat on both their heads to shield from the unyielding sun, taking their time weaving through the stalls, oo-ing and ah-ing at the various Dornish wares.
One particular stall was everything she liked. Handmade jewellery of all golden hues, one worker was moulding a ring into shape and another was placing stencils against thinly laid gold and striking it with a mallet.
The one she liked was a small, golden sun pendant. Dark gold. Delicate and yet striking despite its simple design. The metal was hammered in small indents, and she marvelled at the craftsmanship with her fingertip over the surface.
“You should get it,” Baela insisted.
She tilted her head, “hm, I could but…don't really need it, and I didn't exchange enough money.”
“Since when did you need an excuse to buy jewellery?”
She grinned at Baela, glancing back at Aemond and Helaena as they toddled behind. The taller man had his hands in his pockets, sighing as his sister dragged him into yet another stall. 
She swore she caught his gaze on her, for a split second.
Baela was too observant for her own good. “You are so fucking obvious.”
“I heard you two talking last night.”
She nearly choked on air, “what the hell, Baela—”
She snorted a laugh, pulling her sunhat over her eyes, “I wasn't eavesdropping! I just wanted a glass of water when I heard—” she straightened her back, puffing out her chest, “you keep looking at me like that.”
She gasped, smacking her arm, “Baela!”
She laughed, dodging herr second hit. "Oh, come on! That was the most tension I’ve ever heard in my life. I thought you two were about to—"
"Don’t. Even. Finish. That. Sentence."
Baela just smirked, eyes twinkling. “You’re blushing.”
“I am not.”
“You so are.”
She huffed, opening her mouth to fire back–
A flash of white and gold hurtled between them, and Helaena, her dress swishing around her shins, beamed up, “look!” she exclaimed, vibrating with excitement as she presented a gold charm in her palm, “it’s a scorpion!”
Neither of them could hide their amusement. 
“Hel, of all the things to buy,” Baela smirked.
Helaena just grinned, unbothered, “scorpions are lucky,” she said matter-of-factly. 
She laughed a little, half in amusement and half because it must be nice to see the bright side of everything, “of course you’d find something weirdly meaningful.”
Hel clutched it happily, “I’m going to put it on my keychain.”
She exchanged looks with Baela, who simply shrugged. Helaena was Helaena.
And then, as if she could sense the conversation she had just interrupted, she tilted her head at her, blinking dreamily. “Are you flirting with Aemond?”
And all it took was Baela barking out into fits of laughter for her to roll her eyes, pretend those words hadn’t just come out of Helaena’s mouth and jog forwards to Rhaena instead, who mercifully was blissfully unaware of anything going on with the aforementioned Targaryen.
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She and the girls had taken it upon themselves to bring down some food from the kitchen as well as the fire pit, nestling it into the sand and pulling their shawls over their shoulders to stay off the chill once the sun had dipped with the temperature.
Aegon, as expected, was putting on a show. The moment the flames came to life, he thumped his chest like a deranged caveman, grinning wildly, waiting for laughter that never came.
Baela, unimpressed but entertained, simply lifted her phone. Flash. Click. Post.
Aegon froze mid-motion, the colour draining from his face. “Baela. Delete that.”
She smirked, tucking her phone away. “Nope.”
“I will literally die if that’s on the internet.”
“It’s already on Instagram.”
With a loud groan, Aegon flopped backward into the sand, arms outstretched in defeat. Baela only grinned, her attention shifting to the half-empty bottle beside her. “Oh, fuck, we’re out of vodka.”
She nestled herself closer to Jace, clearly not intending to move.
From across the fire, she scoffed. “I’ll get some, you lazy fuckers.”
Aegon half-heartedly saluted, “brave of you. I wouldn’t make it up those stairs sober, let alone drunk.”
He wasn’t wrong. The private staircase leading up to the villa was steep and unforgiving, and this was, what, her fourth time climbing it today? With a resigned sigh, she pushed herself up, the warmth of the fire lingering against her skin as she stepped away from the group.
By the time she reached the top, she paused, catching her breath, turning toward the horizon.
The sea stretched out endlessly, dark and gleaming, with a sliver of gold and baby blue still clinging to the edge of the sky where the sun had disappeared.
I could get used to this.
Even if she had to endure him.
Shaking the thought away, she slipped through the villa doors, heading straight for the kitchen. It was dimly lit, the quiet hum of the night settling around her. She barely made it three steps before a voice cut through the silence.
She jumped, nearly knocking over a glass. Her heart slammed against her ribs as she spun around, eyes landing on Aemond. He stood near the counter, arms crossed over his chest, his expression unreadable, except for the faintest trace of a smirk. But it wasn’t just the way he looked at her that made her pulse jump. It was how he looked.
His silver hair was damp, strands curling slightly at the ends, still clinging to the warmth of a recent shower. He hadn’t bothered with a shirt, just a pair of low-hanging black shorts, his skin catching the dim glow of the kitchen lights, casting shadows over the sharp lines of his stomach, the cut of his collarbone.
She swallowed, gripping the vodka bottle a little tighter than necessary.
He was insufferable.
He was annoying.
And yet–
“Didn’t take you for the helpful type,” she muttered, turning back to the cabinet, refusing to look at him for too long.
A quiet chuckle left his lips, “I wasn’t waiting for you, if that’s what you’re implying.”
Her jaw tightened. “Didn’t say you were. Just stop lurking around waiting to frighten me, would you.”
Aemond leaned against the counter, watching her with that same unreadable expression. She didn’t know what he was looking for, what he was waiting for, but it was irritating. She set the vodka bottle down on the counter with a dull thud, crossing her arms as she turned to face him fully. 
“I don’t know what you’re trying to get from this.”
“From what?”
“This,” she gestured vaguely, “you know exactly what. You’re acting like we never fell out. But we did, Aemond. You should hate my guts.”
Aemond resisted the urge to outright laugh. The truth was, they had never fallen out. Not in his mind. Oh, they had argued. Gods, had they argued. She had called him pretentious, insufferable, a controlling asshole. He had thrown words back just as easily, his own cutting remarks meant to frustrate her, rile her up, get her to fight him harder. 
He liked that she didn’t hold back, that she met him blow for blow, insult for insult. Still does.
Aemond exhaled through his nose, shaking his head slightly, “you’re still talking to me.”
She scoffed. “Like I have a choice.”
“You always have a choice.”
Something in her chest twisted at that, but she refused to let it show. She rolled her eyes, reaching for the vodka bottle and tucking it under her arm. “Whatever game you’re playing, Aemond, find someone else to play it with.”
She left the kitchen without another word, gripping the vodka bottle tighter than necessary as she made her way back down the endless stone steps to the beach. The sea breeze hit her as soon as she reached the bottom, cool and briny, doing little to chase away the strange heat in her chest.
You always have a choice.
She scowled, shoving the thought aside as she rejoined the group, dropping the bottle into Baela’s waiting hands. “There,” she muttered, sinking back onto the blanket, pulling her shawl tighter around herself. “Now stop making me do all the work.”
Baela grinned, already unscrewing the cap. “You’re a hero.”
The fire burned low, casting a warm glow against their sun-kissed faces, flickering against the edges of the waves. She barely noticed Aemond’s arrival until he was lowering himself onto the sand a few feet away, silent, as always, but technically, next to her.
Unlike earlier, he had thrown on a loose button-down, the top few buttons left undone, revealing a sliver of tanned skin and collarbone. His silver hair was still damp, stray strands falling over his sharp features. He looked completely at ease, like he belonged in the firelight, the shadows playing over the angles of his face.
Stop that.
Baela poured out shots, handing them around. “To questionable decisions and even worse hangovers.”
Jace groaned. “We are so fucked tomorrow.”
The alcohol burned, but she welcomed it, letting the warmth spread through her veins, dulling the tension in her shoulders. One shot became two. Then three.
And then, somewhere between Aegon trying to wrestle Jace into the sand and Rhaena doing drunken cartwheels again, the conversation took a sharp turn.
“Oh, I know what we should talk about,” Aegon declared suddenly, tossing an empty bottle into the sand.
Baela groaned. “If you say kinks, I swear to the gods—”
Jace put his face in his hands. “Fucking hell.”
Aegon smirked, completely unrepentant. “Come on. We’ve been drinking. There are no rules. Let’s make this interesting.”
Rhaena laughed, shaking her head. “This is already a terrible idea.”
Baela smirked. “Fine. But you go first, since you brought it up.”
Aegon leaned back on his hands, completely unbothered. “Easy. Hair pulling, spanking, and—”
“Enough.” Jace groaned. Helaena fake gagged, shaking her head.
One by one, everyone went around, rattling off their preferences with varying degrees of amusement or reluctance.
And then it was her turn.
She hesitated. “Pass.”
Baela raised a brow. “No passes.”
She exhaled, rolling her shoulders, acting unfazed. “It’s not even that interesting.”
“Then it should be easy to say,” Baela countered, smirking.
She took a sip of her drink, then, with a casual shrug, said, “Choking.”
It wouldn’t have gotten such a reaction if it were anyone else, but Aemond, fucking chuckled. She turned her head sharply, only to find him watching her, smirking slightly, his gaze dark with something unreadable.
“What?” she snapped, her voice sharper than intended.
“Nothing,” he grinned behind the bottle he was nursing.
“No, go on, what’s so funny?”
Aemond tilted his head, studying her, his smirk growing the slightest bit sharper. “I just don’t think you’d let someone get their hands on you like that,” he murmured.
Her pulse spiked.
Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was the heat of the fire, maybe it was just him, but she felt it, the way the air shifted, the way the space between them suddenly felt far too small. Luckily, the others swiftly got bored of their verbal sparring. A small relief. But it made her feel at least like everyone wasn’t zeroed in on what they were talking about.
She scoffed, leaning back and burying her palms in the sand, “and you’re an expert.”
“I don’t think you’d let someone do it properly.”
Despite the crackle of…something, in the air. The alcohol had not only made her wavy, but braver. And she met his gaze with her chin up, “and you think you could?”
Aemond exhaled a quiet laugh, setting his drink down beside him. 
“I don’t think. I know.”
Her lips parted, something thrumming hot under her skin, crawling up her spine. She pushed it away quickly, her eyes lazy and challenging, “yeah right, as if–”
Her lips snapped shut when she felt it, unhurried, his hand curling around her neck. Not tight. Not rough. Just enough to feel it. Just enough to make her breath catch. Her entire body went rigid, heat pooling at the base of her spine, her pulse hammering against the cage of her ribs.
His fingers rested lightly over her throat, long and steady, the faintest pressure applied in a way that was taunting. Testing. Aemond watched her reaction carefully, his gaze dark and focused, thumb resting just below her jaw, brushing over the sensitive skin, feeling the thrum of her heart at her pulse point. She swallowed, and he felt it.
His lips curled slightly. "See?" His voice was low, smug, dangerous. "That's how you'd want it."
Her breath was shallow, a sharp contrast to the cool sea air around them. She willed herself to react, to do something, anything,  but her body wasn’t cooperating.
Aegon groaned loudly, “gods, just fuck already.”
The spell snapped.
Aemond pulled away, slow and deliberate, and she ripped her gaze from him, shaking herself back to reality. "Shut up, Aegon," she muttered, rolling her eyes, though her voice was noticeably weaker.
She glanced around, seeing that most were preoccupied. Thank the gods for vodka. But even as the conversation shifted, as Aegon moved on to some other stupid drunken tangent, her body still felt the ghost of Aemond's touch. Still burned with it.
She stole a glance at him beneath her lashes.
He was still watching her.
By the time they all stumbled back to the villa, buzzed from the alcohol, sunburnt from the day, and far too aware of the tension still crackling between her and Aemond, she knew she was in trouble.
Everyone was dispersing into their rooms, peeling off damp clothes and sand-covered swimsuits, muttering about showers and food. And her shower was swift and much needed, though the lukewarm water stung slightly at the red patch on her shoulder blades. She threw on a long shirt to sleep in to keep the sensitive skin off the sheets.
A soft knock though, froze her. In her gut, she already knew it was him. But it wasn’t gratifying in the least when she opened the door and confirmed she was correct. He leaned against the doorframe, as if he had all the time in the world, still wearing the loose linen button down shirt and shorts, though it was only now she noticed the chain sat at his throat.
She sighed, exasperated, but with a dull, needing ache she didn’t want to admit, “what do you want, Aemond.”
Aemond exhaled a quiet laugh. Then, without waiting for an invitation, he stepped inside, kicking the door closed. She stepped back automatically, breath hitching.
“Tell me to leave,” he murmured, his voice dark and even, like he already knew she wouldn’t.
The words balanced on her lips. But the heat between them was too thick, too heavy, and the ghost of his touch still lingered against her throat.
So she didn’t.
And the second she didn’t tell him to fuck off, she knew she was losing a game before it even started. Aemond crowded her as she backed up, almost casually, but there was nothing at all casual about the way he was looking at her. The way he was closing this distance as if he could predict how it would end. There was intent in every movement.
She echoed herself, “what do you want, Aemond.”
His smirk was expected but still made her stomach flip all the same, “I think we both know the answer to that.”
The air thickened, wrapping around her like smoke, suffocating. She should stop this. She should push him away. She should. But she didn’t. Instead, she stayed perfectly still as Aemond reached for her, tilting her chin up with two fingers.
"Say it," he murmured, and her eyes flickered to his mouth as he uttered the words.
She swallowed, throat dry. “Say what?”
His thumb dragged along her jawline, slow, teasing. "That you want me to touch you."
Her lips parted, a breath escaping. Humiliation and arousal tangled together, tightening in her chest, her stomach, lower.
She hated him. She wanted him.
And that was exactly why she finally whispered.
"Touch me."
His smirk disappeared, the fight leaving him. And then he did.
His lips crashed against hers, swallowing her gasp as his grip tightened around her jaw, backing her against the door. The force of it made her lips part, and Aemond wasted no time in taking advantage of it. He kissed her like he was claiming something, like he’d been waiting for this, waiting for her to give in. His tongue brushed against hers, demanding, teasing, and the moment she kissed him back with the same hunger, his hand wrapped around her throat. 
Not hard enough to cut off air, just enough to remind her that it was there.
A soft, desperate sound escaped her lips before she could stop it.
Aemond smirked against her mouth, pulling back just enough to murmur, "So you do like it."
She glared at him, breathless, dizzy with want. "Shut up."
His fingers tightened, just slightly. Her pulse jumped and she tugged him back to her by his shirt, back to her lips, Aemond groaned, deep and low, before pulling back and flipping her around, her front pressed against the door, his chest flush against her back. Even like this, she could feel him strained against her backside, and it only made her want to push her hips, see how far she could push him too.
His hand slipped up her shirt, on the bare skin of her stomach, and she froze and melted at the same time. She felt him exhale against her neck at the touch, before sliding the tips of his fingers against the waistband of her underwear. 
"Tell me you want it," he murmured against her ear.
Her breath came out shaky and she hated it, “Aemond—”
His fingers slipped lower, teasing, hovering exactly where she needed him. "Tell me," he repeated, dangerously patient.
She clenched her jaw, her body already thrumming. “I want it.”
Aemond’s chuckle was dark and satisfied. "Good girl."
His hand slipped beneath, past the barrier of her underwear, and the moment his fingers met her slick heat, his breath caught. Her lips parted, choking on air it seemed, her eyes slipping shut as he took his time.
"Fuck," he rasped, voice rough, "so fucking wet."
She bit her lip hard to stop herself from making a sound, but then he pressed his fingers against her clit, slow and deliberate, and she shuddered.
“Don’t be shy now,” Aemond murmured, lips grazing her neck, his other hand coming to her jaw to tilt her face towards him.
She nearly whimpered when he circled his fingers against her, slow, teasing, in complete control. The pressure was just enough to drive her insane, but not enough to push her over the edge. And then he did something dangerous. His hand tightened around her throat at the exact moment he slipped a finger inside her.
Her knees buckled.
Her body met him with infuriatingly little resistance, and Aemond seemed to revel in the warmth of her, how tight she seemed around one digit alone. And she just knew he was thinking about something else. How she might feel around him.
He groaned, pulling back just enough to look at her, his eye dark, jaw tight, lips parted like he was barely holding himself together. “You’re fucking perfect," he muttered.
Then, without warning, he added a second finger. She gasped, pressing back against him, his name slipping past her lips in a breathless, wrecked moan.
Aemond grinned, pressing his lips to her shoulder, her neck. "That’s it," he murmured. “Take it.”
Pressed between the door and Aemond was an unfortunate predicament. Unable to move, she could only stand there and take it, his long, deft fingers pressing up into her forcefully and crooking forwards, searching for her sweet spot with an almost obsessive attitude. But equally, so close to the door, to the hallway outside, she had no choice but to press her lips together and be quiet, despite his wish for her not to be.
He wanted people to hear.
She felt the slow, forceful grind of his fingers deep inside her, not thrusting in and out, but pressing, pushing, curling, rubbing against that spot that made her body tremble, made her breath hitch. Aemond moved his fingers in deep, slow circles, stretching her from the inside, coaxing out pleasure with cruel precision. Every shift of his hand sent shockwaves up her spine, her walls gripping around him tight, desperate, needy.
His thumb dragged against her clit, matching the pressure of his fingers inside her, not flicking or teasing, pressing down firmly, rubbing slow, torturous circles.
"Fuck—" the word tore from her throat, raw and uncontrolled, her hips jerking forward into his touch. And at the friction against his aching arousal, he almost whined.
But Aemond hummed, pleased. “Good girl.”
His voice sent heat licking down her spine, pooling low in her stomach. Her head fell back, her body tightening, burning, spiralling toward something devastatingly sharp.
"Aemond—" her voice was wrecked, breathless. He groaned, like hearing her like this did something to him, like it unravelled him, too.
His hand at her throat tightened slightly, tilting her head back as his lips grazed her jaw. “You’re gonna come for me, aren’t you?”
She could only nod, unable to think, unable to do anything but feel. The pleasure coiled tighter, deeper, spreading outward, her thighs trembling around his hand. Her body snapped, shattering apart as waves of pleasure crashed over her, raw and consuming, making her shake in his grasp.
Aemond groaned at the feel of it, his fingers working her through it, slow and deliberate as her walls fluttered around him, her body pulsing, clenching, trembling.
She barely had a second to catch her breath before he was moving. Grabbing her like a sack of potatoes and throwing her on the bed, wrenching her underwear down her legs, and forcefully flipping her over onto her stomach.
And then.
A sharp crack of heat across her backside.
Aemond must have felt her jolt, must have noticed the way her breath hitched, the way her thighs instinctively squeezed together. “Don’t be so surprised,” he mused, positioning her exactly how he wanted. 
He leaned down, lips ghosting over the shell of her ear, his voice dark with satisfaction.
“Girls who are into choking are into much more than that.”
Her stomach twisted, her breath catching both at his words and his manhandling. She glanced back, catching his hands as they worked his shorts open to free himself, rendering her mouth suddenly dry. It was all so quick, she barely got a good look at him. He tugged her hips up slightly, the fat head of his cock parting her sensitive folds and began to push inside, and then she forgot how to think entirely. A wrecked sound escaped her throat, muffled by the sheets, her body already soaked, stretched, ready for him after his ruthless teasing.
He filled her completely, every inch stretching her open, the burn of it making her eyes squeeze shut. Aemond groaned, his hands gripping her hips hard enough to bruise.
“Fuck, still so tight,” he rasped, pulling back before slamming into her again, rough and unforgiving. The force of it sent her forward onto her elbows, her breath punched from her lungs. Starting out in this position, she felt every bit, the way his cock bent inside her, as if sculpting her to the shape of him.
It was filthy. Brutal. Perfect.
His fingers dug into her flesh, his pace relentless, punishing, as if he wanted to ruin her for anyone else. She let out a desperate, breathy moan, her body giving in, taking everything he gave her, arching back into him. And when she did, Aemond let out a low groan, sliding a hand up her back, over every notch of her smooth spine, trailing along the nape of her neck, his fingers tangling into her hair and tugging.
A ragged gasp tore from her throat, her scalp burning in the most intoxicating way. She clenched around him, and he felt it. His grip tightened, pulling her head back just enough to make her spine arch beautifully, her mouth parting in a silent moan.
Aemond groaned at the way her body reacted to him, the way she clenched around his cock like she was trying to keep him buried inside her forever.
“Oh, you really do like that, don’t you?” his voice was low, rough, laced with something dark and possessive, her hair wrapped around his long fingers.
She barely managed to choke out a sound, something between a gasp and a whimper, but it only spurred him on. His grip in her hair didn’t falter as he snapped his hips forward, fucking into her harder, deeper, rough enough to make the headboard slam against the wall. She shook beneath him, unable to do anything but take it, absorb every brutal thrust, every sharp pull of her hair that sent electricity racing down her spine.
“You’re going to come again, aren’t you?” he murmured, his pace never slowing, his thrusts hitting deep, over and over, dragging her closer to that edge.
She could only nod, her fingers clutching desperately at the sheets, at nothing.
She whined as he released her hair, his arm sliding around her waist to pull her up to him, dragging her up onto her knees with her back flush against his chest. Her head lolled back against his shoulder as his hand slid over her stomach, pushing her back onto him with every deep, punishing thrust. 
“Aemond,” she gasped, barely able to form words, her voice breaking.
He groaned at the sound, at the way she tightened around him, pushing his hand lower, rubbing slow, firm circles over her clit.
And that was it.
Her body snapped, pleasure crashing over her in violent, uncontrollable waves, her moans raw and shattered as she came around him, clenching so tight it nearly sent him over the edge too.
“Fuck,” Aemond gritted out, his thrusts turning desperate, chasing his own high as her body milked him.
He buried himself deep, his jaw tight, breath ragged, before he finally let go, groaning her name as he came, spilling inside her, holding her still as he filled her completely.
For a long moment, the room was silent, nothing but the sound of their heavy breathing, the crackling of the sea breeze through the open window. Aemond’s grip eased, his hands sliding down to her waist as he pressed his forehead against her shoulder, his breath still unsteady.
Slowly, he pulled back, completely out of her, his hands sliding down her hips, making her shiver at the loss of him. He pressed a quick, lingering kiss to her shoulder before pushing himself up, reaching for his lowered shorts and pulling them back over his hips.
She lay there on her stomach, face pressed into the pillows, trying to process what the fuck had just happened.
And more than that , what it meant.
But before she could let her thoughts spiral, Aemond flopped onto the bed beside her, stretching his long limbs out, one arm tucked beneath his head.
It was almost too casual, too normal, like they hadn’t just spent the last hour fucking each other senseless. She turned her head, staring at him, trying to read the subtle curve of his lips, the way his gaze flickered to her like he was waiting for her reaction.
Finally, she spoke, voice hoarse from overuse.
“So…what now?”
Aemond let out a low chuckle, reaching up to brush a strand of hair from her face. “That depends. Are you going to keep pretending you hate me?”
“You should be the one pretending to hate me. I was convinced you despised me.”
“Hate you?” He glanced at her, sharp, amused. “I never hated you.”
She blinked, caught off guard. “What?”
“You, though? You’ve been trying very hard to convince yourself that you do.”
Her stomach flipped, and she groaned, grabbing a pillow and smacking his arm with it. “You’re a dick.”
Aemond caught her wrist easily, his grip firm but playful, tugging her just enough to pull her closer. “Careful,” he murmured smugly, “you might make me think you actually like me.”
She rolled her eyes, but there was no real fight behind it.
Lying back down, she stretched, her body already sore, knowing she was going to get it in the neck from the others tomorrow.
“Oh gods, they’re going to be unbearable about this,” she muttered.
Aemond just grinned, clearly unbothered. “That’s tomorrow’s problem.”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”
He gave a lazy shrug, running a hand through his messy silver hair. “A little.”
For a second, Aemond propped up, fishing something out his pocket. 
“What are you–”
Her voice died on her lips the second she saw what laid in his palm. The sun shaped, gold pendant she had seen at Sunspear Market earlier that day stared back. The dark gold glinted against her eyes, and she tentatively reached out to touch it.
Aemond shrugged. But she could see he was trying to play it a little cool, to stay off the embarrassed flush to his cheeks at such a sweet gesture, “I saw you looking at it.”
She hesitated, but she was more shocked. She hadn't honestly expected something so nice, especially from him, as hard to read as he was. Such as right now. He was so composed. As if he hadn't had it in his pocket all day, waiting to give it to her.
“You bought this for me?...”
A silly question in hindsight, but she was too floored to ask anything else. And she didn't even need his reply truthfully.
Still, Aemond smirked, propping up to watch as she ran her finger over the metal, “I did, but…”
She looked up, her heart constricting, “but?...”
Aemond bit back a nervous smile, “you can wear it…if we give this a chance,” he says, vaguely gesturing between them.
Her breath caught. Not because it was unexpected, he had been pushing her in this direction all night, all trip, maybe even longer than that. But hearing him say it so simply, so confidently, so Aemond, sent something warm and unsteady rippling through her chest.
She glanced away for a second, fingers brushing the pendant absentmindedly, before letting out a slow breath. “And what exactly is… ‘this’?” she asked, her voice softer than before.
Aemond tilted his head, “this,” he murmured, “is me saying I don’t want to pretend I don’t want you anymore.”
Gods, he was good with words when he wanted to be.
Her lips parted slightly, but before she could say anything, his expression shifted, turning just a little sharper, a little more amused.
“And also, I’m realising one of my kinks might be you calling me a pretentious asshole.”
Before she could stop herself, she burst out laughing. It was unexpected, light, breaking the thick tension in the air.
“Maybe you are a pretentious asshole,” she managed between giggles.
Aemond hummed, leaning closer to brush his lips against hers, “hm, you keep up, don't you.”
She couldn't stop smiling, her cheeks hurt. And Aemond's fingers brushed her skin, reaching for the chain of the necklace, “let me.”
Lifting her hair, she raised her chin so he could clasp the pendant around her neck, the gold sitting elegantly against her chest. He hummed in appreciation and she swallowed, a shiver running down her spine at the barely-there touch.
“Shall we celebrate.”
She raised a suspicious brow. Celebrate.
A bark of laughter threatened to break out.
“Celebrate how, exactly?”
The dark looks returned to his gaze, and she gasped as he maneuvered atop her, his hand bunching up her shirt around her hips. “With you, wearing nothing but that pretty little necklace I just bought you.”
Her stomach tightened. And her body responded before she did.
And judging by the smug look on Aemond's face. He noticed.
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She woke up sore, in the best way possible.
The sheets were tangled around her legs, her body still buzzing from the night before, and when she shifted slightly, the cool press of gold against her skin reminded her of exactly how they’d celebrated.
Aemond had already left the bed when she woke up, thank the gods, which meant she had enough time to collect herself before inevitably facing the others.
Black bikini, sandals slipped on and she was out straight away, her hair still tousled from how rough Aemond had been with her the night before.
Helaena, Baela, and Rhaena sat sprawled out on their towels, sunglasses perched on their noses, drinks in hand. They looked far too entertained. And they knew. Oh, they fucking knew.
“So…” Baela drawled, adjusting her sunglasses as she turned toward her. “You had an eventful night.”
She rolled her eyes, dropping onto the sand beside them, already regretting coming down here. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Rhaena scoffed, hiding a smirk behind her drink. “Oh, come on.”
Helaena, as dreamy as ever, blinked up at her, tilting her head. “You’re glowing.”
Baela snorted, finally pushing her sunglasses onto her head so she could look at her properly. And then, her gaze zeroed in. She grinned. “Oh my gods, you’re wearing it.”
Her stomach dropped. Shit.
Baela pointed at the gold sun pendant resting delicately against her collarbone, shining in the morning light. “So, Aemond buys you jewellery now?”
She groaned, tipping her head back against the sand. “I’m never going to hear the end of this, am I?”
Rhaena smirked, twirling her straw between her fingers. “Not a chance.”
Helaena giggled, “I knew you didn’t hate each other.”
“Oh, I still hate him.”
Baela barked out a laugh, “so that was a hate fuck, was it?”
Rhaena snorted into her drink, nearly choking on it.
As if completely uninterested, Helaena excused herself, grabbing an empty tupperware as a beetle flew into the reeds by the stairs. Classic Hel.
Rhaena cleared her throat, “so…was it good?”
“I'm not talking about this.”
“Oh, so it was good,” Rhaena mused, eyes twinkling.
“I hate all of you.”
Baela leaned in. “You know what they say. The quiet ones are always the worst.”
Rhaena thoughtfully. “I bet he was really intense about it.”
“Oh, definitely. Control freak. Probably took his time—”
She groaned, “oh my gods, can we please change the subject?”
Helaena returned, beaming, a freshly caught beetle in her tub, “well, if it makes you feel any better, I'm happy for you.”
She peeked up at her through one squinted eye. “I don’t think you’re supposed to be happy about your brother getting laid.”
Helaena simply shrugged, smiling. “You make him less grumpy.”
Her only saving grace was that the guys were too far out in the water to hear any of this. Jace and Aegon were already trying to drown each other, waves crashing around them as they wrestled.
But Aemond stood farther out, water lapping at his waist, arms crossed, watching the spectacle with mild amusement.
She had no doubt Aemond suffered the same treatment this morning. Hounded with questions and easy ribbings. But unlike her, Aemond could silence any incessant question with a pointed glare and a well placed ‘fuck off’. 
As if sensing her eyes on him, he turned, his hair sticking to his face. She watched his gaze drift to the necklace that sat snug at her collarbone, and then back up to her eyes, the faintest smirk on his face.
Maybe the rest of this holiday wouldn't be so bad.
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✨ Please note ✨ I no longer do taglists. If you would updates, please follow @targaryenrealnessdarlingfics and turn on notifications!
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studioeisa · 3 months ago
babe for the weekend ❄️ soonyoung x reader.
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Everybody thought that you and Kwon Soonyoung were a foregone conclusion, but then he had to go and change the ending. Six years after the breakup, he decides to come home for the holidays— and now, you’re stuck between your pride, his dreams, and the road not taken. ‘Tis the damn season, indeed.
୨ৎ pairing: dance studio ceo!soonyoung x lawyer!f!reader. ୨ৎ genre/warnings: hurt/comfort, angst, romance. alternate universe: non-idol. mentions of food, alcohol consumption, swearing/cussing. post-breakup dynamics and quarter-life crises. high school lovers to exes. law terms. spiteful reader. rated T for languages and themes. title and synopsis shamelessly reference taylor swift's t'is the damn season. ୨ৎ word count: 16.6k ୨ৎ footnotes: this is part of @camandemstudios's winter with you collaboration! ´◡` thank you so much for trusting me with soonyoung. also eternally grateful to @shinwonderful and @biniaiahs for beta reading. may revisit this to do edits in the future, but for now, we settle.
in the words of a, i am the 'harbringer of doom and angst.' happy holidays, everyone! + tag list in the comments.
⋆˚ 𝜗𝜚˚⋆ winter with you masterlist ┆ my masterlist ┆ the official babe for the weekend playlist.
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This has to be the universe’s idea of a joke. 
It’s like the time your professor refused to round up your grade in college and you almost got set back a semester. Or that one day at work, where the forecast said it would be sunny— only for you to get caught in a downpour on your way home. 
The universe had to be an aspiring amateur comedian, because why else would Kwon Soonyoung be in front of you right now? 
“What?” Soonyoung chirps. “No ‘hello’ for your favorite ex?” 
Six years. It’s been six years since you last saw each other, and those are the opening words he decides to go with. 
You’re torn between smacking him upside on the head and strangling him. Maybe both, you muse, as you survey the ways he’s changed over time. 
His hair is blonde now. His once-pale skin is a little more tan. And— as much as you loathe to admit it— he looks more fit. You can vaguely make out the muscles straining underneath his casual wear.
Dancer’s build, you begrudgingly concede.
When Soonyoung calls you out in a bid to snap you out of your daydream, you physically flinch. Your name still rolls right off his tongue like honey. You don’t have the right to call me that, a small, bitter voice says in the back of your mind. You don’t have the right to talk to me at all. 
“Hellooo,” he sing-songs, waving one of his palms inches away from your face. “Did you have a stroke or something?” 
That prompts you to speak.
After all that time, your first words to Soonyoung in six years are cold and curt: “Get out.” 
A corner of Soonyoung’s mouth twitches upward. The infuriating bastard. He probably anticipated a reaction like this from you. 
He straightens until he can shove his hands into the pockets of his winter coat. “I don’t see any signs that say I’m not allowed to be here,” he says. “Did I miss it?” 
He makes a whole show of looking around your family’s restaurant. A part of you is grateful that you’re the only one on today’s shift; your parents would’ve undoubtedly had over-the-top reactions to Soonyoung’s sudden reappearance. It’s only through years of conditioning that you’ve learned to keep your reactions under control, even when the world throws you curveballs such as these. 
Your expression is perfectly blank as you dryly note, “There’s a sign out on the front, actually.” 
“Oh? Really?” 
“Yeah. No strays allowed.” 
Soonyoung shakes his head. “Brutal,” he says, but there’s still that hint of a smile on his face.  
If you strained your ears, you might hear the trace of affection in his tone. The thought of it— of Soonyoung holding any sort of fondness for you— makes you want to scream. 
You manage to tamp that urge in favor of jerking your head towards the front door of the restaurant. “Out,” you repeat, your gaze briefly flickering to the CCTV in the corner of the store. 
Your father would probably kill you if he found out you were turning someone away. A supposed family friend, at that. But this wasn’t just a customer, and you weren’t sure if you could still call Soonyoung a friend, and it’s been six years, damn it.
“Is that any way to treat a customer?” Soonyoung goads.
“You’re not a customer.” 
“You haven’t given me the chance to be.” 
“That’s because you’re not welcome here.” 
“It’s pretty bad for business that—” 
That wasn’t going to fly. You weren’t about to take business advice from Kwon Soonyoung of all people. 
One minute, you’re behind the counter with your hands clenched into fists. The next, you’ve closed the space between you and Soonyoung. He falters as you approach, looking almost like he’s holding his breath. 
It’s not a slap that greets him. Most definitely not a hug, either. 
Instead, one of your hands dart out until you’ve got a firm grip on his ear.
Soonyoung is still taller than you, but he folds over at your rough tug. “Ow, ow, ow!” he screeches, his own hands flying out of his pockets in a futile attempt to either push you off or shield himself. 
In his split second of indecision, you manage to haul him back over to the entrance. Because you had been manning the fort, you hadn’t even noticed that it had started to snow. The first of the year. 
You don’t have the time to appreciate it. Your focus is entirely on channeling your energy to shove Soonyoung out of the restaurant. He stumbles out on the sidewalk where he rubs his offended ear with a scandalized expression on his face.
A lesser man might have snapped back, might have demanded an explanation for being manhandled so shamelessly. To your sheer annoyance, Soonyoung only laughs. 
It’s a full-bodied sound, one that practically bounces off the street. He laughs, and he laughs, and he laughs, clutching at his stomach like this is the funniest thing in the world. 
Remember how, earlier, you thought you might scream? Now, you truly almost do. Because the years have passed— but Soonyoung still laughs exactly the same. 
You don’t stick around to find out if you do end up yelling. Instead, you march right back into the restaurant with your chin jut up in a show of confidence. You can hear him trying to choke out words between his laughing fit, something akin to, “Hey, wait—,” but you’re not about to hear him out. 
Not today, not ever. 
It’s the most satisfying feeling in the world, getting to slam the door in his face. 
“Why did you come home?” 
“I got hungry.”
“ — tried to give me business advice! Me, business advice!” 
You punctuate your exclamation with a slap to your office table. Jihoon and Wonwoo are a little too familiar with your fits of passion to be surprised; Wonwoo barely looks up from his round of Block Blast, while Jihoon only shakes his head. 
“Sounds like something he would do,” Jihoon offers empathetically.
You lean back into your chair, your expression contorted into one of utter frustration. The three of you rarely meet in your office, but you had called a DEFCON 1 situation in light of recent events. Jihoon and Wonwoo lounged leisurely in front of you as you ranted your heart away for the past thirty or so minutes. 
“Who does he think he is?” you seethe. “Showing up here unannounced!” 
Wonwoo pipes up. “It wasn’t unannounced.”
Jihoon silences Wonwoo with a warning glare. You can only glance between the two boys before Jihoon heaves out a sigh and admits, “We knew that he was coming back to visit.” 
The look of betrayal on your face must be clear as day, because Wonwoo guiltily pauses his game to flash you a sheepish grin. “We met up with him— yesterday, was it?” 
Yesterday. “And you didn’t tell me?!” Your voice is a little shrill and a whole lot incredulous.
Ever the pragmatic one, Jihoon quips, “You’ve always said that you want nothing to do with him. I presumed that involved knowing whether or not he was coming home.”
Damn it. Jihoon got you there. 
You’re not sure what you would’ve even done, really, if you’d been given a heads up. Would you have boarded up the doors to your home? Would you have sought him out yourself in a prideful bid to maintain some twisted sort of upper hand? 
You’re still mulling it over when Wonwoo delicately says, “Look at the bright side. You probably won’t run into him again.”
Jihoon attempts to distract you by getting you to talk about your most recent client— a stubborn chicken shop significantly behind on mortgage payments. You give in, if only because you want so very badly to believe in Wonwoo’s words. 
You should’ve known better, really, because of course your friends would lie to you. 
That’s the only thought on your mind as you keep your eyes firmly ahead and away from the smirking blonde in your peripheral vision. Already, you’re contemplating the bodily harm you’ll cause Jihoon and Wonwoo for leaving out this vital piece of information. 
But you can’t be wrathful. Not in front of the kids. 
The gaggle of twenty-something elementary students sit cross-legged on the floor, their gazes all trained on the newcomer. They’re whispering excitedly among themselves, so much so that Teacher Kang has to clap more than thrice to recapture their attention. 
“Now, everyone,” Teacher Kang announces. “Do you remember what I said about having a very special guest for today?” 
A high-pitched chorus of “Yes, Teacher Kang,” resounds throughout the auditorium. 
“Very good. Can we please give a warm welcome to Teacher Kang’s friend, Soonyoung?” 
Soonyoung makes his way to the front of the gaggle with an easy grin and a relaxed gait, like he belongs here. And maybe a part of him does. This was his turf once, too. 
“‘Soonyoung’ is a bit long, isn’t it?” he says, speaking to both Teacher Kang and the kids in front of them. It’s a small grace that he isn’t calling you out just yet, though you wouldn’t put him past it. 
“Everybody!” Soonyoung proclaims. There’s a bit of a flourish in how he moves, how he looks down at the awe-stricken kids with a bright, wide smile. He puts up one hand to his face and bends his fingers in an imitation of a paw. “You can call me Hoshi!”
The kids echo it back to him— “Teacher Hoshi!” “Hello, Mr. Hoshi!” “What’s a Hoshi?”— while Teacher Kang only smiles fondly. For your part, you keep your expression perfectly controlled, even though you’re telepathically trying to get Soonyoung to combust. 
It’s one thing for him to waltz back into your life like it’s nothing. It’s another thing for him to come around and introduce himself with the pet name you used to have for him. 
Suddenly, you’re teenagers again, visiting the zoo on a field trip. The two of you had tried so hard to hide from your chaperones that you were holding hands in the pockets of your winter coats. In hindsight, it had been the most obvious thing in the world. 
Soonyoung had excitedly pointed out the Bengal tigers lounging in their enclosure, and you joked about how similar he looked to them. 호랑이의 시선. Horangi-ui siseon, the tiger’s gaze. 
Soon after, you took to calling him Hoshi when he was on stage, when the two of you were arguing over something petty, when you wanted to be affectionate. Hoshi, let’s get ice cream today. Hoshi, take me to the library. Hoshi, I love you!
Something that was once yours alone was now everybody else’s, too. It bothers you more than you care to admit. 
You’re so caught up in reminiscing that you almost miss Teacher Kang saying, “Soonyoung— er, Hoshi— is going to help us with the Christmas showcase. He’s a very popular dancer in Seoul, so we’re happy to have him here.” 
The betrayal that rises up within you is sharp albeit short-lived. Teacher Kang didn’t owe you a warning the same way that, say, Jihoon or Wonwoo might’ve. But still. Any indication at all would have been nice. 
One of the younger students— an absolute sweetheart by the name of Iseul— tugs at your pant leg. You lean down so she can cup her little hand over your ear. 
“Do you know Mr. Hoshi?” she whispers conspiratorially. 
How fitting, for a five-year-old to pose the million-won question. It’s a loaded gun of a query even though there’s technically no right or wrong answer. 
Of course you knew ‘Mr. Hoshi’. Your mothers were best friends. The two of you were in the same classes. You dated him throughout high school. You knew him well, like the back of your hand. 
That was before he got up and left without so much of a glance over his shoulder, though. 
You give Iseul a tight-lipped smile. “I knew him once,” you answer. It’s not quite the truth, but it will have to do for now. 
“Why did you come home?” 
“Took a wrong turn and ended up here.” 
“Are you going to ignore me the whole time, or…?” 
You answer Soonyoung’s prodding by ignoring him. 
The past week has been largely uneventful, sans Soonyoung’s occasional effort to poke his nose into your business. He at least had the decency to not show up at your family’s restaurant again, and whether or not he knows of your office is yet to be seen. 
Your interactions with him have been largely limited to the one-hour a day that you’ve dedicated to Yangjeong Elementary School. 
Yangjeong was yet another thing that the two of you shared. You were once a pig-tailed menace who outran all the boys on the playground, and Soonyoung was your snot-nosed partner-in-crime. 
Planning Yangjeong’s Christmas showcase has been your yearly commitment for as long as you can remember. Even when you were off at college, you had made it a point to set aside time for it. Volunteers have come and gone throughout the past, though this year’s volunteer was undeniably one of the more annoying ones. 
“You’re going to have to talk to me eventually, you know.” Soonyoung practically flops himself onto the desk in front of you, the sudden weight of him making the table creak. As you turn your face away, you catch sight of the pout beginning to form on his lips. 
You almost snipe at him, something along the lines of stop that or grow up or that doesn’t work on me anymore. You hold your tongue, in favor of wordlessly getting up to move to a different chair.
Soonyoung is right. You will have to talk to him soon enough.
But as you sit as far away from him as possible, readying yourself for the day ahead, you can at least decide that today will not be that day. 
Preparations for the showcase involve discussing the program with the teachers and readying the students for their performances. It’s never anything spectacular— just your run-of-the-mill rotation of tone-deaf singing and middling dances— but the town’s overzealous parents are always more than happy to indulge the show. 
Today, you and Soonyoung are set to meet with Teacher Kang to discuss the showcase’s overarching theme. 
The sixty-something-year-old woman had been your teacher as well, and so it’s understandable why she’s eyeing the pair of you with poorly concealed amusement. There’s a palpable tension between you and Soonyoung, though a significant majority of the awkwardness is likely from your end. 
“Have the two of you not kept in touch?” Teacher Kang asks as she sets down two mugs— coffee for you, hot chocolate for Soonyoung. 
“No,” the two of you say simultaneously. 
Soonyoung steals an all-too obvious glance. You keep your eyes on the coffee in front of you. 
Teacher Kang— bless her heart— decides not to push it. She settles in her own seat, her hands wrapped around a cup of tea. 
“The principal wants all the kids to do a number. Nothing too flashy, but something that will give everyone a chance to be on stage.” The elderly teacher sips at her drink before going on. “That’s why I called you in, Soonyoung.” 
“I’m the reinforcements,” he jokes. 
Teacher Kang gives a short laugh in response. “Something like that.” 
She turns to you, then, with that same motherly simper that you’ve never been able to say ‘no’ to. You wonder if she’s doing this on purpose— pulling all the stops to get you to agree to what she’s going to say next. 
“I know your hands are going to be full with the program and the staffing,” she starts. “But you’ll work with Soonyoung, won’t you?” 
What kind of person would you be if you said ‘no’? If you threw a fit and demanded for Soonyoung to be thrown out?
“Of course,” you say, the word gritted out through your teeth. 
At your side, Soonyoung lets out a loud cough to disguise his grumble of ‘bullshit’. You fight the urge to kick him in the shins.
The beguiling expression on Teacher Kang’s face is merciless. At this point, she’s no longer hiding the way that she’s watching you and Soonyoung’s heatless bickering. And when she comments on it, when she says “You two haven’t changed,” you almost walk out then and there. 
I’ve changed, you want to insist. He’s changed. We’re both changed; we had to.
Otherwise, it wouldn’t have been worth it. The breakup, the distance, all of it. 
Soonyoung recovers before you do. 
“Ah, before I forget!” He digs for something in his pants pocket, which he eventually holds out for Teacher Kang. “You asked me for this, the last time we saw each other.” 
Despite yourself, you can’t help but try and crane your neck to catch sight of what had been handed over. Soonyoung catches the small shift and huffs out a laugh. 
“You could just ask, you know,” he says, reaching back into his pocket. 
Your protest of “I don’t—” is cut off by him shoving the same thing in your hand. Your fingers close around the calling card bearing the illustration of a tiger and a string of unfamiliar numbers. 
Hoshi, A.K.A Kwon Soonyoung, it also says. Chief Executive Officer, Eye of the Tiger Dance Studio. B1, 47, Dogok-ro 27-Gil, Gangnam-Gu, Seoul. 
“So you know where to find me,” he says with the world’s most obnoxious smirk. 
“Why did you come home?” 
“I forgot something.” 
“From six years ago?” 
“From six years ago.” 
Everybody thought that you and Soonyoung were a foregone conclusion. 
It had been your stereotypical small town romance. You were kids together and then you were teenagers together. Some might have blamed it on forced proximity, but you like to think that the attraction and affection was real. That it wasn’t a matter of not having any other choice. 
You had chosen Soonyoung happily. He had chosen you right back.
After an awkward dance of ‘will-they-won’t-they,’ the two of you started dating in your freshman year of high school. It was the type of thing that had everybody— your respective families, your mutual friends— breathing a sigh of relief. Something akin to finally. 
For nearly four years, Soonyoung was it for you. 
He was the one walking you home, the one you messed around with behind the library building. The two of you shared nearly every first that mattered. Every first that a high schooler could afford, anyway. 
First date.
First kiss. 
And, so it goes— first heartbreak.
Soonyoung had worn his heart on his sleeve; it was abundantly clear to everyone what he cared about. Two things in particular defined him: You, and dancing.
If you really tried, you can still remember the first time that Soonyoung had choreographed a dance himself. He had been young, scrappy, hungry— all the qualities that made it possible for him to tear up the stage and leave the rest of you in awe. 
He went on to be president of your school’s modern dance club. He went on to compete, both in groups and by himself, and win. 
You picked up on it, too, if only to indulge him. The two of you had your fair share of semi-viral dance covers and podium finishes at local contests. It was yet another testament to your partnership, to what everyone presumed would spell out endgame. 
Except you only loved to dance, while Soonyoung lived for it. 
“Come with me,” he had invited you the night before your high school graduation. 
The two of you were supposed to be in bed, but your phone buzzed underneath your pillow and you couldn’t resist one last act of rebellion. You climbed out your window and met up with Soonyoung at your typical halfway point— the derelict playground the two of you have long since grown out of. 
“To where?” you asked, your sandaled feet dragging through the sand beneath the swing. Uncharacteristically, Soonyoung hadn’t kicked off at all, instead opting to remain still. 
His fingers had been tightly clenched around the rusting chain of the dated swing. You remember that much. In hindsight, he looked nervous. 
There is a timeline where he might have proposed to you that night, might have asked for an early hand in marriage, with how on edge he was acting. 
But, instead, you had prompted, “Have you finally decided on a uni?”
A beat. 
His voice— soft and vulnerable— broke the silence of the February evening. “I’m not going to uni.” 
You should have stopped swinging, then. Should have ground to a halt and grabbed Soonyoung by the shoulders. Should have called him crazy, insane.
Maybe you should have asked him to reconsider. That might have changed things. 
Except you only kept on pushing. Back, forth. Back, forth. Like this was just a normal conversation and not a relationship-defining, life-altering moment for the two of you.
“I’m going to Seoul,” he elaborated, desperate to fill your silence. “I’m going to try and be a dancer. You— you could, too.” 
Your answer was immediate. “I’m not as good as you.” 
“You are,” he argued. A muscle in his jaw jumped, then. You’d known him for long enough to recognize his little tells and ticks, and that had been one of them. An indicator of a lie. 
“I’m not.” You kept swinging, kept your face angled away from your boyfriend who was slipping through your fingers. “I’m going to uni, Soonyoung.” 
“But what?” 
You’ll never admit this, but you had been cruel back then. You know that now.
There are things you would have done differently. You wouldn’t have snapped. You would have looked at him. 
You were young, though, and angry. Your heart had been shattering in your chest and the only thing you could do was go back and forth on that creaking swing as Soonyoung tried to get through to you. 
It hadn’t been that much of a surprise. Soonyoung’s general disinterest in college applications— and his constant rumblings about city life— had given you some idea of what his plans might be. 
You just thought you would be more involved in it. That you wouldn’t be simply handed the decision, as if it were something you would have to accept.
Young, angry, and selfish to boot. 
“Nothing.” Soonyoung eventually said. His words sounded like a concession, like some form of twisted acceptance. “You’ll go to uni.” 
“And you’ll go to Seoul.”
In your peripheral vision, you had seen Soonyoung tilt his head away as if trying to hide his face from you. Six years is a long time ago. You can’t tell if he had cried, or maybe you’ve chosen to erase that from your memory. 
“I’ll go,” Soonyoung repeated, an edge of defeat in his tone. 
You swung, and swung, and swung, like it was the only thing keeping you tethered. 
Back, forth. Back, forth. 
The quiet had stretched, giving you a chance, an opportunity. To convince him otherwise. To change your own mind. 
“And I’ll stay,” you had responded. 
That’s the thing about endings: They’re susceptible to change. 
The first civil words you utter to Soonyoung are “Yeah, I think the kids will enjoy Santa Claus Is Coming to Town.” 
He’d been spewing out prospects for the showcase’s group dance, though each idea had to be delicately shot down by Teacher Kang. Jingle Bell Rock? Performed three years ago. Baby, It’s Cold Outside? Perhaps not the most appropriate for children. 
You can see from a mile away, the signs of Soonyoung’s growing frustration— the downturn of his lips, the furrow of his brows. When he recommends the Maria Carey classic, you throw him a bone. Just to try and wipe that look off his face.
You immediately regret your kindness, because Soonyoung’s head whips around and he looks at you with the most disbelieving, wide-eyed expression. You return the overreaction with a half-hearted glare. 
“What?” you ask defensively. 
“It’s—” He pauses, his eyes flicking to Teacher Kang. “Nothing, nothing.” 
His jaw ticks. All that time apart and he’s still never learned how to get better at lying. 
You don’t have to poke and prod to know what’s coming. Once your little meeting draws to a close— Teacher Kang eventually agreeing with Santa Claus Is Coming to Town— Soonyoung makes a beeline for your side, his excitement barely concealed. 
“Is the world ending?” he asks you.
You attempt to shoulder past him, but he only follows you out of the classroom, sticking to your side. “You said we would have to talk eventually,” you point out. “Here’s your ‘eventually’. Don’t be too happy about it.” 
“But I am happy about it,” he responds, his tone almost like that of a whining puppy. “Not too much. Just an appropriate amount.” 
So help me, God. 
You keep your gaze ahead as you walk out of the school. Soonyoung matches your pace, humming underneath his breath. You better watch out, you better not cry. You better not pout, I’m tellin’ you why. 
Once the two of you are out the front doors of the school, you’re greeted to a light dusting of snow on Namyangju’s sidewalks. 
“So,” Soonyoung says casually as you pull out your phone to check the weather for the rest of the day. “You don’t work full-time at your parents’ restaurant, do you?” 
Involuntarily, a derisive snort of laughter escapes you. “Small talk? Really?” 
There’s a boyish grin on Soonyoung’s face. “Gotta take advantage of you being chatty,” he shoots back, which only prompts you to shake your head. 
You could ignore him, like you always have. You probably should. That had always been Soonyoung’s style. 
Give him an inch and he’ll take a mile. 
And yet—
“No,” you grumble, your eyes still absentmindedly scanning your weather app. “I only work at the restaurant part-time.” 
“The rest of the time?” 
“I didn’t realize this was going to be a talk show.” 
“Haven’t you heard? I’m primetime’s most charming host—” 
“Law. I work at a law firm.”
The answer is ripped from you in a bid to avoid Soonyoung’s theatrics, and you find yourself blinking with mild surprise, like you hadn’t prepared to divulge the detail at all. Soonyoung notices, and his lips curl in a smug smirk. 
“I know,” he says simply. “Jihoon told me.” 
You make a mental note to berate your mutual friend as you exasperatedly say, “Why did you ask, then?” 
“Because I wanted to hear it from you.” 
Soonyoung lets his words hang, linger, before he goes on. It’s just four words, what he utters next, but it still threatens to tilt your world on its axis. 
“I’m proud of you,” he says, like it’s the most natural thing in the world. 
You’ve heard your fair share of the platitude throughout the years. From Jihoon and Wonwoo, when you first got into law school. From your parents, when you passed the bar exam. From Teacher Kang, every December, when the Christmas showcase is pulled off. 
This is something entirely different. This has you shoving your phone back into your bag, just to hide the way your hand had begun to twitch at the words. 
“You can’t say stuff like that to your ex,” you snap. 
Soonyoung’s answer comes without a moment’s hesitation. “Why? Being exes doesn’t take away the fact that I’m proud of you.” 
Too much, too much, too much. It’s too much for your pride, your emotions, your heart. You wish you could take this for what it is— a compliment, some kindness— but the history goes deep, and the words feel like a scab being picked. 
You do what you do best. You turn on your heel and begin to walk away. 
Thankfully, Soonyoung doesn’t follow you. But he’s nothing if not vexatious, so he squeezes in a sing-song cry of “Byeee, attorney!” as you leave. 
You quicken your pace just a little bit more. 
Jihoon has the tendency to look like a kicked puppy when he’s being told off. 
He doesn’t pout, no, but the expression on his face is a close thing as you give him grief over telling Soonyoung about you. Wonwoo, stuck in the middle as per usual, only calmly cuts into his lunch. 
“Why did you have to tell Soonyoung about my work, huh?” you demand as you slice a little too forcefully into your bulgogi. “Giving him free ammunition or something?” 
Jihoon finally gets a word in edgewise. “It’s because he asks about you,” he deadpans. 
The thought of it is so insane that you bark out a laugh. The retort— bullshit!— is right on the tip of your tongue, but it dies out when Wonwoo bobs his head up and down.
Wonwoo has always been the less likely of the two to lie to you. You’re still a bit baffled even as the bespectacled man confirms, “Yeah. He asks me, too.” 
“Asks what?” 
“How you’re doing.” Wonwoo is so nonchalant about the whole affair that you’re tempted to call him out, too, but the lack of teasing in his tone gives you some sense of where his head is at. “What you’re up to. Stuff like that.” 
Kwon Soonyoung has kept tabs on you. 
In the years that you’ve tried to bury the memory of your friendship, of your relationship, Kwon Soonyoung has kept tabs. 
“He—” You clear your throat when your voice comes out a little more high-pitched than usual. If Jihoon and Wonwoo notice, they mercifully don’t call you out. 
You manage, “He could have just reached out to me.”
Jihoon, who had taken advantage of the reprieve to shovel some spoonfuls of rice into his mouth, swallows hard before speaking. 
“Would you have answered?” he inquires, one eyebrow arched upward. 
The truth— rarely plain, never simple— lies in a single, two-lettered word. No. No, you probably wouldn’t have answered. And even though you want to defend yourself, to claim otherwise, both Jihoon and Wonwoo would only do what you had wanted to do earlier. Call bullshit. 
You let out a groan of defeat, slumping forward until your forehead has planted on the table in front of you.
“No further questions, Your Honor,” Wonwoo chirps, and though you can’t see him, you can already imagine the smirk that he’s sporting. 
“Why did you come home?” 
“I thought there would be a high school reunion. I think I got the date wrong.” 
The abundance of existing routines for Santa Claus Is Coming to Town makes it somewhat easier for you and Soonyoung to dumb it down for the kids. 
You spend the next week keeping the students in line as Soonyoung teaches them how to shimmy, how to slide, how to do jazz hands. Every so often, you catch him at a loss— like when one of the younger boys tries to eat a crayon, or when the kids go into a scream-filled debate about the existence of Santa Claus. 
These are things you’re used to. These are things you can handle. 
Taking the crayons away or assuring the kids that Santa Claus is real is far, far easier than being in forced proximity with the one that got away. You’re reminded of that, now, as Soonyoung taps out for a breather and you sub in to go over the routine with the kids once more. 
They’re more prone to listening to you, and so you easily get one run of the song down without a hitch. In the years that you’ve voluntarily choreographed for the showcase, you’ve never thought too much about the technicalities of your skill. You danced well enough to teach, to pull off a decent, child-appropriate routine. That had been enough. 
But with the scrutinizing eyes of dance studio CEO ‘Hoshi’ following your every move, you feel that simmer of competitiveness in your stomach. 
After three more runs of the number with the children, you let them go. As you go to catch your breath over one of the auditorium’s bleachers, you’re surprised by a hand holding out a Cool Blue Raspberry Gatorade. 
“Is this still your poison?” Soonyoung asks with a hint of amusement as he settles into the space next to you. 
You don’t answer. Briefly, your mind goes to those days— the salsa competitions, the random play dance events. How Soonyoung’s backpack always had his Game Boy Color, a change of clothes, and a blue Gatorade. The last one, always for you. 
You uncork the drink, tilt your head back, and take a long swig. It’s as close to a confirmation that you’re going to give him. 
The two of you sit in silence as the children begin to file out of the auditorium. Once the only two of you are left, Soonyoung speaks up, the words far too quiet in the otherwise empty room. 
“You really are good, you know.” 
It takes you a beat too long to realize that he’s talking about your dancing. If the two of you were on better terms, you might have teased him about that night on the playground, many years ago, when he had fibbed about you being as good of a dancer as he is.
As it is, you can only respond with an equally soft, “Thanks.”
Being the bigger person lasts for all of fifty seconds, though, because Soonyoung’s next words prickle. 
“Could’ve been much bigger.” 
“Excuse me?”
He freezes, an oh shit type of expression crossing his face. Even so, he doubles down. “I'm just saying,” he starts, his tone growing slightly more defensive. “You could have done much more—” 
Your words are cold as your fingers close tighter around the half-empty bottle of Gatorade. “Am I not doing much where I am right now?” 
“You’re twisting my words,” he shoots back.
“Those are exactly your words,” you fume. 
It’s an old wound, one that Soonyoung poked with something sharp the second he returned home and made his presence known. You’ve done everything you can to ignore it, to keep the ache and the bitterness at bay, but you can’t help the way that it rises in your throat like bile. Something acidic, and foul, and unwelcome. 
You get to your feet, leaving the offered Gatorade on the bleacher. “Sorry not all of us moved to the city and had a big break, Kwon,” you say as you begin to gather your things.
“Jesus Christ.” Soonyoung’s cuss is punctuated with a laugh, but it’s not like any of the laughs you’re used to from him. The sound is annoyed, pained. Almost hurt, even, though you try not to dwell on that. 
Your relationship, your breakup, is an old wound that hasn’t completely healed. It’s been on the edge of festering ever since you lost contact with him. 
And, now, as you leave him stewing in his emotions, you figure that it’s only going to fester some more. 
Back then, the two of you had dubbed each other The Great Pretenders. 
Dating in high school required a certain level of delicadeza. While your relationship was largely accepted and acknowledged, there were still a number of things you had to hide from your families and friends. Tear-stained faces after petty arguments. Hickies under the collars of your school uniforms. 
It’s been years, but The Great Pretenders makes a reappearance when the pair of you have to face Teacher Kang the next day.
It goes unspoken that whatever the hell is going on between you two shouldn’t affect the showcase, shouldn’t be obvious to anyone that matters. And so the two of you update her on the kids’ progress, and sip the warm drinks that she offers, without any indication of having had a spat. 
The check-in winds to a close after a couple of polite exchanges. Teacher Kang seems pleased with preparations so far, though she looks even more happy about you and Soonyoung’s perceived civility, which damn near bowls you over. 
“By the way, Soonyoung,” Teacher Kang says conversationally as the three of you pack up for the afternoon. “How’s the studio?” 
“All good.” He pauses, like he realized he hadn’t given that sufficient of an answer. “We’re usually busy around this time of year, but I have one of my staff keeping watch while I’m here. I plan to head back once the holiday season is over.” 
You should’ve seen it coming, but something beneath your rib cage still twinges at the thought. You ignore the feeling in favor of shouldering your backpack. 
“You shouldn’t wait so long before coming back again,” Teacher Kang half-jokes.
Soonyoung’s chuckle— a dry, unconvincing huff of ha-ha— is chased with the cool delivery of “I’ll try to make it a more regular thing.”
In the corner of your eye, you catch what Teacher Kang misses. The most imperceptible tick in Soonyoung’s jaw. 
Liar, you think. Liar, liar, liar. 
You and Soonyoung had mastered the art of pretending, sure, but you could never quite get away from each other. 
“Why did you come home?” 
“I’d forgotten the sound of my mother’s voice.” 
The snow returns with a vengeance. 
It’s that time of winter where the streets are blanketed with white, where the sleet and rain makes conditions horrendous. You have no choice but to soldier through the soft hail as you make your way to the school, which you’re committed to reach come rain or shine.
Except when you get to the front doors, you’re greeted by a bemused-looking Soonyoung. 
You pat down your snow-clad clothes as you look him up and down. “Where are you going?” 
He answers your question with one of his own. “Haven’t you heard?” He holds up his phone. “Practice is cancelled today. Everybody’s snowed in.” 
You were rarely the type to walk and text, so your phone has been sitting pretty in your pocket this whole time. When you go to check it, you find messages from Teacher Kang. Canceling showcase preparations in lieu of the weather. Stay safe and dry. 
“I just found out myself,” Soonyoung says delicately. 
Ah. That explained why he was the only other person around. 
Disgruntled, you glance at your surroundings. There’s barely anyone present, and the snow is only seeming to fall heavier with each passing minute. You’d be lucky to get a cab at this rate—
“Or I could just drive you.” 
You jump a bit. At what point had you started saying that last thought out loud? 
“That’s not necessary,” you start to say, but Soonyoung is already fishing for his car keys in his jacket pocket. 
“I know you hate my ass,” he responds bluntly. “But that hatred isn’t worth freezing to death over, no?” 
His face is turned away from you, so there’s no way for you to tell what expression he’s sporting. It’s a small grace. Even though you dread the thought of being stuck in a small space with nothing but your thoughts and an old ghost to keep your company, you do hate the prospect of hypothermia even more. 
That’s how you end up in the passenger seat of Soonyoung’s beat-up Hyundai Pony, which stutters and bucks every time he has to take a turn. It’s the very same car that you both learned to drive in, though it’s looking significantly worse for wear. 
While nostalgia has proven to be a bitch, you can’t resist the jab on the tip of your tongue. “Jesus,” you breathe, your fingers tightening around your seatbelt as Soonyoung barely makes a corner. “I can’t believe this thing’s still alive.” 
“That makes two of us,” he quips with a grimace. 
Once the car miraculously makes its way past a snowed-out road, Soonyoung notes, “Remember when my dad first taught us how to get through rain?”
The memory brings the flicker of a smile to your face. “You were so scared you might run a squirrel over,” you say. 
“You swore up and down that you’d never drive on a wet road,” Soonyoung shoots back.  
“I still don’t,” you respond, glancing out the window for the lack of a better thing to look at. “I ask my dad to drive whenever it’s raining.” 
Soonyoung’s next words make you pause. “Your dad hated me,” he huffs. 
You let out a snort of laughter. “That’s not true. He really liked you.” 
“He always left the room whenever I came in,” Soonyoung argues. 
“He wanted to give us privacy.” You can’t help the sigh that slides past your lips, the sound edged with annoyance. “Really, you’ve got to stop blaming other people for why we didn’t work out.”
The words hang heavy in the din of the car. You wonder, for a second, if you’d been too callous, but there’s something like a rueful smile that tugs at Soonyoung’s face. 
“Sorry. Coping mechanism,” he responds, and you don’t push any further. 
An awkward couple of moments follow. Unfortunately for you, Soonyoung has never learned the art of tact— always pushing it just a little bit, right to the point where the tension is drawn like a rubber band. 
“You know, my mom has been asking about you,” Soonyoung says conversationally as he turns into your neighborhood. “Says I should invite you over for lunch.” 
Your grasp on the seatbelt is white-knuckled. It wasn’t like you were actively avoiding the Kwons; you were perfectly polite when you saw them in public, when you ran into them in the supermarket or at church. But it’s been years since you last stepped foot in their house, and for obvious reasons, too. 
“I’m not ready for that,” you answer tersely. 
Soonyoung is either oblivious to your agitation or ignorant of it. Regardless of which, he goes on, “I said the same thing. I guess she still thinks—” 
“Let’s not go there.” Your tone is just cutting enough to give Soonyoung pause, to have him stammer to a halt as he pulls to a stop in front of your house. “I’m hot having this conversation with you, Soonyoung.” 
He doesn’t apologize, though he does back down. “Right,” he mumbles as he parks. “Right.” 
You unbuckle your seatbelt, careful to keep your gaze trained away from Soonyoung. “Thanks for the ride.”
Soonyoung is graciously quiet as you step out of his car, though that lasts for all of ten seconds— just enough for you to almost close the door on him— when he speaks up. 
“Hey. For the record,” he starts, leaning over the center console to get in the last word. “I don’t blame anyone else for our breakup. I know whose fault it is.” 
You raise an eyebrow. He throws you an infuriating grin before reaching over to pull the door close himself. 
Soonyoung peels away, once again leaving you with more questions than answers. 
“Why did you come home?” 
“It’s cold in the city, during the winter.” 
You and Soonyoung find yourselves doubling your efforts as the date of the showcase looms.
You spend more of your time with Teacher Kang. You extend a little more patience to the kids. You dance— dance the routines, dance with Soonyoung, dance around the truth. 
But when the elephant in the room is as big as it is, ignorance is not an option. And Soonyoung never did learn how to keep his mouth shut. 
It’s late in the evening, the two of you having pulled extra hours to work on decor. You’d felt like it was going a little too well with the way that the two of you were uncharacteristically cordial throughout the afternoon. But of course that was too good to be true, because just as you were packing up for the night, Soonyoung had to go and say— 
“Are you happy here?” 
You freeze midway into packing away the multi-colored, Christmas tree-shaped banners. That familiar flash of frustration, that inkling that he’s looking down on you, rises up again. 
“Why wouldn’t I be?” you say, and he’s immediately prickly. 
“It’s nothing.” He shoves some of the props behind the stage, hasty in his pursuit to end the conversation as fast as possible. “Forget I said anything.” 
“Come on,” you bristle. All the while, you’re also putting things back in place— your movements just a little more forceful than necessary. “Spit it out. You started it.” 
“I was just asking.” 
“You’re never ‘just asking’. Go on, say it.” 
The two of you are glaring at each other, now, your face red and Soonyoung’s fists balled at his side. When you speak, it’s with a tone that could cut through ice. 
“Just because I chose to stay,” you say. “It doesn’t mean my dreams are smaller than yours.” 
Soonyoung looks dumbstruck. His voice is impossibly tight; his words, reverberating in the otherwise empty hall. 
“I wasn’t going to say your dreams are small. It’s just… We—” He backtracks, like the pronoun had been a scalding slip of the tongue. “You could’ve sold out auditoriums.” 
Your answer is immediate, if not a little strained. 
“A sold out auditorium doesn’t matter if the one person you want isn’t at the recital,” you say. “Some people find happiness right where they are, and this is mine.” 
And that’s always been the crux of it, hasn’t it? Soonyoung has tried to make a name for himself in cities, in rooms full of people cheering his name. His definition of success was only achievable in quantity, in scale. Yours was different, and he could never really quite accept that. 
There’s a moment where Soonyoung doesn’t say anything, just looks at you with a pinched expression on his face. He opens his mouth like he might say something— 
“Oi! You two!”
You and Soonyoung jump, the tension that had been simmering between you two disappearing at the interruption. The school’s ancient janitor lingers by the door, squinting at you two. 
“Whaddya think yer still doin’ here?” the old man croaks, wielding his broom in a fashion that still makes you recoil. “It’s past curfew! Geddout!” 
Never mind the fact you and Soonyoung were now in your late twenties and long out of high school. The two of you still cower and meekly mumble, “Sorry, Mr. Cho.” 
It’s snowing again when the two of you step out. Soonyoung’s face is set in stone as he mumbles, “Get in my car.” 
Right. Like that was going to happen. 
With a wordless huff, you begin to march in the opposite direction to him. “Hey,” he calls out. “Where are you going?” 
“In this— hey, it’s snowing!”
“That’s what happens during the winter!” 
You’d be a little more conscious about having a screaming match in the streets if it wasn’t nearly midnight. Something about the incessant snowfall and the cloak of darkness gives you just a little more courage to speak your mind, to toe that line that the two of you have so haphazardly drawn. 
Soonyoung marches after you, his own misgivings about the weather momentarily forgotten. He’s raring to fight, and it shows in the way he stomps through the snow like an overgrown child. 
“So that’s it, then?” he hollers from a couple of paces behind you. “You’re just going to stay here for the rest of your life, playing it safe? Work at the family restaurant because of filial piety? Marry— I don’t fucking know— guy-next-door Joshua Hong, and have babies, and—” 
“What is your problem?!” you snap, rounding on Soonyoung. He skids to a halt, stopping himself from completely barreling into you. “Why are you acting like you know me?” 
“Because I do!” His voice cracks on the last word. “I know you!”
“No, you don’t.” 
“I know you very well.” 
“From what? Jihoon and Wonwoo’s stories?” There’s a muscle straining in your neck from the way you’ve raised your voice, but you can’t find it in yourself to back down. “Think that’s enough to fill a six-year gap?” 
That seems to get Soonyoung. “You never reached out to me! Not once!” he seethes. 
“Well, neither did you!”
“I didn’t think—” His breath catches. He pushes on. “I didn’t think you’d want to hear from me.” 
“That’s a bullshit excuse and you know it.” 
“What’s your excuse, then?” he shoots back. “Come on. I’m dying to hear it.” 
What’s your excuse, he’s asking. Why haven’t you reached out? If you were so angry and upset about the radio silence, why did you do nothing about it? 
Several answers occur to you at once. There was Soonyoung’s own flimsy reasoning. I didn’t think you’d want to hear from me.
There was something close to the truth, something a little too vulnerable to be spoken out loud. I was mad at you. I hated you for a bit. I think I still hate you even now. 
There was the whisper of something treacherous, something damning. I was scared that I would only end up asking for you to come back. 
None of those words come out. You stay standing across from Soonyoung in the wake of his challenge, your face flushed, your gaze narrow. He glares right back at you, unyielding in his pride and his pain. 
The silence stretches. It becomes an answer in itself. 
“Exactly,” Soonyoung says with a heavy exhale. There’s a spark of flint in his eyes, a flicker of something that could almost be likened to hurt. “It takes two people to break up. You always seem to forget that.” 
As he begins to stalk away, you’re overcome with that feeling again. That heavy weight in your chest, put there whenever you know he got the last word, whenever he turned out to be right. Soonyoung has only taken about three steps away before you’re bending down and cupping some snow in your hands. 
The hastily-made snowball hits Soonyoung on the back of his head. It splatters against his hair, leaving tiny, glistening flakes tangled in his blonde strands. 
He freezes, but only for a moment. In the blink of an eye, Soonyoung is already crouching down to retaliate. He’s quicker and much more savage, and his revenge soars through the end to land squarely in your chest. 
You stagger backward, the gasp catching in your throat. Oh, it’s on.
What ensues is the most ruthless snowball fight that your small town has seen. Snowballs are hurled with reckless abandon, the ice crystals getting everywhere from your clothes to your socks. Neither of you even bother to try and hide from the onslaught. The two of you take each other’s attacks, every hit punctuated with heatless insults that have simmered too long. 
“You never called—” Soonyoung screeches, sending a cold sphere against your shoulder. 
“You didn’t visit—” you shriek as you shape ammunition in your gloved hands. 
“You deleted every photo of me off your Facebook—” A snowball to your side. 
“You talked to Jihoon and Wonwoo, but not me—” Another square hit to Soonyoung’s chest, sending a puff of powdery snow up into his face.
It feels like hours before the two of you let up. 
The two of you are covered in snow from head to toe; your chests heaving from exertion, your cheeks ruddy from the cold. The heat of the exchange leaves you both puffing breaths that cloud the air between you. 
There’s a hint of something in your stances. Something that feels like it belongs to another time— before the breakup, before the distance. 
Quietly, Soonyoung starts to laugh. 
His hands are on his hips and his head is tilted back. The flakes catch on his eyelashes, his hair, but he keeps his face upturned to the sky as he laughs, and laughs, and laughs. 
That old, familiar sound. The one that warms you up from the inside, whether or not you care to admit it. You’re doubled over, your hands on your knees, as you watch him look more and more like the boy you loved and lost. 
“I hate you,” you choke out, though a corner of your mouth has twitched upward. 
He doesn’t even look at you as he responds.
“Yeah,” he breathes. “Missed you, too.” 
“Why did you come home?” 
“Am I not allowed to?” 
“Soonyoung says you two kissed and made up.” 
You shoot Jihoon an unamused glare. 
From across you, he raises his hand in a defensive gesture. “I didn’t believe him, of course,” he insists, though you don’t miss the way he and Wonwoo try to discreetly exchange money under the table. 
Wonwoo catches your suspicious expression and gives you an apologetic grin in return. 
“Made a bet,” he says. 
“You two suck,” you groan. 
Your three’s weekly lunch has gone mostly swimmingly up to the point that Jihoon had brought up Soonyoung. Now, though, with the topic broached, neither of your friends see the need to be discreet about it. 
“I do wonder why Soonie decided to come home now, after all these years,” Wonwoo muses aloud, toying with his chopsticks as he speaks. “Seems a bit out of the blue, doesn’t it?” 
“He came home because Teacher Kang asked him,” you point out. 
One of Jihoon’s eyebrows cocks upward. “Teacher Kang has asked him every year for the past couple of years,” he says. “So it’s not just that, I’m sure.” 
Wonwoo chimes in with, “Must be something real important, then.” 
Jihoon nearly smirks. “Or someone.” 
What feels like your nth groan of the evening escapes you. “Put a sock in it, you two,” you grumble, drawing snickers from your friends.
Jihoon mouths something to Wonwoo. You can’t make it out for certain, but it looks suspiciously like a wordless grumble of Bet’s still on. 
Civility is a rare thing to share with Soonyoung. 
With the showcase mere days away, it’s a welcome development. At least it’s easier for the two of you to iron out the chinks in the routines, to ensure the program is up to par with the school’s standards.
But with civility comes an even more fragile thing— hope. 
It’s in the way Soonyoung will hold open doors for you or haul the heavier props on your behalf, much to your chagrin and to Teacher Kang’s amusement. 
It’s in the way Soonyoung starts to make small talk about everything from your day job to your parents, never minding much that he’s the one who has to carry half the conversations. 
It’s in the way Soonyoung tries to make you laugh, and how, one afternoon, he finally succeeds.
You can’t even remember what it was. Some terrible joke about the kids, maybe. All you know is that a snort of laughter had slid out of you, the sound not quite the derisive giggles you’d been giving him the past couple of weeks. 
You’re still chuckling when you see Soonyoung’s face. 
Immediately, you sober up. “What?” you ask, because he’s staring at you with his jaw slack and his eyes slightly wide. 
He tries to rearrange his expression into something more acceptable; it’s too late, given that you’ve already caught him. Soonyoung may have not always been honest, but he was expressive. 
You glare at him, indicating that he’s not about to escape, and he huffs out a defeated sigh. 
“It’s just— I forgot, okay?” 
“Forgot what?” 
“How good happiness looks on you.” 
Who the hell says something like that on a random Thursday? 
Soonyoung still has that vaguely dazed look in his eyes, even though you’ve begun to stare at him like he’s insane. As he walks away to go and refill his water bottle, he nearly collides with one of the auditorium’s poles, drawing raucous laughter from the kids. 
You shush them, the tips of your ears beginning to flame. 
“Why did you come home?” 
“It was about time.” 
It’s nothing short of a miracle, how you, Jihoon, Soonyoung, and Wonwoo all end up at the same table at Taco Joe’s. 
Jihoon had been the one who proposed the idea. So casually, too, like he was readying himself for one of your infamous tirades or a flurry of your punches. Soonyoung wants to grab drinks with all of us.
To Jihoon and Wonwoo’s surprise, you had only responded with, “When?” 
Neither boys want to look a gift horse in the mouth, so they’re extra careful in playing their cards right. Wonwoo vows to be the designated driver. Jihoon holds back on making any jokes about the whole affair. And, Soonyoung— well, he’s just happy to be there. 
“This place really hasn’t changed, huh?” Soonyoung snickers as he sips at his beer. 
There’s not a lot of bars to choose from in your small town, making Taco Joe’s something of an institution. Its low lights, Top 50’s playlist, and cheap drinks attract more of the mid-twenties crowd, though there had been a time in your teenage years when you’d all tried and failed to sneak in. 
“Joe threatened to ban us for life when we first stepped foot in here,” Jihoon reminisces. 
Wonwoo pushes his glasses up his face by the bridge of his nose. “Worse,” he says. “He said he would tell our parents.” 
Simultaneously, the four of you shudder. A small smile tugs at your lips as you extend your cocktail for the boys to cheers with. 
“To vindication,” you announce. 
There’s a ripple of laughter among your friends. 
“Vindication,” they echo, clinking their bottles and glasses with yours. 
A part of you is suspicious at how pleasant the night is going. The conversation is easy, if not a little on the safe side. The drinks are good. The music is more often a hit instead of a miss. It’s shaping up to be a decent evening, though there are a handful of interruptions here and there. 
Kwon Soonyoung is a bit of a local celebrity, after all. 
Everybody and their mother knows about his swanky dance studio in the city, about the idols and celebrities he’s met in his line of work. Every so often, someone will stop by to greet him, to exchange a word or two with him. 
Soonyoung is perfectly amicable to all of them. His smile, practiced; his words, cool and smooth. After the fourth or so person has come up to say hello to the Hoshi, Jihoon voices out what you’ve all been thinking. 
“It’s so exhausting hanging out with you,” Jihoon says dryly.
Soonyoung giggles mid-swig of his alcohol. “Can’t help it.” He fakes a tired sigh, his shoulders rising in a shrug. “Everybody wants a piece of me.” 
“I’ll tear you to pieces if anyone else comes up to us,” Wonwoo warns. 
Your gaze flicks over Wonwoo’s shoulder, towards someone approaching your corner table. “Get those claws ready, Wonu,” you say.
When Joshua Hong saunters up to your group’s table, though, his greeting for Soonyoung is cursory at best. 
“Nice to see you back, Kwon,” the man says politely before turning his attention to you. “Hey, you.” 
You straighten in your seat. Jihoon and Wonwoo exchange a look. Soonyoung’s eyes narrow ever so slightly as he gives a grumbled ‘hello’ to Joshua’s lackluster greeting. 
It’s apparent that Joshua isn’t there for him, because Joshua is instead smiling at you. “Hey,” you respond in kind. “What’s up?” 
Joshua had been an upperclassman during your school days, part of the infamous trio featuring troublemaker Yoon Jeonghan and varsity captain Choi Seungcheol. But Joshua was more on the mild side, known for his volunteer work at the local choir. He wasn’t any less unattainable, though, and you’re reminded of why Soonyoung so callously threw his name out during your more recent spat. 
Prior to dating Soonyoung, you did have a raging crush on Joshua, after all. You’re briefly reminded of it as he flashes you a warm smile. “I was hoping I could buy you a drink,” he says. “For… you know.” 
There’s absolutely nothing coy in Joshua’s words. He’s not suggestive, not trying to come on to you. All the same, the three boys at your table react like Joshua had just proposed. 
Jihoon bites back a grin. Wonwoo cocks his head to one side. Soonyoung shoots back a quarter of his beer. 
For… you know, Joshua is saying, and you know exactly what he means even though the rest aren’t privy to it. You’re already getting to your feet before you can register it. “Yeah,” you say, nodding towards the bar. “Let’s go.” 
None of your friends say a thing as you step away with Joshua, but you can feel their eyes on your back. You know you’re going to get hell for it later— but, for now, you focus on the small talk that Joshua has to offer. 
He lets you pick out your cocktail of choice. As the bartender goes to make it, Joshua smiles down at you. There had been a time where you might’ve keened over at the sight of it; now, though, it only makes your heart flutter a bit. 
His voice is just loud enough to be heard over the thumping music, but low enough that it’s just for the two of you. 
“Thank you for your help,” he says. “Really. You’re a life-saver.” 
Your expression softens underneath the lights of the bar. “How’s your dad?” 
Joshua’s smile is a little tight, but not any less sincere. “Better,” he responds. “It’s rough, of course, but he’s coping.” 
Earlier in the year, Joshua’s father had been one of your firm’s clients. It had been a lot more challenging than you thought, working with someone you personally knew. The arduous process had involved unsecured debts, scarred credit scores, and seized collaterals, but you were ultimately able to help the Hongs in closing down their music school. 
“I’m glad.” You pause, as if realizing that’s not quite the right thing to say. “I’m not glad about what happened—” 
Joshua’s laughter cuts through your tirade. Your shoulders ease when you realize it’s not a particularly mean laugh. More of an amused sound at your panic. 
“Don’t worry, I get it,” he reassures as the bartender slides your drinks to you. Joshua gives the other man a nod and a mumbled promise of tipping later.
“I don’t want to keep you,” Joshua says. “Just wanted to show my appreciation.” 
“You didn’t have to.” Your fingers wrap around the drink he brought you. “But thank you, anyway.” 
Joshua nods, grins. The lines are clear as day. He’s not flirting, not trying to get in your pants or anything. The drink is exactly that: A show of gratitude. Nothing more, nothing less. 
Some old version of you might have been disappointed. Tonight, you are only oddly relieved. The two of you talk a little more— about things that are neither here nor there— before Joshua lets you go. 
Upon your return to your table, you’re greeted with a sight for sore eyes. 
Somehow, in the fifteen or so minutes that you were gone, Soonyoung had already shot back his first bottle of beer. As you slide back into your seat next to Wonwoo, your bespectacled friend quietly divulges, “That’s his third one.” 
“Third?” You glance toward Soonyoung, your eyebrows raised quizzically. “Are you trying to get alcohol poisoning or something?” 
Soonyoung only flashes you a grin before taking another swig. He ignores your question in favor of chatting Jihoon’s ear off; the latter throws you a bemused look before going back to his conversation with Soonyoung. 
You huff out a sigh as you go to nurse the cocktail that Joshua got you. 
“I wonder what’s gotten into him,” Wonwoo says, his tone just a little too smug for his own good. 
You shoot him a sideways glare. He sinks his teeth into his lower lip, hiding his blooming smile behind a sip of his soda. 
As the night wears on, you begin to feel that familiar buzz in your system. The telltale signs of your tipsiness leave you pleasantly sated— your laughter a little less restrained, your brain a lot more empty. So when Soonyoung leans across the table to yell at you, “Let’s dance!”, your first instinct is not to say Fuck off. 
The words that come out instead are “To what song?” 
Soonyoung is already standing up and moving around the table to get to your side. An intoxicated Jihoon and sober Wonwoo only watch on, spectators to this impending dumpster fire, as Soonyoung reaches out to tug you out of your seat. 
“Any song,” he breathes. His face is flushed a deep shade of red, but his eyes are as bright as ever. “Anything you want.” 
There’s a right thing to do in this situation.
The right thing to do would be to let Soonyoung down politely. To tell him no, you’re not interested in dancing. You’re happy to drink with him and your friends, but you’re not about to indulge him with the thing that once made the two of you so close. You don’t think your heart can take it. 
But you’re two cocktails in. The music is good. And Soonyoung is looking at you with that absolutely incandescent expression, faring not any better than you in the game of sobriety. How could you deny him? 
You let him pull you to your feet. His hand stays wrapped around your wrist as he drags you out onto the dance floor, as he leans over to the DJ and yells, “Do you have any GD?!”
The current track transitions into the unmistakable beats of Good Boy. Soonyoung’s face lights up like a firework. 
You’re drunk enough to laugh at him, with him, as you easily fall into the decade-old dance routine. No matter how long it’s been, it seems like your body still remembers every step, every hand movement. 
You’re drunk enough to not care that Wonwoo is not-so discreetly filming the two of you, that Jihoon is wearing a knowing smirk. Come tomorrow, your friends will have a lot to say about this moment. But, right now, it’s all inconsequential. 
You’re drunk enough to dance. To dance in a way that isn’t simply for Christmas showcase purposes. To dance and remember why you loved it so much in the first place. 
To dance with the boy who got you into it in the first place. 
Good Boy spins into Home Sweet Home, then Fantastic Baby, then Gee. You and Soonyoung dance through it all. Honestly, you’re no longer built for this the same way that you once were, and you’re certainly not up to par with Soonyoung.
His drunkenness does nothing to dampen his energy or his dancing skills. He moves across the floor with the practiced ease of a professional, putting everyone to shame without even trying. His toothy smile never leaves his face as the two of you swing and pop and glide. 
By the time the DJ starts to play more modern pop, you call for a time-out. Soonyoung stumbles after you and the two of you collapse onto a nearby couch, boneless from the non-stop dancing. 
Wonwoo is off to one side, chatting with a girl, while Jihoon is nowhere to be found. You wouldn’t hold it past the latter to be on a smoke break of some sorts; nights out always tended to drain him, after all. 
“Insane,” Soonyoung croaks out. Blonde strands of his hair stick to his face due to sweat. You resist the urge to fix it.
“I haven’t danced like that in ages,” you say, rolling your shoulders to fight off the growing ache in your body. 
Soonyoung tries to laugh. The sound comes out more like a wheeze. His next words are mumbled in between attempts to catch his breath. “You’re good, babe.” 
Come Back Home is thumping through the speakers. You try to focus on that instead of Soonyoung’s Freudian slip; you fail miserably, and it must show on your face because Soonyoung sucks in some air through his teeth. 
“Sorry.” He’s laughing, but the sound is a bit rough around the edges. “Moment of weakness.” 
A beat. “Wanna dance some more?” he prompts. 
Whether it’s a desperate bid to run from his words or a sincere offer by a man who simply lives to dance, you don’t question it. “Yeah,” you say a little too quickly. “Let’s dance.” 
You dance until you feel like your feet are going to fall off. Soonyoung matches your pace, never missing a beat. When he needs to take a break, he drinks some more— an endless cycle of dance floor shenanigans and drawn-out sips of beer. 
It’s probably why he’s swaying by the time that you’re all calling it a night. Wonwoo and Jihoon flank Soonyoung on either side, the blonde still somehow having the tenacity to chatter while dragging his feet. He’s talking out of his ass about one thing or another, like music these days “not being as good as the OGs,” and you can sense Wonwoo’s exasperation over the whole thing. 
“Living in Seoul has done absolutely nothing for your tolerance,” Wonwoo grumbles, prompting Soonyoung to go into a long-winded rant about the cultural differences in drinking culture. 
The relief on Wonwoo’s face is palpable as he shoves Soonyoung into the backseat of his car. 
Jihoon gives a nod of his own. “You’ll be good to drive?” he asks Wonwoo.  
“Didn’t drink a drop,” Wonwoo chirps. “You?” 
“Sobered up, like, two hours ago,” Jihoon says wryly. He gives you a vicious side eye— wordlessly blaming you for not being able to go home any earlier, since he was your designated driver— and you raise your shoulders in a half-shrug. 
“You were the one who invited me out to drink.” Your voice is hoarse from all the alcohol, from the physical exertion of non-stop dancing. 
You’re somehow lucid enough to register that Soonyoung is calling for you. There’s a slight pout on his face, like he’s upset to be missing out on the conversation. He’s bracing himself against the frame of the car door, his legs swung over the seat, as you gingerly approach.
“What?” you ask.  
This close, you can smell his faint cologne, mingling with the scent of alcohol and sweat. 
This close, you can see the way his eyes are slightly unfocused; his mouth, still bearing the hint of a glowing smile. 
“You—” he croaks out. 
His gaze darts to your lips. It’s a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment. You don’t miss it.
Your breath stills in your chest, and Soonyoung is looking up at your face like he’s searching for something. Denial? Reciprocity? 
He must not have found what he was looking for, because the words he grumbles are, “I’m going to hurl.” 
Wonwoo’s panicked shriek cuts through the otherwise quiet parking lot. 
“Not in my fucking car, asswipe!” 
Soonyoung’s hangover the next day is comical. 
You can’t help but snicker as he rolls up to the showcase’s dry run with shades over his eyes and a large cup of coffee in his shaking hands. 
“You suck,” he hisses to you as he slides on to the bench next to you. Teacher Kang is busy heralding the students, getting them into their costumes and places, so the two of you have a minute alone before the hubbub strikes up. 
“You’re the one who can’t hold down his alcohol,” you respond, eyeing his slumped form with amusement. 
Soonyoung mumbles some incoherent cusses, his free hand reaching up to rub at his temples. 
“God, my last memory was Hong coming up to the table,” he grouses. 
You’re reminded of the inordinate amount of alcohol he downed in your brief absence. I wonder what’s gotten into him, Wonwoo had said. 
“That clears,” you say sympathetically. 
There’s a moment’s pause before Soonyoung tentatively asks, “Did the two of you ever…?” 
You don’t immediately register what he’s asking about Joshua. When it hits you, though, you find a startled laugh sliding past your lips. Because there’s Wonwoo’s answer, even though you don’t recognize it then and there. 
“Hong? No, no.” For reasons you can’t quite explain, you feel compelled to tack on, “I haven’t really had the time to date.” 
“Oh.” It kills you, how Soonyoung almost sounds relieved. “Me, too. I mean— me neither.” 
“Running a dance studio is a lot of work.” 
“And I’m sure— law school, right? That was a lot of work, too.” 
“Right, yeah.” 
It’s a stilted conversation, one heavy in its implications. The real things that the two of you want to say, want to address, linger on the surface, but neither of you seem to want to break that ice. 
You settle, instead, for this moment. For the negligible distance between the two of you on the bleachers and how it closes, slow but steady, like the ticking hands of a clock. 
Your shoulder just barely presses against Soonyoung’s. 
Neither of you move away. 
“Why did you come home?” 
“Because I love you, and I miss you.” 
“You’re lying.” 
“Only one of those is a lie, actually.” 
You’ve always liked being front of house during the showcase.
You’re a familiar face to the parents of the children, to the community members who attended the event every year. Their warmth is a welcome reprieve from your nerves. 
You make small talk. You usher people to their seats. You try not to wonder where the hell Kwon Soonyoung is. 
Despite having his calling card, you haven’t deigned to reach out. It’s tucked away in a drawer at home; you don’t quite know what to do with it. Maybe you’ll actually save his number one of these days. 
You’re entertaining the thought when you feel a hand at your elbow. The smiling face of Iseul’s mother— the pompous but well-meaning Mrs. Hwang— greets you. 
“There’s no need for that,” she says with a chuckle as you fold into a bow. You don’t miss the way she nonetheless preens at your formalities. It’s why you keep up with it. 
You let her link your arms and, out of instinct, you begin to lead her to one of the free seats in the auditorium. “Are you excited for this year’s show, Mrs. Hwang?” you ask conversationally. 
“You know it,” she answers. “Iseul has been talking non-stop about her performance, but she refuses to tell me what song to expect!”
You’d recognize Mrs. Hwang’s baiting tendencies from a mile away. With a curt giggle, you tell her, “You’ll find out soon enough, Mrs. Hwang. I promise it’ll be worth the suspense.” 
The older woman gives you a disapproving frown, but it smooths out as she seems to realize a change in topic. The auditorium is notably a little more packed this year, enough to have the volunteers bringing out additional Monobloc chairs. 
“I guess people want to see what the Kwon boy has done to the showcase, hm?” she notes, speaking into existence the fact that you’ve neglected to acknowledge so far.
Surprisingly, you don’t feel bitter about it. People were showing up to assess Soonyoung’s choreography, to bask in the product of his labor. There’s a twinge of something in your chest. It could almost be mistaken for pride.  
Mrs. Hwang tacks on, “Mighty shame.” 
That throws you off. “Pardon?” 
She doesn’t respond immediately, her eyes zeroing in on an empty chair by the front of the stage. She practically drags you there as she continues, “It’s really so unfortunate. The whole thing about his dance studio tanking.” 
The whole thing about his dance studio tanking. 
What the hell was she talking about? 
The universe, once again, had to be messing with you. You’re convinced this is some skit. Some buildup to a joke. 
But the punch line never comes, and you end up admitting, “I don’t think I’ve heard about that yet, Mrs. Hwang.” 
Your voice is surprisingly even for someone whose world was closing in. If Mrs. Hwang can sense the trepidation in your demeanor, she makes no indication of it. You’re grateful for her obliviousness, even, because she only keeps talking as she settles into her seat. 
“My girls are always talking about it,” she says, referring to the group of forty-something-year-old women who like to gather and gossip in the town’s sole Italian restaurant. “That’s why he’s back. Couldn’t hack it out there.” 
When she glances up at you with a scrutinizing expression, you just know you’re not going to like what she says next. You’re proven right when she says, “We thought he’d ask for your help, actually. Isn’t liquidation your specialty?” 
You can’t be bothered to correct the woman over the technicalities. You give her a tight smile, a nod of your head, a polite ‘goodbye’ as you take your leave. 
There are much more pressing matters, you think to yourself, as you go to greet more guests, make sure the music is all queued up, check in on the host’s script.
You didn’t spend over a month preparing for tonight only to lose yourself before it’s even begun. You refuse to let the new piece of information trip you up, even though it has your heart acting like a caged animal underneath your ribs. 
The showcase goes by without a hitch. The children are more than phenomenal; they’re perfect. 
The audience is enamored. The teachers are overjoyed. 
You want nothing more than to go home and tear up Soonyoung’s calling card. 
As the showcase wraps up to enthusiastic applause, Teacher Kang snatches the microphone from the host for one last announcement. 
“This wouldn’t have been possible without two of our very tireless volunteers,” she says, and— from backstage— you wince. Before you know it, you’re being pushed out onto the stage.
Soonyoung exits from the other stage wing.
He’s managed to evade you the entire showcase, and now you realize why. In his arms, he holds a monstrous bouquet. Yellow acacias, striped carnations, bunch-flowered daffodils. Your first thought is how expensive it might have been, to find out-of-season blooms in the thick of winter. 
Your second thought is that you want to hurl, but that’s neither here nor there. 
As Soonyoung strides in from the other side of the stage to meet you in the middle, he sees it. He sees the hint of trepidation underneath your practiced grin, sees the way your eyes flash momentarily. His own grin drops ever so slightly. 
But the two of you are in an auditorium, on a stage in front of Namyangju’s best and brightest. Neither of you can afford to give voice to what you feel. 
Soonyoung hands you the bouquet. You nod in acknowledgement. 
The two of you instinctively reach for each other’s hands.
You hadn’t noticed that the crowd had gotten to their feet. A standing ovation. It feels like an echo of the past, a cruel reminder of an alternate universe. 
Even so, your smile never wavers. Neither does Soonyoung’s. He raises your hand. The two of you take a bow. 
The Great Pretenders put on their best show yet.
“What was that?” 
A part of you is surprised that Soonyoung found you. The moment the showcase officially concluded, you were booking it out of the auditorium before he could even get a word in edgewise. Gracefully, the dozens of people hounding him for photos and small talk let you widen the gap. 
Still, he caught up. Just as you were passing by the godforsaken playground that had witnessed the ending of it all. Oh, the universe and its jokes. 
Soonyoung is red-faced, like you’d embarrassed him somehow despite the convincing act you both put on. Your fingers tighten around the bouquet he gave you. 
“What was that?” he repeats, and what little restraint you had left snaps. 
“Why did you come home?” you ask point blank. 
“Teacher Kang—” 
“Don’t,” you snipe. “Teacher Kang asked you last year. And the year before that. Why did you come home now, Soonyoung?” 
The question hangs heavy in the early December evening. You and Soonyoung are staring at each other, mere paces away from the swing set where the two of you made your choices.
He doesn’t answer right away, so you prompt him with, “Is it because of me?” 
Soonyoung misinterprets the question. You can see the way his eyes light up, the way his lips part like he’s just about to say something of consequence. 
You almost feel guilty about the next words that tear out of you. “You’re going bankrupt,” you say, and the hope on his face fizzles out like a popped lightbulb. 
“Who told you—” he chokes out. 
“So it’s true?” 
Kwon Soonyoung is struck dumb.
Soonyoung, whose mouth ran faster than his brain. Soonyoung, who was full of quick quips and witty remarks. 
Soonyoung, who is now staring at you like you’ve told him the world was about to end. 
You contemplate throwing his bouquet in his face. It will make for a dramatic, pretty picture— the petals falling onto the soft snow, the fuck you loud despite being unspoken. For now, you only clutch the arrangement closer to your chest like it's a lifeline.
“And here I thought—” Your breath hitches on a scoff, the puff of air visible in the chill. “I was a fool who thought you came back for me.” 
The truth cuts. Your laugh bitterly as you go on, “I guess you still did, though, huh? Because you need me. What? Were you hoping to avail of cheap services, Kwon?” 
“That’s not—” 
“That’s exactly it!” Your tone is shrill. Soonyoung always did bring out the worst in you. “You were away for six years, and now you’ve come crawling back—” 
“Do you think I wanted to fail?” 
Soonyoung’s voice rises, his frustration bubbling over to match yours. 
“I starved out there,” he bites out. “Ate cup noodles for a year so the studio could afford rent for one more month. Sold half of my stuff so I could pay my employees. It was so hard.” 
The way Soonyoung’s voice breaks on the last word makes something in your heart clench. For a moment, you think it might be pity, but you kill the feeling as soon as it tries to make itself known. 
You don’t want to pity Soonyoung, which is both an insult and a grace. 
“Why didn’t you say anything?” you ask instead, even though a part of you already knows the answer. 
A sound that’s almost like a delirious laugh escapes him. “Not when I was the one who made it out,” he responds. 
You never realized how much you’d prefer Soonyoung’s cocky, self-assured self over this version of him. This boy— man— who is defeated and resigned. Even in your anger, there is a small part of you that wants to do something to wipe that look off his face.  
“I made it out,” he repeats wearily, like it’s taking everything in him to face the truth of being Namyangju’s failing poster boy. 
He continues, “I gave up everything to be there. I gave up you.”
Your grip on the bouquet tightens. There’s a faint prickle behind your eyes, but you refuse to let those tears fall. “You did that like it was easy,” you mumble, your voice just loud enough to carry. 
Soonyoung meets your gaze. He looks like he’s on the verge of sobbing himself, but his tone brokers no arguments. 
“It wasn’t,” he says.
And that was that. 
You’ve never been able to stand not having the last word. You clear your throat, attempting to speak through the lump forming there. “Yeah, well,” you say shakily. “You’re not the only one who lost something.” 
It’s a shitty comparison and you know it. Soonyoung’s sacrifices dwarf yours. You weren’t the one who moved away, who bore the weight of an entire city’s pride. 
Thankfully, Soonyoung doesn’t call you out on it. He only takes a sharp exhale and turns his gaze away, his eyes fixed on the swings. 
When he speaks, his voice is quiet. Almost like the words are an afterthought. “For the record— that night?” he says. You don’t have to ask for clarification. You know exactly which night he’s talking about. 
“I was hoping you’d change my mind,” he confesses. 
A physical blow to the chest would have hurt less. You stagger, but you try to mask it like you’re taking a step back. Like you’re walking away, even as your eyes never leave Soonyoung’s face. 
“And I was hoping I’d be worth staying for,” you say with a humorless laugh, the distance between the two of you growing, growing, growing. 
Your parting words are the proverbial nail on the coffin: “I guess we both didn’t get what we wanted.” 
“Why did you come home?” 
“I didn’t know where else to go.” 
For once, Jihoon and Wonwoo have nothing to say. 
No wisecrack. No jab. No exchange of money in some backhanded bet. 
They listen as you recount the salient points of the argument. You keep the personal stuff out of your own retelling, focusing only on the broad strokes. The biggest concern lies in one nagging question. 
“Did you know?” you ask, your hands bracing the table in front of you. 
“No,” Jihoon says immediately. 
Wonwoo chimes in with a quiet “Me neither.” 
You know these boys. You’ve seen them lie to their parents about their homework, lie to their girlfriends about where they were. 
They’re not lying now. You know that much. 
A shaky exhale escapes you. It’s been three days since the fight and you’ve yet to run into Soonyoung. You wouldn’t hold it past him to avoid you, either by steering clear from the places you frequent or getting on the first bus back to Seoul. 
“When he asked about how you were doing,” Jihoon says gruffly. “I thought it was just— yearning or some shit.” 
“Me, too,” Wonwoo adds. 
Yearning or shit. The words almost make you laugh. 
The pinched expression on your face prompts Wonwoo to ask, “Are you upset?” 
‘Upset’ feels like too light of a term to describe the maelstrom of emotions within you. There are facts: You wish you had known. You could have afforded to be kinder. You are afraid that you will never stop being angry. 
You answer Wonwoo’s question with a mumbled, “Would it be cliché to say that I’m just disappointed?” 
“Ah.” His face is thoughtful, understanding. “Because you expected something from him.” 
“That’s not it,” you say dryly. 
It is. 
The three of you lapse into contemplative silence. Jihoon breaks it after a couple of moments, his tone soft and serious. 
“I know it’s shitty,” he says. “But I do hope that he’s okay.” 
That would be the mature thing to do. Even Wonwoo is nodding his agreement, willing to set aside his own gripes in favor of well wishing.
You can’t bring yourself to do the same. The platitude sticks in your throat until you feel like it will suffocate you. 
Soonyoung has an alibi for not showing up to Teacher Kang’s post-processing session. 
You’re grateful that the elderly woman doesn’t go on about the details of his absence. She mentions something about him being busy with the holidays, and you take it in stride. 
You try not to picture the way his jaw might’ve twitched before sending out the text, before lying to get away. 
“Everybody loved the show,” Teacher Kang gushes. “I’m so proud of you, dear. I really do hope we can have Soonyoung on board more often.” 
An offhand joke of “we’ll probably be seeing a lot more of him in the near future” crosses your mind, but you hold it back. You may be calloused, but you’re not heartless. 
You nod. You agree with Teacher Kang. You hold it together, up until you’re halfway out the door and she calls you back for one last word. 
“You know,” she starts. “I remember the two of you when you were kids.”
You’d been dreading this— the inevitable trip down memory lane. You thought you had escaped it, but now you’re facing it with one of the world’s fakest smiles. 
“That was a long time ago,” you say. 
“It was.” There’s a glimmer in Teacher Kang’s eye. Something unbearably tender. “Soonyoung always made you smile a certain way. You’ve started smiling like that again. It’s nice to see.” 
You don’t know how you manage to laugh it off, to bid Teacher Kang goodbye and make your way back to your car. Your hands are shaking as you slide into the driver’s seat of your car.
The school’s parking lot is gracefully empty. It’s a good thing, because then no one can hear you as you fold in half and screech. 
You scream until your voice goes hoarse, until the windows shake. 
You scream until you can’t hear the way your chest is caving in on your heart. 
Your theory of running into everyone but Soonyoung is proven when you’re sooner to cross paths with Mama Kwon.
Your carts nearly collide in the pasta aisle of the grocery store. You’re already bowing, apologizing profusely, when you realize that you recognize the woman holding a can of pesto.
She says your name with the fondness that could rival your own mother’s. It takes everything in you not to bolt at the sound of it.
“What a coincidence,” she says with a tinkling laugh. 
You know in your heart of hearts that it’s exactly that. A coincidence. Still, you can’t help but think some higher power is out to get you. Call it karmic justice. 
“How have you been, Mrs. Kwon?” you ask, feeling the slight nip of not addressing the woman as you typically might. 
She notices too, if her slightly furrowed brow is any indication. She manages to rearrange her expression into something more neutral as she answers. 
“You know how the holidays are,” she says, wielding her pesto bottle in an absentminded gesture. “It’s a full house!” 
That stings. 
You’ve heard from your mother how the past couple of years, Mama Kwon would complain about her household feeling empty during the holidays. The seat at the dining table stayed vacant for the son that refused to come home. 
You don’t know how much she knows about the state of the dance studio, so you decide to play it safe. “I’m sure it is,” you say. 
The small talk is tearing you up from the inside, but you don’t want to be rude. Don’t want to be a stranger to the woman who once cared for you so deeply— who probably still cares for you, if you really thought of it. 
The question is out of you before you can hold it back. “Are you with Soonyoung?” 
What would you even do with that information? Would you have booked it if she said ‘yes, he’s right around the corner’? Would you have cried if she revealed that he headed back to the city? 
You’re not sure. 
Here’s what happens instead: A sigh nearly breaks out of you when Mama Kwon responds, “He’s in the next shop over, getting some repairs for the car. We’re meeting at Italianni's for lunch.” 
Still here, a small voice murmurs in the back of your mind. Hasn’t left for Seoul just yet. 
You shake the thought away as Mama Kwon delicately prompts, “Would you like to join us?” 
Mama Kwon is probably not inviting you solely out of politeness. She’s making the offer because she wants you to be there. She wants you to be at the same table as her family, sharing a pizza and whatever the restaurant’s special for the day is. She wants you to sit next to Soonyoung and play nice, even though you currently can’t stomach the thought of being anywhere near him. 
For some reason, it makes you want to cry. 
To lose somebody in a breakup is painful, yes. To lose all the things that came with it— like the family that you might have learned to love yourself? 
A different type of ache all together. 
Your smile is so painfully fake, almost hurting the edges of your mouth, as you try to let her down gently. “I wouldn’t want to impose,” you say. “But thank you for thinking of me.” 
For once, The Great Pretenders is met with negative reviews. 
Then again, nothing ever really escaped Mama Kwon’s scrutinizing gaze. She surveys your expression and purses her lips. You can practically see the way that the cogs turn in her brain, as if trying to decide on the response that will do the least amount of damage. 
It doesn’t matter how gentle she tries to be. The words that she eventually extends still hurt like a bitch. 
“He still talks about you a lot,” she muses. 
“Nothing bad,” Mama Kwon says quickly. She laughs again, smiling very much like how her son might. 
“Just—” She leans in. Your body autonomously mimics the action.
You’re reminded of being younger, of when she’d do the exact same thing to whisper you some ‘secret’. I got Soonyoung new shoes for Christmas. The car side mirror is busted because of me. I packed you extra of those choco pies you like. 
Today, she whispers, “I think he came home for you.” 
“Why did you come home?”
“I had a nightmare that I visited and I couldn’t recognize a thing. All the street names were different. The buildings were new. I kept running, trying to look for something familiar, and I just— I was just lost. And that sucked. This was mine once. You know?” 
“It still is.” 
“You don’t have to lie to me. It isn’t anymore. It hasn’t been for a long time.” 
“You know, I really have missed your mother’s cooking.”
You smile ruefully at Soonyoung’s words. 
He’s digging heartily into your mother’s signature kimchi jjigae, and you have half the mind to tell him to close his mouth as he chews. Instead, you let him devour the dish. 
It had taken a little bit of masterminding to pull this off. Maybe it would’ve been easier to send Soonyoung a text of Let’s meet up, but your blasted pride was one of the last things you had left. You’d be damned if you were going to give that away, too. 
You enlisted Jihoon and Wonwoo’s help in orchestrating this, in convincing Soonyoung that he could sneak into your family restaurant undetected. Sure, the blonde had been more than a little miffed when his friends ditched him and left him with you, though his irritation was short-lived in the face of the food he had been craving for God-knows-how-long. 
“Maybe that’s because you’ve only been eating shin ramyun,” you point out. 
Soonyoung barely looks up from his bowl as he shovels more food into his mouth. “Low blow,” he says in between bites.  
You wince. “Sorry.” 
“You’re not really sorry.” 
“No, I am.” 
That drags Soonyoung’s attention away from his stew. 
His guarded expression slots right back into place, like he’s realizing you have some ulterior motive beyond feeding him. He rests his spoon against his bowl and leans back into his chair. With one eyebrow raised, he says, “This feels a lot like the lead-in to a breakup.” 
A bark of laughter escapes you. Of course Soonyoung would make a joke like that. 
You reach into your pocket until you’ve found what you’re looking for. Wordlessly, you slide it across the table until it’s resting by Soonyoung’s hand.
“I’ll give you a discount,” you tell him. “But only, like, fifteen percent. Anything more than that is just pushing it.” 
Your calling card stares up at him. It bears your name along with your firm’s address, your phone number, and your title. Consumer bankruptcy lawyer. 
Even now, Soonyoung can’t help but be expressive. His wide eyes are fixed on the card you’ve laid out. For a moment, your offer hangs in precious balance, but you don’t have a single urge to take it back. It’s entirely, wholly for Soonyoung to take. 
He asks the question that you know is coming. “Why are you doing this?” he says, his words like a raw nerve. 
You almost smile. Almost. 
In the past week that you’ve mulled it over, you’ve reached at least a dozen different answers. 
Because Jihoon and Wonwoo worry about you.
Because it’s the right thing to do. 
Because Teacher Kang talks about you like you hung the stars and the moon. 
Because I owe you one. 
Because I don’t want you to let Mama Kwon down.
Because I’ve missed you, and I want you to be happy, even if that happiness has nothing to do with me. 
The answer that eventually, finally comes to you is none of the above. 
You simply say, “Because you’re my favorite ex.” 
The call asking for your help never comes. 
A couple of days after that lunch, you find something on your desk. Your calling card. 
If it weren’t for one small thing, you would’ve thought that it was a stray card of yours that you’d forgotten. But then you catch sight of a doodle in one corner right before you’re about to tuck the card away in your closet. 
A crude drawing of a tiger, with crescent-shaped eyes and a toothy smile. 
You instantly know what it means. Sure enough, you hear from Jihoon that same evening. 
Kwon Soonyoung has left as quietly as he arrived. 
There is relief. There is regret. How you feel ultimately doesn’t matter, because you knew it would always come to this— a choice being made.
He left. You stayed. 
The world spins madly on. 
The last of the snow is melting on an unassuming Tuesday afternoon when your phone pings in your pocket. You fish it out to find two texts from an unknown number. The first is a link to a news article. 
You’re suspicious, but curiosity always did kill the cat. The article loads and fills your screen.
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Eye of the Tiger Dance Studio To Start Offering Child-Friendly Dance Lessons
By: Xu Minghao
SEOUL, South Korea – Eye of the Tiger Dance Studio, founded by renowned choreographer and performer Kwon Soonyoung, better known as HOSHI, is expanding its mission to inspire a new generation of dancers. The studio announced it will officially begin offering child-friendly dance lessons following a successful pilot program last month.
Parents and young aspiring dancers can look forward to the official launch of child-friendly lessons early next year. According to HOSHI, the initiative aims to “nurture the joy of dance from an early age and build a foundation for self-expression and confidence.”
The studio piloted its first all-children dance classes in January, offering a creative and supportive environment for young dancers to explore movement. The program’s success has led to an upcoming showcase featuring the children at the KB Art Hall in Gangnam. 
HOSHI, celebrated for his innovative choreography and passion for dance, revealed the inspiration behind this new direction. 
“There was a time I felt lost, like I had lost my purpose for dance,” HOSHI shared, reflecting on a challenging period in his career. “I was going through the motions, using dance as a way to distract myself from everything else, rather than embracing it as a part of who I am.” 
“But I realized something important recently,” he goes on. “Dance shouldn’t be an escape or a vacation. It should be a homecoming.” 
And that’s exactly what they hope to do with their upcoming showcase. Details on the event can be found here. 
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The second text bears only a couple of words, but it changes the ending of everything.
There’s only one seat that will matter in that auditorium, it reads.
Please make sure it’s not empty. 
“Why did you come home?” 
“Home had you.”
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p0orbaby · 4 months ago
can u do r and lessi being in the gym together and less won’t stop teasing and annoying reader
i switched this around because it fit what i was going for better. hope you don’t mind !
The gym is air-conditioned within an inch of its life, but Alessia is still sweating. Proper athlete sweating, the kind where her cheeks are flushed and her hair’s falling out of its ponytail in damp little wisps. She’s in a matching navy-blue set that makes her look like she’s about to film an Adidas advert, and you’re doing absolutely nothing to help.
You’re sitting cross-legged on a yoga mat in the corner, sipping from a water bottle you don’t need because you’re not the one working out. You’re on holiday, after all. Alessia’s the lunatic who insisted she needed “just an hour” in the gym, despite the private beach literally shimmering outside.
“What exactly are you training for?” you ask, watching as she bends forward into some sort of stretch that’s objectively impressive but mostly just funny.
“Pre-season,” she says through gritted teeth, reaching for her toes. “Fitness doesn’t take a holiday”
“Oh, that’s inspiring.” You take another sip of water, just to make a point. “Maybe Adidas should use that. Fitness doesn’t take a holiday, but your girlfriend will”
“Don’t you have something better to do?” she asks, glaring at you from under her sweaty fringe.
“Not really. This is pretty entertaining”
She ignores you and moves to the weights section, picking up two dumbbells that look unnecessarily heavy. You watch as she starts a set of bicep curls, her form perfect, of course, because she’s Alessia Russo and nothing she does is ever less than perfect.
“Nice guns,” you say, resting your chin in your hand. “Bet you could carry all the shopping in one trip”
“Do you want me to throw this at you?” she asks, but there’s a flicker of a smile at the corner of her mouth.
“You wouldn’t. You’d miss me too much when I’m unconscious”
She rolls her eyes and moves to the resistance bands. She hooks one around her foot, stretches it, and starts some sort of kickback movement that you can’t take seriously because it looks absurd.
“Are you trying to win a world title or auditioning for the Rockettes?”
That one gets a laugh, though she tries to cover it with a cough.
“Seriously, Less, you’re on holiday,” you continue, leaning back on your hands. “Why are you torturing yourself in here when we could be doing literally anything else?”
“Because I don’t want to lose momentum,” she says, switching legs.
You tilt your head. “Is that what you call it? I call it masochism”
“Shut up”
“You know, I’m proud of you, babe. Really. But if you fall over in those squats, I’m recording it”
She pauses mid-rep to glare at you, and you grin innocently.
When she finally finishes her workout, she’s glistening like a Greek statue come to life. She tosses the resistance band onto a bench and strides over to you, towering above where you’re still sitting like a particularly lazy house cat.
“You done?” you ask sweetly, looking up at her.
“Yep,” she says, and without warning, she reaches down, grabs your hands, and hauls you to your feet in one swift motion.
“Alessia!” you yelp, stumbling into her chest.
She smirks, wrapping an arm around your waist. “Thought you could use a break , seeing as you’ve been sitting there running your mouth for the last hour.”
“I am pretty tired,” you quip, though your heart is pounding slightly from the sudden closeness. “Do you know how much effort it takes to keep up with you?”
She laughs, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead. “Come on, lazy. Let’s hit the beach”
“Finally,” you say, though you secretly think she looks ridiculously good in that gym kit and you might not mind her dragging you back here tomorrow.
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devildomwriter · 3 months ago
Wrap Me Up | Lucifer x Reader
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1K Word Count | GN! Reader | CW: Very suggestive
Ribbons and bows scattered the floor of Lucifer’s room as you sat crossed leg in the middle of the mess.
Lucifer needed to wrap his brothers’ gifts and he was only just now able to get around to it. After this he could try to relax and enjoy what was left of the holiday season Diavolo forced upon him another consecutive year.
Lucifer pulled more boxes from his closet and sat them down next to you. He got on his knees with a sigh and began sorting the gifts into piles with their corresponding wrapping paper next to them.
Mammon’s wrapping paper was plain, just golden and shiny. Leviathan’s was anime-themed and something he special ordered for Lucifer to wrap his presents in. Satan’s wrapping paper had cats sitting on books. Asmodeus had multiple ones that matched his aesthetic; he’d also picked them out for himself—there was shiny pink, soft pink with white polka dots, and white with pink polka dots. Beelzebub’s paper was just brown and plain since he’d sniff out the food anyway and had no need to identify his gifts by visual means. Belphegor’s paler had the constellations of the Devildom.
You began moving some things aside so Lucifer would have enough room to roll out the paper and he found himself smiling at your consideration even though he wasn’t looking forward to wrapping everything.
Lucifer double-locked his door so his brothers wouldn’t barge in and spoil the Christmas surprise. Christmas may be a new concept for them but the idea of a great surprise was already hardwired into them so as the diligent brother he was, he wouldn’t let them ruin it for themselves.
Both Asmodeus and Mammon had already tried to enter and became extremely suspicious of you being in the room with him until Lucifer and you both explained what you were really doing.
Lucifer felt his headache coming back as now Beelzebub tried to enter the room. You quickly sent him away and Lucifer felt himself beginning to relax just as quickly as he’d stiffened up.
You looked at all the thoughtful presents Lucifer had gotten his brothers and it made you smile to see how much he cared. You knew he did care of course but his brothers had to be punished more often than not so it was easy to lose sight of that fact.
Lucifer saw you smiling at some of the items and prodded you for approval. “Do you think these are fitting?”
You laughed, “You’d know more than I would.”
He sighed and shook his head, “Sometimes I wonder. They’re much quicker to tell you what they want.”
“That’s because it’s my job to spoil them.”
“It’s your job is it now?”
“Mhm. Someone has to be the fun parent.”
He chortled and nodded. “I see. You’re their parent then?”
You nodded, “I may as well be. I feel like I’m taking care of a household of kids.”
Lucifer smiled at the thought someone knew exactly what he was going through but at the same time worried he was burdening you by asking for help.
You read his expressions well enough to know what he was thinking and shook your head, holding your hand up to stop him from saying anything else.
“I’ve got you with me, so that makes it all okay. No matter what they do next.”
Lucifer was touched and thanked you with a faint blush as he began wrapping the first few gifts.
“Tape,” he requested with an outstretched hand and you cut some off for him.
You worked flawlessly together as over two hours you managed to wrap every present. You insisted on wrapping even the smallest ones and he began to wonder if it was so you could keep him a little longer.
You looked at the clock and smiled. “I guess it’s Christmas already, huh? That came so quickly…”
Lucifer nodded. “Thank you, ___, for making this holiday fun for all of us.”
You smiled and blushed. “Well…I’m not done yet…” you confessed and he gave you a curious look.
“You have one last present to wrap,” you insisted and he watched as you dug through a box of bows and found the perfect one.
You handed him the bow and he stared at it for a moment so you took his hand and placed it atop your head.
“Me. I’m your present,” you said doing your best not to get flustered.
Lucifer took a moment to process what you were saying then gave you a surprisingly genuine smile rather than a flirtatious smirk.
“Yes, you really are,” he agreed and hugged you. “So…what do I get to do with my present exactly?”
You grinned and did your best to maintain eye content. “Whatever you want.”
He raised an eyebrow and grinned, “Anything I want to? Really?”
You nodded and he began leading you across his room.
“Even if I wanted to bring my present to bed? I could do that too?” You nodded so he continued, a sly grin growing.
“What if I wanted to tie your wrists up in ribbons and undress you?” You nodded again, becoming heated as he spoke directly into your ear, hand over your stomach.
“Is that so? What if I wanted my present to unravel in my hands and scream my name loudly enough to wake the house?”
You felt like you’d melt as he continued his fantasies in greater detail. “So…my present would let me stuff my cock in them over and over again until Christmas morning?”
You nodded, your knees weakening as he slowly ran his hand up your leg. You felt his breath against your ear and shivers throughout your body as he gave you a wicked grin.
“I see. In that case, I’ll make thorough use of my generous present... And by the way,” he laughed. “Presents aren’t only valid on the day they’re given…isn’t that right? I hope you know I don’t intend for this to only last a single night.”
233 notes · View notes
ab4eva · 3 months ago
‘The Three of Us: ‘Tis The Damn Season’
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Fully co-authored with mon petite chou @therealslimshakespeare 🩷 (& all credit to her for this gorgeous new moodboard!)
Notes: Happy new year babes! Our endless thanks and appreciation to all of you who have kept the love for these three alive with screams and reads and notes and who have inspired us to churn out some of the horniest shit imaginable. We hope you love this installment and please come and scream to us about it.
Warnings: All the sex, 18+ only
Word count: 8k
The Three of Us
The Three of Us: Brat Behavior
The past few months have been grand but far too busy. Or at least for Austin, workaholic that he is. You knew that he was dedicated and in a very crucial stage of establishing himself as one of the most respected and in demand actors of his generation but, the fact of it is, the holidays find you about as worrisomely detached from his hectic set-life as Callum is from the both of you an ocean away. There is FaceTime and the group chat and gifts sent back and forth and avid interest for each other’s success and fits of glumness, but the long stretch between last time all together has begun to wear, it’s a melancholy sort of missing of both of them and you long for the closeness. The easy way everything is so right when together.
Your mother and your girl friends are making proclamations these days, general platitudes about how a man who was serious about you would make this something more official after a year and a half of “casual” dating. And they’re right, if that’s what was still happening. To be fair, dating doesn’t seem to be what you’re doing anymore, you and Austin are so far beyond that despite the recent distance and added to it, Callum is as solidly a part of that seriousness that your head spins with what sort of talk is even needed to solidify something so utterly unorthodox and yet so crucial for your world to make sense. No one can know, not beyond the occasional snicker over espresso martinis about “the boys” and double innuendos about sharing that you can always laugh off in the sobriety of the morning after.
In this funk -which would be no funk at all if the ones you loved were simply near and life didn’t move too fast and work too slow- you find yourself in London in December. A work trip, but it’s left you feeling indulgent and more than a little mopey at the prospect of another fairy-light, snow-dusted, early December spent alone despite ostensibly being able to claim a boyfriend; and so you decide to stay over. You museum stroll, enjoy your favorite tea houses, explore the garden exhibitions, try your hand at photography on the various bridges. A text from Callum startles you out of your melancholy, asking if you “really came to London, stayed a few days, posted it on your Insta stories and ‘didn’t say shit’ to him about it.”
Chastened, and no longer deterred by the three avatar bubbles denoting each member of the group chat, you fire back apologies - a string of demure and pitiful emojis and inquiries as to how to make this slight better. There’s barely five seconds of typing ellipses before your sentence is read and responded to, Callum’s trademark eagerness coming through the phone so unequivocally that a wave of longing hits you out of nowhere and blooms bright in your chest.
Coffee and baguettes at Burhams, 4:00, Mumford and Sons playing at the Carlton at 7:00, so wear something sexy under the coat. But do bring a coat, it’s going to be frigid. He’ll schedule an uber if you give him your hotel address. And why the fuck aren’t you staying at his? See you tonight. Xx
To your credit, between the giddy smile on your face in anticipation of seeing him and the butterflies in your belly of having an evening that’ll finally match the jollity of everyone around your sad little self, you feel a tiny slither of doubt. You thumbs up his message, biting your lip in worry over how to reply, not that you don’t know what you want to say to him and how enthusiastically you intend to agree with his hijacking of your evening, but rather, an uneasy awareness of Austin’s presence in the chat. That very same presence that erases all the guilt of such a conversation, not that there should be any anyway, you’re all friends, but you find your fingers stall when you go to gush in approval of the plan as warmly as you intend.
Five whole minutes go by. Just your solitary and very unappreciative 👍 lingering there. It’s making it weird, you’re making it weird. This is how you’ve been all this season and you’re sick of it. Then another row of little dots appear, texting in progress. You hold your breath, melancholy and fond in expectation of Callum’s predictable ribbing over your moderation. But it’s under Austin’s name when the grey chat box slides into delivered. It’s simple, easy, a pink cheeks smile emoji at the end.
“Yeah, and wear tights with that coat, I know you. Tights can be sexy. Pneumonia isn’t ☺️.”
God you miss him. And it seems you’re going out with Callum tonight. You should overthink the pulsing bravery and excitement that takes over then, but you don’t. Because that’s a thing to be left behind with the loneliness at Christmastime when you’ve got people to love you.
“Look what the cat finally dragged in.” Callum’s familiar, husky drawl assaults you from behind and you can actually hear the smirk in his voice. You turn, a smile on your face that quickly fades when you see the wounded look of hurt in his eyes he’s desperately trying to hide with all of his casual bravado, and you realize all is not exactly forgiven yet. Lord, you’ve forgotten just how big he actually is. Has he always been this tall, this broad? Hands in his pockets now, he doesn’t immediately reach for you and your heart squeezes with the notion you’ve hurt him simply by being too in your feels about things lately. You should have called him the moment you landed and the guilt sits heavy as a stone in the pit of your stomach. This is Cal, your Cal! Not some random guy but your own lovely Englishman who means more to you and Austin than probably any other person on earth. Or close to it.
“Oh Cal…I…,” you falter, taking a deep breath and one step closer to him. You’re starting to shiver in this London chill and despite wearing tights like Austin told you to, you *also* wore something sexy (and short and not very warm at all), like Callum told you to. An arms length still separates you but you’re close enough now to feel the warmth radiating off his hulking form and you shiver again, crossing your arms over your body, as much for warmth as to fortify your strength. You’re half hoping he’ll jump in with his trademark ease, teasingly let you off the hook. Because how can you tell him all the reasons why you didn’t call. That he’s been on your mind day and night since you got here and you’ve been sleepwalking through London, half heartedly hoping to run into him at Camden Market or a museum or his favorite pub. And how can you tell him that you’re pretty sure you’re in love with him too, but how would that even work? It makes your brain hurt just thinking about it. What if he doesn’t feel the same? And Austin, oh god Austin, you love him so much it hurts and what would he think about it all? These cloudy thoughts swirl and clamor in your head, begging to be let out. But all you can do is stare at the grown man in front of you who looks for all the world like a little lost puppy.
Callum just stands there, blue eyes cold and distant, looking just over your shoulder, refusing to look at you. The hell with this, you can’t take another second of whatever this is. You close the gap between you in a flash, catching him off guard with your near tackle hug. He stumbles backwards with a little “oof” breathed out somewhere above your head as you snake your arms around his middle, laying your cheek on that big, broad chest. Warm, he’s so deliciously warm and you take a deep breath for the first time all day, maybe for the first time all month. He smells just like you remember - warm vanilla spice and cigarette smoke. He stiffens for a moment, hands still balled into fists in that damn jacket pocket.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, squeezing him tight as you feel a pinch in your nose and the pinprick of tears threatening to fall. No, that won’t do, Cal’s the injured party here, so you sniff discreetly and snuggle closer into him, shivering again. That does it, he’s too much of a gentleman to leave you in the cold for too long. You hear him sigh, and his arms wrap around you at long last, chin coming down to rest on the top of your head, and his body relaxes into yours. “I’m so sorry.”
“Just…never do that again, alright? If you’re in town, you call…fucks sake. Got it?” His voice is rough with emotion and you can tell there’s more he wants to say, questions left unanswered but you can both leave those for another time. You nod, still glued to him like a sexy starfish.
“Promise.” A simple word, falling from your lips. But you mean it. He grabs your coat from the back and hauls you away from him, the better to look you in the eyes for the first time in months. Fixing you with an intense, searching look he seems to find whatever he’s looking for in your eyes because he nods, once. He knows this is a promise you’ll keep.
It’s with relief you notice his smile gets crinklier the more tipsy you become as the night progresses. You cling to his arm for stability while unabashedly sipping down the remains of your fifth gin and tonic with what you hope is endearing gusto. His smile stays, it’s a good sign. You know Callum dislikes stilted companionship more than anything, and if you’ve become a little messy in your attempt to shake off the awkwardness -well, he’s taken it in stride, it’s better than your seasonal blues, your clinging is preferred to your previous neglect. His arm is so large and his hand so huge, you lean against him like a child tired out at a carnival and watch the dwindling order of the party swirl into chaos around you, his leather jacket sticky against your cheek, your little back corner a place of observation after hours spent in the throng, bopping to the beat with the best of them. It’s dizzying and bright looking on it now, your heels feel like they’re wobbling beneath your unmoving feet and it makes you drop your gaze downwards.
Cal is wearing slacks. Pinstripe slacks. The inseams of which are god’s strongest little soldiers. How is the thread not ripping? What’s he so big for? You miss the feeling of them crushing your cheeks, muffling your ears, jumping under your hands.
“Jesus babe,” he interrupts your train of thought, sounding like he’s getting fallacio at that very moment.
“What?” You lift your puzzled face from the crook of his arm and search his own very near, very flushed, very hungry face. Oh, maybe you’d said some of that aloud.
“Babe, you’re fookin’ sloshed.” He isn’t gentlemanly enough to call it tipsy, or maybe you’re way past tipsy. You try to punch his arm but merely end up slipping further into him, holding onto his waist with both hands, tonic glass caught by his reflexes somewhere along the way.
“Thanks’ou,” you mutter, smelling cologne and sweat and feeling the bulky barrel chest beneath your fingers, well and truly as solid and sweet as it was with his first hug this afternoon, “I feel good.” You realize it’s been such a while since you could say that.
His wry smile softens and it creases under his chin as he stares down at you, you feel fingers under your chin, the gesture making your eyes flutter closed. “Good.” His voice is so deep you think you feel it down to the soles of your feet. “Better get you home and tuck you in ‘fore the carriage turns back into a pumpkin.”
You pout, feeling like melting into him, quite sure you’re not physically capable of doing anything under your own steam, not wanting to, in fact wanting very much to let yourself be pampered, be a little spoiled.
So you pout.
“God,” you hear him mutter, he sounds like his voice is coming from the pits, he sounds drunk, he sounds turned on.
“You sloshed too?” You are obscenely hopeful and your hand proves it by sliding down his middle, intent on finding pinstripes and tracing them too.
“I- maybe- maybe more than I thou- holy shit babe, just hold on…I’m gonna get us a cab.”
You’re in public, being indecent. With a man who is not your publicized boyfriend. It strikes you as a delightful change of pace and nothing more. Your bubbly enjoyment of it is only further punctuated by the charming feeling of being lifted in the air and bodily carried through the miasma of tables in the raucous little venue, princess style in Cal’s big arms, out into the little flurries swirling in the late London air. You later assume a large man in an expensive jacket holding a pissed drunk girl wearing a skimpy sequined two piece cradled in his arms was probably perfect taxi bait on that sidewalk. You don’t really recall the wait, just the blast of cold and the feeling of being carried and the positively romantic swirl of lights and snowflakes above your topsy turvy vision, overshadowed by his big old nose.
You think you booped it.
You remember him almost banging your head on the tip of the taxi door as he stumbled in, the way it made you realize he too was sloshed. The way you spilled out onto the seat, giggling, and he had to pick up your legs to slide in beside you. The way he’d not bothered to buckle and simply gave out his address with a tacked on “thanks mate” before proceeding to desecrate the cabbies back seat with the foggiest kiss a London fare had ever witnessed.
Tongue in, mouth wide and devouring, hands in your hair. You were undone by it instantly, the forgiveness and the essential element of being missed; the slight edge of frustration that worked its way into each clack of your teeth and tilt of his jaw. You were being smothered to death in that backseat and you craved it, clung to him and kissed him back, exulted in being wanted and crushed. You felt his thighs under you own, so sturdy and warm, a flush of heat taking over at memories of what was between them, at the way he hurt you and had you coming back for more because he was so lovely about it. The way you couldn’t forget you’d been with him even days after; you needed that badly, a testament that you weren’t always lonely.
“Need you to make me feel it,” you slurred this sentiment aloud, fractured and too loud for decency, the feeling of the seat vibrating under your back and the lights of the city strobing through the droplet-specked windows. “Deep inside,” you insisted, obsessed with it.
“Gotta be quiet, now,” he begged with his forehead pressed to yours, face buzzing from the rough road, sounding gratifyingly hoarse, “almost there.”
Cal would likely tip the poor cabbie for your whining mouth.
“M’so’fucking horny,” you felt the need to impress upon him.
“No shit,” Cal mumbled against your mouth and you didn’t even have time to process the fact he slipped his hand inside your pantyhose until you felt the cold clinking of his watch against your lower belly, then the very electric touch of his finger between your sopping wet petals. He swirled them up and down your slit, once, twice, thrice, gathering a truly incriminating amount of slick. Then he stabbed in, entirely unlike his usual teasing and gentle build. He fucked in, two large fingers at once to the hilt and you let out a entirely involuntary little cry at the much desired and entirely unexpected relief.
“Fuuuuck,” you whined up at him, lips trembling and more than a little pathetic in your drunken state but you were being roughly finger fucked in the backseat of a cab after having been dismally celibate for over a month and it was really too much to expect from a girl not to curse over the happy burn of Callum Turner’s large fingers slamming home. “I can feel your stupid ring,” you managed, realizing it was the one he was always wearing, like some relic from another age, a signet ring sorta thing you’d teased him about. It kept bumping your clit, a cold metal shock, each time he slammed inside.
“You’re gushing.” He sounded like he was almost accusing you.
“Feels s’good,” you defended, about ready to come from this alone. “Been so closed up,” you pouted further, self pity in full bloom now you had a sympathetically horny ear. “Cal you gotta fuck me. You’re gonna fuck me, right? Please, Cally honey, please baby. Need to feel you deep.”
It’s all you can think of as you come on his fingers, the way he’s gonna ruin you if he takes you tonight. The way you’ll not have any room for blues or worries or anything, just being here in the present with the challenge of taking him all the way. It will consume you, turn you into a little cockslave with no schedules or requirements or holiday demands. You’ll have one job and it’s to let Callum bottom out where you can feel those plump and hairy balls against your ass and nothing more. You’d kill for it right now. You’d certainly let him finger fuck you in the back of the cab about it. Proved that already. Who’s acting too distant now? Now that your walls are clamped around his fingers like a vice, soaking his wrist with your orgasm, crying into the palm of his hand held right against your mouth.
“Fuckin’ mouth on you tonight, luv.” He sounds as strangled as you feel. “Whatever you want, whatever you want, baby girl. Beggin’ for my cock…missed me that bad, huh? I know you remember how to take me but it’s been a little while…sure you feel like having that pretty little pussy ruined tonight?”
Your eyes roll back again at his filthy goading. The truth is, it’s been too long and it’s always a challenge with him anyway. A sore point occasionally between the three of you but it is as it is, and your state of mind has you longing for an entirely preventable limp tomorrow.
“I’ll take it, I’ll be good,” you swear, grinding your hips up on his own, trying to feel the throbbing monster in question, impeded in your quest by the stupid pantyhose Austin wanted your wear. “All of you, I promise, won’t even make you go slow. Want you to break me.”
Cal tips the driver exorbitantly, after having wiped his sticky hand off on those pinstripes. The feeling of your wet warmth makes him so hungry to be inside you he forgets his basic maths. It doesn’t matter, he errs on the side of too generous and rolls himself out of the ride. He then pulls you out after him like you’re a bit of slinky play dough. You are recovered enough to walk you find, once your feet meet cement, and it’s something, it’s good enough to hold onto his hand and let him lead you up the four stairs leading to his brick townhouse with its wrought iron railing and navy blue door. You’ve never been inside, only seen pictures. The novelty is thrilling; Callum’s got the door swinging wide before the poor misused cab has even disappeared down the street.
There’s a pleasant foyer right inside, warmer in palette and decor than most renovated homes these days, with a polished wood floor and powder blue walls and a chandelier overhead, gold to match the giant gold mirror hanging above an antique side table holding the keys to what you assume is his car and a stray bag of dog treats fresh from Tesco. It’s instantly charming and intriguing, and so very like him that your heart melts in endearment. Then picks up in a shocked tempo when you feel his huge hands on your waist, pushing more than guiding you over the threshold. He spins you effortlessly and you’re bent bodily over the pretty antique side table before you can even help.
Horizontally you watch his hand, the one that had just been inside you minutes ago, swipe off the dog treats and the fancy little silver tray holding his keys. They clatter to the wood floor and you shake at the reminder he’s as keyed up as you are or worse, not having gotten relief in the cab like you did. You remember your stupidity, you raving and saying you wouldn’t make him go slow. Your mouth dries out and jitters pulse through you now, a war between sparkling arousal at every dominant action he takes and downright terror at your big, drunk mouth over promising your cock taking abilities.
He yanks your pantyhose down unceremoniously and you don’t move, not even when you hear the rip his impatience makes in them, you keep your flushed cheek to the cool wooden table top and try to even out your breathing, try to remember it’s Callum and it’s what you want and he’s gonna impale you bent over this table apparently, like a couple of insatiable sex addicts managing only to get to the first available surface. The sound of his belt shouldn’t make you full body shudder, not after all the times you two have been intimate in other places and other times, but right now everything else seems so quiet. Just two sets of lungs breathing in and out, and the distant hum of his fridge, the muted traffic outside, the grate of his zipper.
Your eyes flick up, remembering the mirror. He’s staring down in its reflection, not at your eyes but at your bare bottom, the sequined skirt puddled around your ankles. You feel his toe nudging at your instep and you spread your legs wider, tabletop digging into your lower belly as you lean forward more, arching your back, giving him a peak of the cleft between your legs.
The slap on your ass jolts your body forward more, your trembling hand reaching out to steady yourself, mussing up the mirror with your greasy print. “Arch it baby, that’s it, throw it back for me.” He presses on your lower back and you tilt as much as you can, feeling cold air hit your petals as Callum’s calloused hand kneads your ass cheek, crudely pulling you apart, thumbing at where you’re glittery and wet. His handspan is sobering. Your heart pounds in your ears louder than the band earlier tonight.
“Stay like tha’, just like tha’,” he commands. “M’gonna fuck the pout off ya.”
The sheer, blunt weight of him pointed up against your little hole feels utterly reckless when it happens. You stare at his face in the mirror and the glazed look of determination on his, the way he’s still staring at where he’s lined himself up, the animal in him fully in control, his tongue peeking out at the corner of his lips.
He doesn’t do you the courtesy of meeting your eyes when he slams inside, it’s just as well really. Your own screw shut as your mouth unhinges in a scream, raw and uncensored, feeling it fully and it’s as much as you remember and he didn’t go slow. And he doesn't even look at your face, not when you squint your tearful eyes open again to beg for reassurance; he’s staring down at where he split you apart, mesmerized and utterly smug. You feel yourself trembling, belly a raw ache immediately.
He’s too deep.
His belly is warm against your ass, curly trail of hair tickling with each heave of his breath. You try to shimmy away, further atop the side table, nose almost smudging the mirror. A warm and solid hand on the back of your neck yanks you back, back down on him fully, back on your feet: you hear your own sob like it belongs to someone else.
“Cal…” you try to beg your way into a dishonorable retreat but the hand stays strong and sure beneath your skull.
“Tell me ya missed me,” he demands, and you’re not sure if it’s what’s required to be let off his cock or for him to slam it home again.
It feels like true, broken, stupidly desperate begging when you comply, no game in it at all, “I did, I did.”
“Say it.” He puts you out of your suspense with a rough thrust and it knocks out your breath. “Say you missed me. Say it.”
“Missed you!” you wail, cheek smushed under the press of his hand.
“And you wa’me to fuck ya,” he insists, hips snapping fast now and you let out unstoppable little grunts of effort as your body accommodates him as best it can, “tell me, tell me, baby.”
In the mirror above you he looks pissed or hurt, probably has been all evening and now he can have this, you can make it better by this. It's such a hot thought. Earning his forgiveness this way. Genuinely a blow to the boss babe mentality wilting inside you, the way he fucks such flattery out of you, the way when cock dumb and bent over in his entry way, you mean it in perfect sincerity: “Missed you so bad Cal, missed the way you fuck me up.”
“I fuck you up?”
“Only me? Only me, baby? Tell me-”
It’s on the tip of your tongue, it tastes as sincere as all the other jumbled admissions you’ve screamed out face to face with your own reflection here. Except this one isn’t true. And it hits like a bucket of ice water on your raging arousal.
Austin. Oh god, what about- Austin.
You freeze, blood running cold and croak out a meager “Stop!” Callum doesn’t listen, too caught up in the moment to hear and you say it again, louder, more forceful - “Callum! Stop!”
To his credit he does, immediately, concern flooding his pink, sweaty face. “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you? Oh god, did I hurt you for real?” You hear the slight tinge of panic in his voice starting to escalate and the hand that had been pressing you into the table suddenly releases you and helps you struggle upright onto your elbows as you wince. No easy feat as you’re still impaled, and fluttering around him at that. He grunts a little but doesn’t make a move to disentangle you both…yet.
You meet his eyes in the mirror, his face still a jumble of concern and questions and yours suddenly ghostly white. “Austin,” you whisper brokenly, “we-. We forgot about Austin. Fuck. We didn’t even ask him if we could…oh my god, oh my GOD. What have we done?” Now it’s you who begins to panic, hot tears starting to gather in your eyes.
“Hey…shh, calm down, babe. Calm down. You’re totally right, we should have asked ‘im. Here, lemme just…” he trails off and you feel him struggling to reach his phone in the back pocket of his pants, which are still around his thick thighs as he didn’t even bother to pull them all the way down. He grins at you in the mirror, holding up his phone triumphantly. “We should call him.”
Before you can really hear or process that fully…
FaceTime screen. You flinch, realizing what an insanely compromising position you’re currently in, with Callum’s cock buried deep inside you just like you’d asked, no regard or thought for the man you’re currently in a relationship with. Austin doesn't answer - thank god. You’re so relieved. Then suddenly Callum’s talking behind you, voice text memo thingy… “Butler, wake up.”
“We got ourselves into a shituation of sorts and didn’t wanna leave ya out. It’s like eight a.m. there for fuck’s sake, wake up my balls are killin’ me, man.”
You better believe that Austin wakes up then. He’s very suggestible first thing in the morning to Cal’s sex voice. He’s heard it before, of course, but only as solo messages in the group chat. We was mentioned and Austin’s morning wood does the thinking for him when he sees a missed FaceTime call and punches redial. Laying on his belly, cock chafed on the sheets, outraged curiosity on his baby face, “WHAT THE FUCK, GUYS?!”
Calllum’s double chin in view, he’s red, sweaty, high ceiling visible. Austin’s less annoyed about whatever is going on and more about…he just woke up?! He planned on avocado toast and espresso and reading the morning paper in leisurely silence, maybe a warm shower with some self care. But what the actual fuck?
“I realize I’m taking liberties,” Cal starts huffing, sounding strangled and keeping you well out of sight, “but she looked so pretty and I missed you both, and we did get pretty drunk…please tell me I can keep going.”
Austin can’t seem to stop shaking his head and rubbing his sleepy eyes and repeating, “What the fuck?”
“Come on mate, let ya watch!” Cal wheedles, grin growing as Austin doesn’t verbalize any actual qualms. It’s not consent but anything less than a hard no from Austin means Callum can try to use his charm.
“We can talk about all this later, we really need to, actually but, uh, please, lemme.” He pauses, another grin splitting his face as pulls the phone closer to get a better look at the screen. “Fuck, you look so good all sleepy, bet your ass is out too, huh? Austin?”
“What the fuck, Callum? Just…lemme see her. Babe? You there?” You can hear Austin on the other end of the line, and with that, consent is assumed. You start babbling, trying to explain some shit as the phone comes in front of you, Cal’s massive hand obscuring you partly as he tries to prop it up on the mirror’s gilt frame. Austin’s rumpled, blonde bedhead and blue eyes swim into view and your heart skips a beat at the familiar sight. You can tell just by looking at him that he’s worked up, so horny already. You see your slightly horrified face reflected in the tiny screen in the corner, along with your bare ass and Callum clearly attached somewhere lower. He’s leaning over you, his cock stabbing deeper inside you, pressing you harder against the table and squeezing the last bit of your the breath out.
“…didn’t consider your feelings, baby, I’m so sorry if you’re not comfortable…OOOH FUCK CAL!” you gasp. You’re trying not to clench but you can’t help it and he keeps groaning and fucking into you in tiny little thrusts. You lose all thought, all ability to speak as Cal starts up again in earnest. Your face is so close to the camera and Austin can mainly see you - wincing, starting to cry as Cal pummels you from behind. Pretty soon he starts moving too, not even thinking about it. It’s just that the sheets are dragging so well, feeling so good. Watching his girl’s face as she takes his best friend’s cock. Poor you, eyes wide and mouth propped open in a perfect “o”, sweet face looking half-pained most of the time. The breathy way you say Austin’s name is almost pleading - you’re not sure if you want him to save you through the screen or absolve you.
“He too big for you, angel?” he asks without even thinking, eyes all consoling and compassionate. You manage a small whine, nodding as you bite your lip at a particularly hard thrust.
“He doesn’t take no’s well,” Austin reminds you in a sympathetic told ya so way.
“Damn right,” gets huffed in your ear. “He knows you’re a little slut, knows you were sayin’ “yes yes yes” a second ago. Isn’t that right, Butler? Yeah, look at him all sorry for you, he knows I won’t stop, it’s why he’s too chicken to let me try him, huh Aus? ‘Fraid it’d be too much?” You catch Callum’s self-satisfied smirk in the mirror. Austin mumbles a quiet “Shut up” but his eyes are drooping like he’s about to cum.
“Mm hmm, thought so, mate. Better be glad I’m not there right now or that tight little ass of yours would be wrecked,” Callum goads. Austin watches your face contort as you take him, half-imagining himself on the receiving end. It’s a subconscious combo of wanting to put himself in your place, knowing it would hurt for him and also to soothe his slightly-bruised ego that another cock isn’t even better, it’s too big in fact for you.
“Fuck baby, is it so deep? Does it hurt?” He sounds hopeful. “He’s too big isn’t he, awful big British man who doesn’t even know how to tease, my poor baby it hurts, yeah, I can see it hurts. You cry so pretty. You gotta be good though, you gotta take it, gotta keep our mate happy.” Austin licks his lips, sounding strangled, his wavering voice an octave lower than normal. “All the way in Cal, come on go all the way…ooh fuuuuck yeah, you gotta force it don’t you? She’s so tight, isn’t she…oh fuck, my poor baby, don’t stop now.”
“You’re thinking about it, aren’t you Butler? What I’d feel like? You ok, bruv? Wishing this was you? Lookin’ a lil wistful on me, maybe it’s jus’the screen. Naughty…gonna have to shove your face into the pillow just to keep you quiet. I know how loud you can be when you come,” Cal grunts as he pounds into you, keeping his eyes firmly on Austin’s through the screen as he does. Austin starts to flip over onto his back, easier wring himself out that way.
“Ah ah ah, don’t touch yourself, pretty man, we both know you don’t need it - not with this, not with us. Want you to rub it out against the sheets, like the pretty little bitch you are.” Callum meets your stare in the mirror, his eyes glittering with mirth and lust.
That mischief is infectious, combined with Austin’s own almost salacious investment in your penetrated state- it gives you an idea. More like a need.
“Babe.” Austin’s gaze snaps back to your face at the sound of your voice, pupils dilated and lush mouth hanging open. “Be a good boy and open the bedside drawer…yes darling, that one. Grab my favorite vibe, the pink one. That’s it…mmm you’re such a good listener. Now…can you turn it on for me, baby? I want you to put it on your cock.” You watch as he obeys your every command, his forehead dropping to the bed when the vibrations reach their intended destination.
“Butler, move it down,” Cal calls him out on it, smirking and waiting to see if he actually will.
Austin doesn’t even argue, just grits out, “I don’t even have lube.” His sad bunny face reappears briefly as he lifts his head but he’s moving it down anyway, off screen.
“Yeah, neither do we, did we doll? Nah! -s’gonna hurt, Aus.” Callum says this last part, half goad and half encouragement. Austin feels so naughty doing it, even after everything. That's one threshold he hasn’t crossed yet. But for you? For both of you? To be part of the fun? He’d do just about anything you two asked of him.
“That’s it baby, be a good boy, don’t stop, don’t you dare stop, keep going,” you praise his timid but consistent efforts from five thousand miles and an ocean away. “Fuck Austin, you sound so pretty like that.”
You and Callum watch Austin through the tiny phone screen, shifting and coloring and so sure he’s not into it either but his throat is tightening and so are his balls….his whole lower belly is throbbing.
“Is this…fuck…is this how girls feel?” He doesn’t know but god it’s another thing entirely, now that you and Cal are begging and encouraging and swearing he’s got this.
He very much doesn’t “have” shit but…
…If his baby says he does, then he does. He lets out a hoarse scream, like he’s been struck by lightning and he’s too seized up to even get it out of himself if he wants to. Pretty face planted in the pillow, the phone tips over a little and you can see all his golden hair sticking up, a sliver of scalp. He beats the mattress with his fist, and Callum starts laughing inside you. You’re not sure if it’s funny or concerning. But you start laughing. Can't help it. It’s contagious. Callum almost slips out of you and has to grab your hips to stay firmly planted.
“You ok mate? ‘Oh fuck’ for bad or just ‘fuck’ for good. C’mon, talk to us Aus.” He’s still wheezing and laughing. He’s horrible. Austin knows Callum is watching him…it’s making him feel a million odd little things, all of them very dizzy and very warm.
“Oh fuck, no it feels better- worse- like this,” Austin manages through gritted teeth.
“Fix the phone baby, we wanna see you,” you say. When he does there’s a couple of tears leaking out of his eyes - from pleasure? Pain? Both? He’s not sure, but whatever it is makes you and Cal so turned on that things are suddenly not funny anymore in the least. An intense silence fills the room, only heavy breathing and a couple of whimpers can be heard as you all zero in on the same thing - chasing that blacked out sun and exploding stars. Watching y’all go at it distracts Austin just enough to get into it, in a good way, to get on top of that out of control feeling. But it makes him keep clenching down and he lets out a sort of wail, clamping a hand over his mouth - where the fuck did that sound come from? He’s never made that sound before in his life.
Cal starts babbling to you about how pretty he bets Austin looks, spread out on that big white bed, and for a moment Austin forgets you, too busy realizing Callum is watching him squirm from being stimulated in a way he never has been before. He almost loses it right then at the overheard praise.
“Bet his ass is all clenched up.”
“Think his back is sweaty yet?”
“Bet he’s leaking everywhere.”
“Are you really crying, Aus? Fuck, you look so damn sexy like that.”
Pathetic sad groaning, muffled from the pillows where he’s dropped his head again, Austin moans out, “Maybeeee -my assss, oh god. Oh no fuck…I’m gonna cum.”
The panic in his announcement is comical, considering the impending bliss. But it’s no laughing matter anymore, the building feeling deep in his gut, nowhere familiar at all and yet stronger than anything he’s ever known was possible. He thinks when the feeling crests he’s going to be shattered into a million pieces. He can’t quite breathe with the way it’s making him seize up, the little toy tucked inside with its vibrations making his whole body twitch and writhe at unexpected intervals ever more frequently. There’s a nasty puddle of precum under his chafed cock and Austin feels fresh tears of self pity gathering, ready to spill. He’s going to cum and it’s terrifying.
“Baby-you-look-,” your intended compliment gets punched out of you a lá staccato thanks to the bruising your cervix is taking as Callum quite loses his mind from the feel of your gripping walls and the sight of Austin getting off on the buzz of a pink girl-vibe tucked in his peachy little ass. “You-look-so-pretty,” you manage and watch as Austin flings his head up, looking strangled and with every vein in his neck pulsing wildly, and in tandem, it feels, with the beat of Callum’s heartbeat inside you, unless your all-encompassing horny has made you utterly delusional.
Austin cums silently, except for a choked off shriek of shock that heralded his arrival, his beautiful face contorting in exquisite agony, his own brutal pleasure so palpable through the screen it becomes a symbiosis of sorts in your own body and what has been a brutal, mind-numbing fuck for you so far now becomes the instrument of cutting your tether to earth and the next slam of Callum’s hips into yours sends you off, eyes glued to Austin’s bubblegum pink lips and a delighted scream echoing through the flat.
Spent, in the aftermath, you rest your head against the table once more, only the top of your head visible to the FaceTime video, and take what Callum is chasing in his vigor. You feel your recent wetness squelching and running down your thighs as he fucks you through the last of the pleasure and into that burning realm of too much.
“Cal- Callum, please, you gotta-.” It’s not your voice doing the begging though, your ears may be ringing so badly you can hear colors right now but it’s Austin, you’re sure of that. Austin, not you, begging Callum to cum, “-I can’t keep, I can’t stop I, please, please cum -I-”
He can’t stop clenching, cumming, awful little dribbles and spurts of semen milked out of his bobbing cock by each buzz of your vibrator that he’s either forgotten he can willfully remove or else can’t manage to because of how reactionary each shift of his body feels.
“Wan’me to cum? Wan’ me to fill you up?” Callum sounds winded as fuck, slurring and drunk and full-blooded Londoner.
You don’t even think to answer, even though it’s your body he’s using. Your body that’ll be filled up.
“Please,” Austin answers for you, sounding so whimpery you feel yourself shake apart again, a small and involuntary climax in direct correspondence with the audible stimulation from his pathetic state.
When Callum cums it’s so warm and much and plainly obvious, striping your inner walls and soothing the abused ache, that you feel half euphoric and half like a terrible defrauder that you’ve felt this and not Austin. It’s all you can manage though, fucked and wrecked and ruined as was promised on the packaging, you can’t do more than sag further on top the side table and relish the feeling of Callum’s cock beginning to soften inside you, allowing a little breach in the dam for a trickle of cum to drip out.
“Aus, take the fookin’ vibe out ‘fore ya pass out on us.”
Cal’s voice sounds so reassuringly commanding the last little bits of your frazzled self melt away with the dregs of arousal and you lift your head in time to watch Austin face plant for the tenth time while reaching behind himself to obey.
“There’s a good lad,” Callum teases in your ear and you shudder from the secondhand praise, shuddering too from the way Austin looks like a debauched cherub, naked and meek in a sea of white sheets illuminated by a clear New York morning, staring down at the little pink wand he’s just retrieved from his still tingly ass.
“Fuck,” he articulates with swollen lips.
“Show us the puddle, come on mate, ya must’ve milked out a pint goin’ on an’ on like that. Ya lil freak.”
Austin blushes under the coarse praise and shyly points the camera to the desecrated sheets. You hear yourself moan before you can bite it back.
“I wish I could lick it up,” you realize longingly, dazed and used, and maybe you are still drunk.
“Your mouth!”-Cal, “Your mind!” -Austin, comes out from both men simultaneously and it makes you realize you really should’ve been asleep ages ago. You hadn’t meant to say that bit out loud. You blush, actually blush, and after what you all just experienced you really shouldn’t have any embarrassment left. You start to giggle, quickly followed by the boys, until Callum is slipping free from your poor, abused pussy and guffawing until tears are leaking from his eyes and down his cheeks.
“Goddamn,” swears Austin, his giggles finally fizzing out. “You two will be the death of me. Hang up the phone and go to bed already. Call me when you wake up.”
“I love you, Austin.” You grab the phone and hold it close, memorizing every inch of his face in milliseconds, suddenly not wanting him to go. “I miss you, babe. So damn much.”
“Me too, sweetheart…I’ll see you soon, ok? And Cal?” He comes up behind you, wiping his eyes and leans over your shoulder to grin into the phone. “You bastard,” he teases. “Watch yourself, bud.”
“Oh, I’m really scared, mate. Fuck off and go eat your avocado toast, fancy man.” And with that, Callum hangs up the call and you both stumble blindly through his darkened house and into the bathroom for a quick and necessary shower. He tosses you a soft and worn gray t-shirt to sleep in and you’re off to dreamland almost as soon as your head hits the pillow. It seems like you’ve only been asleep a few minutes when you feel a soft squeeze on your toes. You yank your foot away and whine, not ready to wake up.
“Cal…stoppp,” you pout, jerking the covers up over your head and burrowing down.
“Wake up, Grumpy Gus, I brought coffee and croissants.”
That voice. The one you heard from thousands of miles away last night. The one you hear in your dreams. You throw the covers off in one swift motion and rub your eyes. It can’t be. But it is. Standing at the foot of the bed, a gentle smile on his face and a tray of coffee in one hand and a white paper bag in the other.
“Austin?! What are you even doing here?” You scramble out of bed and leap into his arms, squishing his cheeks between your hands and covering his face with kisses. He laughs and stumbles backward, just barely getting the coffee onto the dresser before it spills.
“I missed you too much so I caught the next flight to London. Couldn’t stand to be away from you for another minute. Happy to see me?” His eyes flick down shyly as he waits for your answer.
You don’t answer. Instead, you press your lips to his, tenderly at first and then hungrily, drinking in all of him. “More than happy, you have no idea,” you whisper when you come up for air.
“The fuck is going on?” a raspy voice calls out from the bed. Callum looks like he’s been hit by a truck - eyes squinty, face creased by sheets and curly hair sticking up at all angles.
“Austin brought coffee. And croissants,” you chirp, all traces of sleepiness gone.
Callum just shakes his head and groans, falling back into the sheets and pulling the covers over his eyes. “He would fly across an ocean just to make sure his girl didn’t like another cock better than his. Show off.”
Tags: @crazymadpassionatelove @stylespresleyhearted @oskea93 @softboo @winniemaywebber @spiderstyles04 @abswifey @thegettingbyp2 @blikebarbie92 @missmaywemeetagain @icedb1ackcoffee @wildfll0wer @dilfelvis @slowsweetlove @thefallofthedamned @cherieaustin @liv-n @denised916 @coureurs-de-bois9 @steph-speaks @jjubilee-fluff
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moonlight-alexia · 3 months ago
mistletoe mischief | k.m./c.f.
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katie mccabe x caitlin foord x child!reader ft. kyra and teyah | 1.0k | ‘you’re under the mistletoe so stop stalling and just kiss,’
ˏˋ°•*⁀ this is part of the little starfish universe. starfish is nine in this blurb since it fit to make her a bit older than she is in the other current starfish fics
❆♡────୨ holiday season blurb event ৎ────♡❆
‘Don’t you think we might’ve gone overboard?’ Kyra took a little step back to look around the apartment where you, Teyah and Kyra just put up as much mistletoe as you could find. You frowned, looking at Kyra with disbelief, more in disbelief that she was the one, of all people, thinking you’d gone overboard. There wasn’t that much, but enough to hopefully be noticeable.
‘The point is for them to see it,’ With you being a bit older, you’d noticed that your mums had started showing each other less affection than you remember from when you were a bit younger. For a moment there was a thought that went through your head where you thought something was wrong between them both but Teyah did remind you that sometimes things change and take a while to adapt now that it’s not just you and your mums anymore. 
One night after you’d begged your mammy and mum to let Kyra look after you, something they were very apprehensive about but they didn’t really have any other option at the time, she let you stay up way past your bedtime. Way past the time Kyra and your mums agreed on. But you were both watching a movie.
‘Why do they have to kiss?’ You looked at Kyra, tilting your head to the side, your eyebrows furrowing a little, a small pout on your face.
‘They’re under the mistletoe,’ Kyra shrugged, not taking her eyes off the movie.
‘But why?’ Your voice is still questioning but a bit more firm, wanting Kyra to actually answer you properly. Sometimes people forgot you were still small and didn’t know everything that they knew.
‘It’s just what two people do when they’re under it,’ Kyra, trying to take the easy way out and not have to explain the entire meaning behind it, hoping that you’d be happy with an answer like that.
‘Two people who love love each other, right?’ As soon as Kyra nodded to your question, a little idea started forming in your head. An idea that you were going to need help executing.
You faked being sick so you could skip school one day, in hopes your mammy and mum would let you come to training with them. They were going to take the day off but you’d convinced them to just bring you along anyway. There you got to form the little idea you had with both Kyra and Teyah.
It was close to Christmas and the best way to get your mums out of the house and get them to agree to Kyra and Teyah looking after you? Tell them that you told Santa of something you wanted that you hadn’t mentioned before. The sure way to make them panic and willingly leave you with the pair so you could carry out your little idea. 
Katie and Caitlin were both unaware that Kyra ruined the magic of Santa last year but you never said anything with your younger sister around, plus the idea of extra presents was obviously appealing to any nine year old.
‘Knowing my mums, bets are they won’t notice it,’ You all laughed, they can be the most observant but oblivious people at times and you’ve started to use it to your advantage.
You were right, you don’t even know how they didn’t notice basically a roof covered in mistletoe but they both did. Most likely the stress of your last minute present idea was enough to distract them. 
As soon as the three of you heard the jingle of your mammy’s keys in the front door you all rushed towards your room. Trying to act normal and not cause too much suspicion. Though, the three of you just being in the same room together is any cause for suspicion.
Eventually you opted for sitting at the top of the stairs, perfect view of the lounge, watching your mammy and mum rush around trying to sort out everything for you and your younger sister. Your younger sister who was currently having her midday nap and you were hoping wouldn’t wake up crying for them any time soon.
Though the longer you waited for them to notice, the more bored the three of you got and the less fun it was beginning to become, ‘What the-’ Your mum was the first to finally notice, stopping in her tracks. Your mammy came back from hiding a present in their room, standing next to you mum and following where her eyes were going.
‘Who decided to grow a mini forest on our roof?’ You knew your mammy was five seconds away from yelling out for you throughout the house. 
‘It’s mistletoe,’ Your mum pointed out, an amused smile on her face while she gently flicked the mistletoe that was dangling from the roof. Your mammy just rolled her eyes, still trying to process it all.
Though, just like your mammy’s does on the pitch, your patience grew thin and you couldn’t stand to watch it unfold naturally anymore, ‘You’re under the mistletoe so stop stalling and just kiss,’ You semi yelled out, bounding down the stairs.
‘Where did you even learn that?’ Your mammy was the first one to question it before her eyes drifted off behind you where Kyra and Teyah were slowly making their way down the stairs, ‘Typical, shouldn’t leave you lot alone together,’ 
‘Stop stalling mammy,’ 
‘Yeah come on,’ 
‘You heard Starfish,’
The three of you trying to get your mums to kiss under the mistletoe. Your favourite part when you were little was seeing how happy your mums made each other, and you, and all the little bits of affection towards each other, and towards you as well. It was part of the reason you were the happy kid you currently were and you didn’t want you and your sister to be the reason any of the changed. In your mind you were just trying to help them adapt to having two kids faster.
‘We aren’t part of some show for the three of you,’ Your mum laughed, resting her chin on your mammy’s shoulder looking at the three of you. They didn’t have only two children, somehow they had six, Vic and Laia were often included in the mischief you’d all get up to.
‘Yeah how about yous go back to your own houses and stop pestering us,’ Your mammy directed towards the older two.
‘I’m going with them and that-,’ You pointed towards all the mistletoe on the roof, ‘-is staying up until you both give a proper kiss,’
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onlyhereforthestories · 4 months ago
Most Wonderful Time Of The Year (Leah Williamson x Reader)
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Day 4! Anyone else think that decorating the tree is one of the best parts of the festive holiday?
As the holiday season approached Leah got more and more excited. You knew she loved the holiday but being as last year you had only been officially dating for about 3 months, she had dampened it down a little as to not overwhelm you. This year though you could tell she was fully comfortable sharing her excitement with you, something you were more than happy with.
Leah had insisted that this Christmas, you’d be decorating the tree together in her apartment. Last year you had left her house one evening and came back the next night to find her house transformed into a winter wonderland of sorts. This year however, she was going to make sure you were a part of her plans, being as you were a lot more involved with each other.
You could tell she’d been looking forward to it all week, she’d already picked up the perfect tree which has spent the last day dropping out. She had also spent an afternoon at the garden centre, bringing home boxes filled with ornaments, lights, and ribbons stating that as this was your first joint tree it had to be new things that you both would like.
Tonight, she’d even set up a holiday playlist so that while you decorated, the living room would be filled with soft, nostalgic carols. She pulled out a big box filled with ornaments, each one carefully wrapped in tissue paper. “I went a bit overboard,” she admitted, laughing as she took out a few of the shiny baubles. “I just couldn’t pick!”
“You went all out, huh?” you teased, grinning as she unwrapped a glittery red ornament and held it up for inspection. She rolled her eyes at you, a playful smile tugging at her lips, and handed you a few decorations to start with.
“Christmas isn’t for half assing a job, not that I ever do that anyway love. But this is like the best holiday of the year, you have to do it proper.” You couldn’t help the smile that took over your face at the excitement coming from the Lioness captain. Only offering her a slight hmmm of semi agreement, before you took the box of ornaments off of her.
As you both worked, Leah passed you ribbons, tinsel and ornaments, her eyes lighting up whenever you hung one up. Some of the decorations were traditional, tiny wooden reindeer, little stars, and glass bulbuls in classic red and gold. But Leah had also picked out a few quirky ones: a mini soccer ball, a tiny camera, and a little book with “Our Adventures” scribbled across it. You couldn’t help but laugh as she explained each one, her enthusiasm bubbling over as she shared the stories behind each choice.
“We obviously have to have a football one, its literally the only reason we are here now…”
“If I had a pound for every photo you took of me or a pretty view then id be richer than a men’s player…” You did mention her and a pretty view are one and the same which got your favourite pink cheeks and scoff reaction from her.
“This feels like the beginning of our adventures, and I saw that one and thought is was a fitting first Christmas together properly ornament. Much better than the cheesy actual ones act least.”
After a while, you noticed a small, lumpy bundle at the bottom of the box. Unwrapping it, you found an old, handmade ornament. It was a little star painted in Leah’s favourite colours and was a bit worn around the edges. “What’s this one?” you asked, holding it up.
Leah looked at it and smiled, a little sheepish. “I made it when I was a kid. It’s terrible, isn’t it?” She laughed, looking a bit embarrassed, but you could see the fondness in her eyes.
“It’s perfect,” you replied, giving her a warm smile as you carefully hung it in a prime spot near the top of the tree where everyone could see it with just a glance. She watched, her face softening as she took your hand and squeezed it gently.
After an hour or so, the tree was nearly complete, draped in lights and covered in the mix of classic and quirky ornaments Leah had chosen. You both stood back, admiring your work as she reached over to switch on the lights. “This is always the best part, the first light up. It’s just magic.” The tree glowed softly, casting the room in a warm, magical light. You couldn’t help but agree with her.
Leah wrapped her arms around you from behind, resting her chin on your shoulder as you both gazed at the finished tree. “It’s perfect,” she murmured, her voice warm in your ear. You leaned back into her, feeling her arms tighten around you in a quiet, contented hug.
She glanced over at the last item on the table, a silver star meant for the top of the tree. With a grin, she picked it up and handed it to you. “You want to do the honours?”
You nodded, feeling a spark of excitement as she lifted you up slightly, helping you reach the top of the tree. Carefully, you placed the star on the branch that stuck out at the top, and she set you back down, pulling you close once again as you both admired the final touch.
“Absolutely perfect,” she whispered, kissing your forehead softly. Her hand stayed at the small of your back, grounding you as you both took in the soft glow of the room.
After a moment, Leah grabbed a couple of candy canes from a nearby bowl, handing one to you before popping the other into her mouth, grinning as she let it dangle between her lips. She looked at you with that cheeky spark in her eye. “Come on, I can’t be the only one getting into the Christmas spirit,” she said, nudging you playfully.
You laughed, taking a bite of your candy cane and settling down beside her on the couch. She pulled a blanket over both of you, leaning against you as she pressed play on a classic Christmas movie that she’d queued up earlier. Together, you snuggled up, munching on candy canes, watching the lights twinkle on the tree, and laughing at the silly holiday scenes unfolding on the screen.
As the night came to and end, you tried to unwrap yourself from the cozy blanket covered position you and Leah had gotten into. The blonde didn’t let you; she tightened her hold on your waist and whispered into the calm night, “Thanks for making this the best Christmas.”
You smiled, reaching to take her hand that had settled on your stomach. “Thank you for letting me be part of it.”
With her hand in yours and the lights from the tree casting gentle shadows across the room, you felt like this was exactly where you were meant to be. It wasn’t just about the tree or the decorations, it was about being with Leah, sharing those little moments that you hoped would happen for years to come, and feeling perfectly at home in each other’s arms as the night settled around you.
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whorekneecentral · 1 year ago
merry smutmas series
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hi besties!! since I'm skipping out on kinktober this year, I figured I wouldn’t be fair for me to leave you guys without some sort of holiday treat so here we go again. 
I won’t be able to fit everyone into this series cause with would have taken me forever so between classes and other fics, I’ve been working on this since august lmao. I hope y’all enjoy these as much as I enjoyed writing it &lt;33 // massive thank you to @oconso for the banners and to @themandaloriansdiaries for all the help plotting and for listening to my complaining <3
running from: November 1st to December 31st - every Tuesday, Thursday and on the weekends
tagged under: merry smutmas xoxo 
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November 1st: Sebastian Vettel - Sticky Fingers 
Your husband spends his first Christmas at home since his retirement and he went a little.. a lot over board. 
November 4th: Trent Alexander Arnold - As Red As My Stockings 
Trent’s crush on the pretty physio is well known amongst the players. They make sure to help him fulfil one last Christmas wish before you all head home for the holidays.
November 5th: Pato O’Ward - Snow Storms 
Your boyfriend insists the roads are fine to drive despite the massive incoming snow storm; as someone who grew up in cold weather, you knew better. yet, there you were stuck on the side of the road with him in the snow. 
November 7th: Ruben Dias - Miss Me, Miss Me
Your brother holds his annual Christmas party and you’re forced to spend the afternoon with the one person you had been avoiding all season but tis’ the season you guess. (stones!reader)
November 9th: Pierre Gasly - Cocoa
You have your boyfriend drive all around the city until you find the one thing you were looking for. When you finally find it, you decide you want something else. 
November 11th: Ben Chilwell - Snowflakes On The Glass 
Ben insists on having a snowball fight when he wakes up to the massive snowfall but you want nothing more than to stay in bed. 
November 12th: Kimi Raikkonen - Only The Best For You 
Kimi spends the holidays with his old friends. He doesn’t forget you; bringing you exactly what you had been wishing for and you make sure to thank him.. properly. (dad’s best friend!kimi) 
November 14th: Lucas Paquetá - Spin Me Around 
Lucas busts out the champagne and the streamers to celebrate the new years in your new place. 
November 16th: Yuki Tsunoda - Sous Chef 
Yuki finds himself more fascinated by the woman cooking than the food on his plate for once. (chef!reader) 
November 18th: Erling Haaland - Christmas On The Farm 
Erling takes you home to spend the holidays at the Haaland Family Farm and you two end up being the only ones there. 
November 19th: Lance Stroll - Old Friends 
Lance gets an invitation to an old teammate’s place to ring in the new year but he finds himself too distracted by someone in particular to care about the ball dropping (vettel!reader)
November 21st: Jude Bellingham - Ugliest Sweater Wins
Jude is invited to Luka’s Christmas party, an ugly Christmas sweater party to be exact. It took a bit of convincing but you got him to go. 
November 23rd: Daniel Ricciardo - The Flash Of The Camera 
You enlist Daniel to help you with your Christmas gift for him. 
November 25th: John Stones - Black Out 
Your boyfriend blows a fuse with the Christmas lights and you’re stuck in the dark, but you find a way to make the best of it. 
November 26th: Fernando Alonso - Your Pick 
Fernando enlists the help of a certain someone to get his Christmas shopping done but the list is oddly familiar (pr officer!reader)  
November 28th: Kostas Tsimikas - The Smell Of The Holidays 
You over baked for your niece’s holiday bake sale so you do the neighbourly thing and share with your neighbour, Kostas and his two puppies.
November 30th: Toto Wolff - Winter Wonderland 
Your husband skips out on Christmas every year due to work but this year, he ends up in London. You make it your mission to introduce him to some holiday fun.
December 2nd: Christian Pulisic - Ho Ho Hoe
You find a pair of Christmas boxers in Christian’s drawers and decide to tease him about it. 
December 3rd: Mick Schumacher - Merry Ruff-mas 
Angie goes missing the day before Christmas and Mick finds her at the neighbouring ranch, wrapped up with ribbon and bows. 
December 5th: Jordan Henderson - Shivers
Jordan comes in after shovelling the driveway and keeps trying to love on you. You tell him that you can feel how cold he is but he makes sure to show you what cold really feels like. 
December 7th: Lewis Hamilton - Tis’ The Season 
An old friend finds his way to you front door and no matter how much you try to get rid of him, you can’t. 
December 9th: Dominik Szoboszlai - Come Home 
The two of you are separated over the holidays and you’re missing each other a little too much to keep this going. 
December 10th: Charles Leclerc - The Night Before Christmas 
A massive snow storm delays Charles’ flight home for the holidays and you both begin to give up hope but a Christmas miracle occurs.
December 12th: Virgil Van Dijk - Holiday Greetings 
You send your old friend a Christmas card every year and when he sees that a certain someone was no longer in the picture, he pays you a long overdue visit. 
December 14th: Mark Webber - A New Term 
You send your professor an email over the winter break and the man wonders why you’re still working, urging you to come out and relax like everyone else. (Professor!Webber) 
December 16th: Thiago Alcantara - Bubbles 
You find yourself aching from all the holiday prep and your husband being the good man that he was, makes sure you’re feeling okay after a long day. 
December 17th: Jenson Button - A Sandy Christmas 
Jenson takes you on a dream vacation over the holidays but still makes sure you’ve got a gift to open come Christmas morning. (Sugar Daddy!Jenson) 
December 19th: Kylian Mbappe - Family’s Growing 
Kylian finds himself swooning over how good you are with his niece and nephew, the thought of having a family with you spins around his head. 
December 21st: Carlos Sainz Jr - Traditions 
Coming back from Christmas with your family, the two of you return to Spain to celebrate new years with his family and all their traditions. 
December 23rd: Andy Robertson - Mistletoe Means Kisses 
The overpowering smell of mistletoe hits you when you walk into he house, your husband came up with his own plan while you were out. 
December 24th: George Russell - A New Tradition 
You and George spend your first Christmas together and you mash together the traditions from both of your families. 
December 26th: Jack Grealish - Always Around 
A wild new years night out leaves you bumping the same person over and over again. 
December 28th: Esteban Ocon - The Gift Of Giving 
Esteban takes a liking to the barista that works at the cafe near his place. He finally works up the courage to ask her out in time for the holidays. 
December 30th: Sergio Ramos - Secret Santa 
The players and the staff play secret Santa every year; they write a letter, toss in a box and everyone picks. Sergio some how lands on the person he’s always had a soft spot for. 
December 31st: Max Verstappen - Time Is Running Out 
Max wasn’t one for resolutions but as the clock counts down the hours to new years, he finds himself running to resolve the biggest resolution on his list; you. 
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bekolxeram · 4 months ago
Everyone decides to be sad about Tommy spending the holidays alone today. I just want to say, I hate you all. Especially @mmso-notlikethat with this post. As payback for making me cry my way into insomnia, I wrote this on my phone instead of sleeping.
By the time he knocks on the door, Tommy still has no idea what to expect. “Wear something nice, we’re celebrating tonight,” that’s the only instruction he’s received from Evan, his boyfriend once again. Tommy can’t help but smile at the mere thought of finally allowing himself to say that name.
He has a burgundy dress shirt on with a pair of light grey slim fit pants. Simple, but elegant, hopefully properly dressed for this undisclosed commemoration. March is not known for its holidays, so what’s the occasion that calls for such festivity? They did meet last March at the cruise ship rescue, maybe that was it? Or perhaps Evan is having some sort of career advancement? They’ve been back together for just a few weeks, there’s simply not enough time for Tommy to catch up on Evan’s ever so eventful life. To that, Tommy silently mourn the time they’ve lost, due to his own cowardice.
“Hey — Hey,” Evan takes a step outside of the door to greet Tommy with a quick peck on the lips. Tommy lets the younger man drag him into the loft without much reaction, because he’s still confused by the sight in front of him: Evan in his usual navy blue button up, dark jeans and… a Christmas hat?
Inside the loft is a jumble of sparkly festive decorations. To his left, he sees “Happy Birthday Tommy”; to his right, “Merry Christmas”; and deeper into the living space, “Happy New Year”.
“Jee and Mara helped setting these up,” Evan says while taking half of a roast turkey out of the oven. “This one is from Bobby. He said half a bird is enough for the two of us, if we don’t want to suffer through leftover for the next 7 days.” He then sets the tray next to some roasted vegetables and a casserole. “The casserole is from Chimney, but I’m pretty sure it’s Maddie’s recipe. Hen got you a cake. I think she said something about being sure you would like it. We can have it for dessert. Oh, and the champagne is from…”
“Eddie, because he can’t cook.” Tommy cuts in.
“Evan, what’s going on here?”
Evan steps closer, taking both of Tommy’s hands into his own, “You told me the other day that you spent your 40th birthday alone… I only realized later that you were probably on your own for the entire holiday season, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, Valentine’s Day. I know it doesn’t come close to the real thing, but I was thinking maybe we could make up for a few key moments that we missed.” He dims the lights in the loft with a remote control and fiddles with something on the dining table. Suddenly, the whole room is lit up with colorful patterns and twinkling stars. “I couldn’t get any firework around here, so I borrowed this star projector from Christopher.”
“Oh… Evan,” Tommy sighs, eyes already hazy with tears.
“I’m not asking you to move in with me or to make major commitments. I’m not asking for anything in return at all. This is… a promise, from me to you. No matter what happens, what becomes of us in the future, I’ll be there when you need me, we all will.”
Evan says earnestly, with utmost conviction in his tone. The clarity in his eyes reminds Tommy of that day at the café terrace, almost a year ago. “I just want you to know, Tommy, you’re no longer alone.”
A few drops of tears escape Tommy’s eyes, but before he can respond, Evan pulls out a mistletoe from his pocket and dangles it over their heads.
“You have to kiss me now.” Evan says with a cheeky grin. Tommy waits no time to capture those smiling lips with his own, kissing him with all the love and gratitude in his heart.
“I love you, Evan. I’m so lucky to have you.” Tommy pulls him into a warm embrace.
“I love you too.” Now it’s Evan’s turn to tear up.
Tommy pulls back a little and asks, “hey, would you mind if we celebrate Valentine’s Day first?”
“Oh, you mean you’re interested in the Valentine’s Night activity?”
“Depends on what you have in mind.”
“Come upstairs. I’ll show you.”
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actuallysaiyan · 4 months ago
Christmas Is The Time To Say I Love You(Tenko Shimura/Tomura Shigaraki x Fem!Reader)
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warnings: smut, sort of a fix-it fic for Tenko, Tenko is no longer a villain in this, unprotected sex, oral sex(fem receiving), food(gingerbread houses and Christmas baking), mentions of Christmas obviously, angst, messy use of icing word count: 1.3k pairings: Tenko Shimura x Fem!Reader summary: it's his first real Christmas since he's left the League of Villains and he wants to bake with you! but he didn't realize how you'd make baking into something that makes him feel needy. a/n: for the Challenge Friday in the @pixelcafe-network!! I had fun with this one.
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dividers: @adornedwithlight
taglist: @thissaintjessi.  @cherryblossombankai, @thestarsystemsworld @pixelcafe-network
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He was just starting to get used to things. Living with heroes and completely changing his life made Tomura Tenko realize that things could be better for him. He could become a good person and maybe atone for the things he’s done.
And when he meets you, it’s like everything starts to click into place. You’re the angel that pulls him completely out of the darkness. You were the shining light that Tenko truly needed.
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Things were so good. He was starting to come into his new life with a renewed sense of gratefulness now that All Might and Deku had been able to grant him some freedoms. No, he wasn’t going to be an upstanding citizen just yet, but he would slowly get into his role in time.
The holidays were just around the corner. Tenko has never really done anything for the holidays, so he looks to you for guidance on this part of life. You were already glowing as the days leading up to December were getting closer and closer.
One night, after you two had gone to bed to snuggle, Tenko then asks you about Christmas and the things you like to do. You give him a cute giggle and begin listing off all your favorite activities for the season. He listens to you attentively, loving the way you talk about Christmas and the many beautiful things that accompany the season. When you mention baking, he takes an interest in this. So you two come up with the idea to plan a day just for baking and making gingerbread houses.
The day comes where you two come back from the store(supervised by the lovely Toshinori) and get into the kitchen. Tenko expresses not having a lot of experience, but you tell him it’s fine. You pull up a few videos on your phone and you two begin to bake together.
The kitchen is a mess and laughter completely fills the air. Tenko finally feels like he’s at peace for the first time in so long. You look so beautiful too, with your hair up in a messy bun and flour on your face. Both of you are wearing matching aprons. It’s all so cute too.
Then you two start making the gingerbread houses. Everything is made from scratch lovingly from your hands. Tenko is in awe that you could be so talented like this.
“Now, you put a little icing here,” you explain. He’s watching you, but you don’t think he’s paying attention.
So you take the piping bag and you squirt him a little with the icing. Tenko’s eyes widen and he laughs softly. Then he gets closer to you, scraping the icing off his face and shoving it into your mouth. You gasp and slap his chest lightly, but then you’re both in a fit of giggles.
“Listen to me, watch and learn.” You say once more, picking up the piping bag.
Tenko takes a second to clean off his face then he’s back to paying attention. But when you look so cute, it’s hard to always keep paying attention. He knows he’s feeling a little more frisky than usual. It must be all the good cheer in the air. He wants to be good and pay attention, but fuck you look darn cute and so fuckable.
“Did you hear me?!” You shout, your face a little red when you realize your boyfriend is looking at your chest now.
He laughs. “I…I’m sorry!”
He then leans over to cup your face, kissing you deeply. You couldn’t be too mad at him when he treats you like this. You were so desperate to make sure he had such a good experience.
“Yeah yeah, you look real sorry.”
He grabs the piping bag from you, placing the icing where it was supposed to go. Tenko now shows you that he has been listening, which surprises you. He begins to build his own gingerbread house, and you watch happily.
“You’re good at this,” you tell him.
He shrugs, “I guess I’ve got steady hands from having to control my quirk all the time. I really don’t want to accidentally decay this gingerbread house.”
You praise him once more, making his heart flutter in his chest. It makes him feel so good whenever you give him sweet praises like this. Soon, you’re both building your gingerbread houses and trying to compete to see who will make the best one.
Tenko looks at you and he is just so in love with you. The way your nose is a little scrunched up when you focus. Your tongue poking out the side of your mouth. You’re piping more icing in the cracks. You look like an angel with your hair a mess and the flour on your face.
“Hey, I think the icing goes here.” Tenko says, placing some on your cheek.
You squeal in surprise, and he laughs. Then he’s so quick to pull you onto his lap. You two begin to kiss hungrily, the taste of the homemade icing swirling on each other’s tongues. Tenko holds you softly, thankful for the control he has on his quirk.
“You mean everything to me,” he whispers against your lips.
“You mean everything to me too,” 
He pushes the gingerbread houses aside in favor of placing you on the table. He pulls down your pants, eager to get a taste of you. Ever since you two have become intimate, he’s become addicted to going down on you.
“I wonder…” he makes a big show of thinking about it. “Do you taste as sweet as this icing?”
Tenko rubs your thighs before he peels off your panties. Your cute little pussy is exposed to him. He’s drooling already just looking at you. You whine his name, reaching down to run your fingers through his hair.
“Patience, my love. I’m going to take care of you.”
His tongue slides up your folds, swirling around your swollen bud. You moan his name in just the most perfect way. It makes his cock twitch in his pants when you say his name that way. He looks up at you, his hands holding your thighs apart.
“Fuck,” he grunts. “You taste like heaven.”
Tenko begins to lap at you like a man starved. He needs more of you. He can’t keep himself away from you. Your sweet love pulls him in, and then he’s hooked to your flavor and who you are.
“Haaaah—fuck, baby I’m…”
He chuckles at your cute reactions. He gets up and then pulls his pants down. His cock is throbbing and leaking precum as he pulls it out of his boxers. He slides it against your folds, getting it nice and wet before he prods your hole.
“I love you so much,” Tenko says as he slides into you.
You gasp softly. “I love you too.”
The table under you begins to creak as Tenko increases his speed. He’s slamming into you now, with your legs wrapped around him. You pull him in for a very hungry kiss.
“You’re all mine,” he grunts between the kisses.
He reaches down to begin rubbing your clit in time with his harsh thrusts. You’re a moaning and whining mess under him as you go hurtling towards a messy and sticky orgasm. You cling to him, panting his name as your walls clamp down around him.
“Gonna cum!” Tenko cries out, his hips snapping harshly until he’s painting your insides white.
He leans his forehead against yours, looking into your eyes. “I think I like baking,”
You laugh, “Yeah, I’m sure you do.”
He slowly pulls out of you, holding you close in his arms until he brings you into the bathroom to clean you up. This is going to be forever his favorite holiday memory.
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reblogs and comments always appreciated!
©actuallysaiyan 2024– do not repost on other platforms, copy, translate or edit my works!
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romanoffsbish · 1 year ago
Carved With Love
Natasha Romanoff x Wife!R
Yelena Belova x Fem!R (The true love story 🥹)
Yelena’s in town for the holiday season, and who would she be if not wreaking havoc? | WC: 1,986
Warnings: Mentions of Neglectful Past | Siblings
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Yelena was a menace; you knew that from the insight your wife gave you before she introduced you to her.
“Y/N, she literally blew herself up and said it was fun,” your wife had reiterated her stance, that being: Yelena was a complete and total maniac. “Sounds like she’d fit right in with you and your band of superheroes,” was all you’d said back while adding pasta to your cart.
The two of you had been together for nearly a decade when they found each other again, and though the blonde was wary of a meeting she quickly agreed after hearing that the two of you were married with kids.
You couldn't really blame her for wanting to meet them more, especially your daughter, the eldest, who shared a name with her. They clicked instantly. Then there were your sons that you carried back to back, Andrei and Aleksander, who were bonded like twins. It was like they gained a triplet with their aunt. Then there’s the latest, Flora, who was just turning six months old and who was absolutely in love with the blonde.
The group were nothing but trouble, you adored that.
When you met her, your heart had doubled in size as you realized she was just trying to forget, to be a kid. Something you knew she never got to be, so just like with your own children, you let her get away with it all.
Natasha didn't much appreciate that, well, truthfully she adored just how much you already loved her sister. But, she was a bit jealous that you were so lenient with her, even if she knew you weren’t with her because she needed the structure and redirection you provided her.
As of right now, she thought you were also insane, "Detka, I don't think you thought this through..." Natasha mumbled against your temple from behind, where she stood with you securely in her arms, and you shook your head and softly chuckled. "It's fine baby."
Natasha currently feared for everyone's safety as her sister held one of those little orange carving knives.
"Oh my gosh, Y/N Romanoff, look!" Yelena shrieked, and your wife sighed when she felt your body relax. There was no hope left, you were at her sister's mercy. Yelena held up a stencil and you smiled. "It's cute."
"No, it is badass!" Yelena corrected, only to be met with a glare from her sister. "Watch your language."
"Natasha," you scolded instantaneously, "Lighten up."
"But she —," Natasha went to defend her decisions but quickly cut herself off when you turned with a glare.
Everyone got away with murder, except Natasha. (Well, in this symbolic context that is…)
Yelena smiled smugly at her sister, she even stuck her tongue out to mock her as you weren't looking. The redhead flipped her off, and your daughter gasped. "Mama! That's the bad finger!" Your eyes widened. "Natasha! What are you now? Some sort of hypocrite?"
"Predateli'," Natasha grumbled, making your daughter laugh alongside her aunt who was taping the ghost cat on a zombie dog's head stencil to her large pumpkin.
"You all behave," you scolded the entire room before leaving to the kitchen to collect the cookies. Natasha tried to follow you, like a hurt puppy, but you made her stay behind to make sure nobody had a carving crisis. 
Which was in vain because when you came back in the room you found Yelena had upgraded to your sharp carving knife, and you nearly dropped your plate.
"Yelena honey, that's too dangerous," you practically shrieked, but not really to avoid her hand slipping. Not that you didn't have faith in her trained hands, but you knew accidents could happen regardless of skillsets. The blonde pouted up at you, and Natasha watched you once again melt into her little sister's charm.
"I can't use the little orange one," she pleaded for your understanding, "It is too tiny and ineffective."
"Okay," you folded instantly and your wife's eyes widened with flashes of shock and betrayal. The one time Natasha had done the same thing years back, before your kids, you'd given her a safety lesson.
“This isn’t fair,” she grumbled to herself, but she also let it go when she saw you sitting with her sister, eyes focused in on the way she carved the pumpkin and mouth at the ready to give her advice or a light scold.
Natasha let her festering resentments go, and shortly after joined you all at the table so that the youngest member of the house could play with the guts. It was a perfect moment of domesticated bliss, and the redhead couldn’t help but to feel at peace in current company.
Then the following morning came, and you learned a few things. Yelena had a new favorite holiday, and in turn a hobby, carving, which piggybacked right off of her other, bugging her older sister as if it was her job.
"Natasha," you tried to calm her, your hands on her tense shoulder as you kept her from lunging at the blonde. "You need to calm down my love, I can..."
"No!" Natasha cut you off, "She will do it, not you."
"She's our guest," you reminder her, but she merely rolled her eyes—something she never did towards you. "More like a pest, Y/N/N, make her leave before I do."
Your eyes narrowed fast, and your wife cowered at the sheer intensity. "Apologize to her, right now Natalia."
The redhead held back a scoff. Yelena had carved a face only a mother could love into her favorite fall leather jacket, yet she was the one who had to apologize here.
"I'm sorry, parshivets," she begrudgingly spat at the grinning blonde across the room. "I accept, cyka."
(Brat / Bitch)
You sighed, and regretfully turned to face the smug blonde. This was partially your fault too for having let the girl get away with murder up until this point.
"Yelena, now it's your turn." Yelena frowned, but then she nodded and relaxed her features. "Sorry sestra," her tone was genuine, "I will buy you another one."
"No, you don't have to," you let the girl off the hook. "Yes she does." Natasha rebuked your words in a flash, then she intelligently rephrased, "No you don't."
You smirked and rewarded her with a kiss that she tried to melt into, but once again Yelena interrupted with a rumbling stomach. "Can we make pancakes?"
Natasha's hands harshly gripped your hips, and you smiled at her in understanding, she missed you. "How about you go get the kids up while we make breakfast?"
The redhead reluctantly let you go with a nod, but before she got too far you pulled her in for another kiss. "I'll be all yours soon, just have some patience."
Yelena was leaving after the holiday's event, and the kids were going to Wanda's for a spooky sleepover. You'd planned accordingly, and your wife smirked at the reminder, chastely pecked your lips then ran up the stairs with a reinvigorated pep in her once glum step.
"Get the chocolate chips," you instructed your sous chef, and she did so with a smile. Yelena was learning to cook from you, you never outright said it, but you worried about her eating habits. All she could make was mac and cheese and that was artery clogging if not met with a balance of other things besides takeout.
Yelena appreciated your concern, it was clear to her that you were the perfect match for Natasha, because you were an even better platonic match for her. The way you let her just be who she was, who she was discovering herself to be with her newfound freedom, meant the absolute world to her. You were a light that she found comfort in, and would never let go of.
Once you showed Yelena how to make the batter you let her ladle it onto the griddle. "Don't flip it yet," you instructed, your back was turned but you were aware of her piqued curiosity and she was enamored by your spy like skills. "You're like a super mom or something."
"It's nice to see my skillset is appreciated," you teased the younger girl as you returned to her side and gently bumped her hip. "I appreciate all of you, sestra."
It took you a second to reel in your emotions, you'd only been hoping that she wouldn't hate you, but it turned out that she actually liked you, and you didn't want to cry and make her reevaluate that judgement.
Instead you settled on hugging her shoulders, giving her a gentle shake as you showed her the indicators for flipping before finally letting her flip the pancake.
Just as you settled a pancake on the plate you heard an obnoxious scraping on the glass. "What the—." There before you was a focused blonde, the tip of her tongue rested on her lower lip as she carved your perfectly round pancake into a ghost cat. You shook your head with a fond smile, "You really love knives, don't you?" Yelena mirrored your expression and nodded as she now carved an eye into a pumpkin. "They are so cool."
"Natasha loves her guns the same." Yelena flinched, "Guns are too rigid, and loud. Knives are fun, you can do flip tricks with them and they're just as lethal."
You noted her clear discomfort with firearms, and filed it away in your mind as a later topic of discussion, and fortunately the kids came barreling into the kitchen. Yelena dropped the knife and, just like every morning, she greeted the little boys with the tickle monster.
Then came your daughter’s greeting, “Yelena Belova!"
Yelena then followed her lead, “Yelena Romanoff!"
You shook your head at their antics, then you returned to your task at hand, and began to set the table. You placed the blondes masterpieces in their designated spots, a pumpkin for each boy, the cat for her parrot, and the torn to bits pieces went to the toothless baby.
You were gifted two perfectly sized hearts, topped with fruit and whipped cream. Natasha got zero change to the shape, but instead, she was gifted icing words.
“I’m not eating that,” Natasha growled, and you bit back a laugh as you saw the script. “What’s it say?”
Natasha shook her head at you, and glared in her sister’s direction as you attempted to read the Russian out loud, “Tvoya zhena lyubit menya bol'she.”
(Your wife loves me more)
“Damn right,” Yelena teased as she sat in front of her own pancake, “Don’t worry sestra, she loves you too.”
“You two, knock it off and eat your breakfast,” your mom voice came out, and everyone was suddenly sat. You nibbled on your food while making sure your baby didn’t choke on hers as she gobbled it down like a cat (Liho and Bob) being fed at the normal time everyday.
Once breakfast was finished you sent the kids to the living room with their aunt to watch cartoons while you and your wife cleaned up the mess left behind.
As you were packing up the fruit you felt two arms snake around your waist, and a kiss placed on your neck that you instantly melted into. You felt her smirk but ignored her smugness as you lazily cleaned up.
"You're spoiling her," Natasha groaned, you shrugged and turned around to face her with a genuine smile. "I'm just giving her the same chances I did you."
Natasha frowned, "I hope it's not exactly the same."
"That’s disgusting!" Yelena groaned from the couch and you giggled into your wife's shoulder. Avoiding the question in your kids eyes, and leaving Natasha to answer it. The redhead smirked, throwing her sister a wink before she completely pulled you out of the room.
Two could play at this game…
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blossomthepinkbunny · 1 month ago
Sinsmas made Stolas much worse
Sinsmas was probably the worst episode they could´ve done for Stolas as a character. He was always fighting an uphill battle to begin with because narrative wise, his character is the perfect villian/antagonist for HB.
It´s a show about a group of hellborns who run a gruesome business who, due to their low class in hells society, also face discrimination and are constantly undermined. Now what would the possibly best antagonist for such a show be? Probably a rich, royal demon who didn´t have to work for his wealth, who uses his high status to hold the object that the imps need over their heads, to get what he wants out of them. That´s Stolas. Or atleast that´s how Stolas functioned in the Pilot and the first episode. This changed a bit since episode 2 and then in "Ozzie´s", the different direction they wanted to take his character became apparent. Ever since then we got a mix of rewriting what we thought was happening to make Stolas more sympathetic and trying to force a newer personality into a mold shaped by the general narrative, which didn´t really fit at all.
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And then Sinsmas happened as the season two finale and made it so so much worse. I just want to ignore all the other bad things about Stolas (like his relationship with Octavia, the show not really holding him accountable etc.) and for now focus on his absolutely ruined character arc. His whole motivation for doing anything in s2, was to convince Blitz that he isn´t what Blitz always assumed of him. I mentioned his role in the narrative before and I just want to say, that I do know that subverting the narrative has sort of become a main character motivation for Stolas. He doesn´t want to be seen as this pampered, ungrateful prince that Blitz sees him as. But he is just that.
Stolas loses his powers and status and goes to live with Blitz and his group. Someone he thought he was going to die for. One could assume that with all of this, Stolas would try and be on his best behaviour. That he would do everything in his power to help, support, love Blitz and mainly, to show him that he isn´t the spoilled asshole Blitz once saw him as. But he doesn´t do that. He behaves exactly how Blitz would have probably assumed him to be in s1. That´s a whole season worth of character development just skipped. Blitz makes him breakfast and he insults it to his face and then whines about how perfect his old life was. He looks this guy, who had to face being a lower class citizen his entire life (who he is supposed to love and has spent an entire season convincing, that he is different and not what he´s expecting) in the face and tells him practically "Oh no, being poor sucks, your place sucks, your food sucks, and your holidays suck too. I wish I was rich again, then I wouldn´t have to deal with all of this poor people bs".
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And I know, that he was very in shambles after losing his status, powers and daughter, but he never once considers how Blitz was very close to actually being killed and is now basically letting him live there, which probably isn´t going to help their bank account. He is exactly what he wanted to convince Blitz he wasn´t. One could also be more cynical and assume that he pretty much has everything he ever wanted now, with Blitz feeling a little responsible for what happened, so he has no reason to be nice anymore, since he now knows he´ll get away with it. This episode just made him less likeable somehow, something I didn´t think was so easily possible.
And it didn´t even have to happen like this. Why couldn´t Stolas have just been trying to push everything down to try and fully care for Blitz. It would´ve actually been a pretty sympathetic character trait if he tried to ignore everything going on to support the person he supposedly loves. But that doesn´t happen and Stolas is just less and less likeable the longer the show goes on (which I always assumed was the opposite of what HB wanted to accomplish, esp with Stolas, but oh well).
It really sucks, because it feels like all of the emotional rollercoaster moments we had to endure over the course of s2 (a season that was really bad) were for nothing. Oh, not for nothing I guess. Just for Blitz to also completely change character all of a sudden and just be completely fine with being diminished like that and Stolas basically insulting him to his face. How nice that the one character mainly defined by not wanting to be tied down is now subservient to the guy who harrased him for a while. Really cool.
Also I just realized that Tumblr has a charater limit now for posts. That is really pissing me off. I love talking and now I have to constantly make sure I don´t exceed the word count.
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bluepandaears · 11 days ago
I am not a dedicated author and haven't written anything approximating a fic in longer than I care to think about, but this just sort of happened. I figure if I was going to put it out into the world there's not much better place than this.
When Charles was 9 his dad gave him a black eye, it wasn't the first and certainly wouldn't be the last. It was summer holidays and he'd lost track of time playing outside and missed curfew. He only ever got visible bruises when school was out and the first of the season never failed to surprise.
As soon as he was allowed out of his basement room he walked down to the park and sat on a bench enjoying the fresh air and openness of the grass field. After being locked up he would always seek out the most open, outdoor space he could find. Imagine he could dissolve into the wind and float away with the clouds.
Today he's across from a playground. From where he's sat he can see some kids playing. Looks to be a group of siblings, each with an ice lolly. As Charles watches the middle child stands at the top of the slide waiting to go down. In an act of dominance the oldest one runs up the slide blocking it and in doing so drops his lolly. Anger flashes across his face before he grabs the ice lolly from his younger sibling. Hurt the middle child lashes out, but not at her older brother. She doesn't go to their parents either, not paying attention a little ways away. No, she runs over to the youngest and snatches his ice lolly from his little hands. Charles watches as tears well up in his little eyes, unable to retaliate or deal with the loss of a treat. Charles wonders if maybe now the youngster will turn to the adults. Instead he watches as the young boy, no more than 5, wedges himself into a crawl space under the climbing frame and cries alone over his loss.
It is at this point that Charles resolves to never treat others the way his father treats him.
When Charles is 12 he has his first crush. A girl named Hazel. She has blue eyes and light brown hair and barely knows he exists. She's a few years older and speaks in that self assured way people do when they know exactly what they are talking about and don't care what others think.
Charles hasn't learned to talked like that.
He never gets up the courage to talk to her.
When Charles is 14 he meets a boy that he is absolutely sure he will be best friends with forever. Elijah laughs at his jokes and doesn't mind when Charles watches him study. Charles is older now, and wiser, so he's positive he knows what he's talking about. Even if he still can't always talk like Hazel used to. They hang out nearly every day and it's brills. Until his dad finds out and decides Charles should stop putting so much effort into another boy. He gets a good lashing and a sprained shoulder and wears one of the many dark red polos his mum bought incase his back bleeds through. The next time he hangs out with Elijah he flinches away from touches and doesn't smile when Elijah tries for a joke. Charles won't explain because home life isn't something he knows how to talk about, and the whole afternoon is just a bit uncomfortable. They don't hang out as much after that and eventually Elijah stops trying.
It is at this point that Charles resolves to alway keep smiling. Even if he's hurting. People have left before when he flinches away but it's never hurt to loose someone like it hurts to loose Elijah.
When Charles is 15 he gets sent to boarding school. He thinks it might just be the best thing ever.
Then he learns how poorly he actually fits in. That's ok though, Charles has had a lifetime of learning how to fit in. He has his smiles, and his red polos, and his easy way of brushing off bad things and not passing them on.
It'll be fine.
Until it's not.
When Charles is 16 he dies.
In death he meets Edwin. Edwin has brown hair and eyes that Charles is sure change colour with his mood. He talks like Hazel and laughs like Elijah. He studies and doesn't mind that Charles watches. He doesn't leave when Charles forgets and flinches because Edwin flinches too.
Charles still smiles when it hurts because he can't risk loosing Edwin, but then Charles finds things don't hurt as much as they used to.
He still wears his red polo because it's habit by now innit? And he can never be sure that when things get bad his back wont still bleed from memory.
He finds it's easy to be nice to Edwin and protect him from bad things. Edwin had been through Hell after all so Charles figures he deserves someone to protect him from bad things now.
Over three decades later when Charles is still 16 he learns that he doesn't always have to smile. That the people who matter to him now will not leave just because he's hurting or having a bad day. That if he's hurting and doesn't smile they will actually stay closer.
He learns that he no longer wears the red polo in case his back bleeds through. He wears it because at some point in their friendship Edwin once said he looked good in red. And Edwin's opinion matters more than anything.
He learns that he likes being good because he is good and not because he is trying not to be his father.
Charles no longer worries about when it will be summer holidays and the first visible bruise. Instead he and Edwin go on walks through parks and along the river and enjoy being free.
And freedom with Edwin is better than brills.
~ fin
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fuck-customers · 3 months ago
I worked a seasonal position as a receptionist, and my boss offered me a temporary position helping out in another department for a month once my contract was up. I accepted on the basis that it was 30 hours a week max and all I'd be doing was admin tasks, no speaking with clients. Which after a season full of holidaymakers I was desperate for.
The week I'm supposed to start I receive no communication from who I was told was my new boss until the day before I'm supposed to go in for a little bit of training, and she's put out when I reiterate that that week there's two days I can't do due to previous commitments I made while I thought I'd be unemployed. And when I get to work on the training day, the person who actually will be my boss doesn't ever work that day, so my poor previous boss had to scramble to find something for me to do, since no one could train me nor could I get on the company system properly as my new boss hadn't sorted my contract.
I'm annoyed but hey, things happen. It's the first week, so there's bound to be hiccups, right?
I get to work the next week and my new boss starts to train me with the system I'll be using, only to be pulled away because we have an auditor in and of course that's more important. I don't mind that at all, but don't have me come in to work if you know you don't have time to train me. The same thing happens the following day and there's another new hire from a different department in the same position as me, so we end up doing hardly anything all day and feeling like spare parts. By this point I'm fairly pissed off that the three shifts I've done have been pointless, but I'll persist.
I do two more shifts this week, both of which are actually me being trained and working, and it's becoming very apparent that I will actually have to speak with clients for this role; it's not just helping the department catch up with paperwork. I'm very much feeling lied to, messed about, and like I'm not the right fit for the job, so I take the weekend to think about it, and message my new boss on Sunday morning to tell her that I'm grateful for the chance but I won't be coming back in. I was very polite in my message, I didn't mention my frustration with the disorganisation in the department, the fact that everyone looks down on you for actually taking your lunch break rather than just working at your desk while you eat, or that, morally, I cannot be involved in helping sell holiday homes to people on a site that's severely rat infested and crumbling, but the general manager refuses to spend any money to revamp the place.
I was very final with my message, which I think was obvious by the fact that I wished my new boss the best of luck and a good holiday season, so I figured that would be that. I'll admit my anxiety has me refusing to check whatsapp so I can't see what she's said, because a) I'm not ready for that and b) to me, it's done and dusted.
She's tried to call me five times in the last 20 minutes. I don't know what the hell she wants, but I'm not answering. My best guess would be she wants me to work my notice, but there's absolutely no point. I'm still not trained properly to do this new job, so at least some of my one weeks notice would be me being trained for a job I'm leaving. Normally I'd never quit without giving and working my notice, but in this instance it's pointless.
I'm not going to answer her calls or call her back. I don't care. Honestly, working on reception was bad enough; it's very clear that the company as a whole values profit over guests' happiness and safety. It's one thing to sell someone a holiday on our shit hole of a site, but it's another thing entirely to be a part of them becoming an owner of a run-down holiday home. At least with guests, I can give them vouchers or money off a future holiday or at a push a refund. With this new job, I can't do anything but apologise for the shitty situation I've helped put the new owners in. I wish I was brave enough to say that to my now ex-boss.
Posted by admin Rodney
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avastrasposts · 1 year ago
A Baker's Dozen - Eleven**
A collection of fun and fluffy one shots set in the same bakery. Twelve Pedro boys, twelve stories, twelve recipes.
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The second to last visitor to the bakery is here and I can hardly believe it! Eleven weeks of Pedro boys have flown past and I've had so much fun with them!
So before we get started with number eleven, this series was meant to be all fluff, but then this Pedro boy arrived and just really got out of hand and I had nothing to do with it, he just took over!
So I had to ask my friend @morallyinept if I could use her very handy Scoville Smut Rating to issue some warnings. Thank you, Jett!
Series Master List
This chapter is rated:
🌶 - "Don't hurt me, cadejo." 
Scoville Level 15,000. The Donis Cadejo Hot Sauce. (Buy the sauce here) The story contains mildly spicy smut. Tingles left on your tongue.
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The week’s been slower than usual, as it always is in February, post-holiday blues setting in, everyone trying to be extra healthy and save some money. No time to be indulging in sweet things. Your shop does fine though, planning and prepping for Valentine’s Day and the upcoming wedding season. 
But the slower hours in the shop makes you take note of the black car that’s been parked across the street all day. Nothing odd about that, but there’s also been someone sitting in the car all day. You’ve been glancing over as you go about your business, studying the man behind the wheel as he makes notes and phone calls, focused on something further down the street, out of your view. From the way he’s dressed, a crisp, well ironed, pale blue shirt, you’re guessing he’s an agent for some agency, or maybe a very well dressed private eye. He’s not doing a very good job though, he sticks out like a sore thumb on this street of small businesses. When he glances over at you just before noon, you give him a quick smile, to hide the fact that you’ve been staring at the way he’s been rubbing his large hand over his chin for the past five minutes. He locks eyes with you, surprise flitting across his face, before he gives you a crooked smile in return. 
This is the beginning of a dance; you glance over to find him looking at you rather than the street in front of him, you raise your eyebrows in challenge and he seems to chuckle, looking away. You study his strong nose, the dark curls brushing over his forehead as he makes more notes, and he catches you staring when he looks over, one eyebrow arching in a questioning look and you shrug with a smile, going back to the cake you’re decorating. 
It’s late in the afternoon when you notice movement in the street, a second car parking behind the first and a man getting out and walking over to the first car. Quick words are exchanged, you steal glances from the corner of your eye as you finish up an order for tomorrow. Bending down to put the order away, you hear the bell on your front door chime. 
“Hi, I thought I’d stop by and say hello properly,” the man from the car is standing in front of the counter with a small smile as you straighten up. 
“Hi,” you say, returning his smile as you take the chance to get a better look at him for the first time. He’s taller than you expected, and broad, so much broader than the side view you’ve had all day indicated. The light blue dress shirt is stretching over his shoulders and arms and you immediately decide that he must be an agent, no private eye is ever this fit, not that you have much experience, but still. 
“I just wanted to introduce myself and explain what I’m doing,” the man says, nodding over at his car on the other side of the street, “And I hope I can count on your discretion too.”
“Uuhmm, sure,” you say, looking at him as he pulls a badge from the pocket of his suit trousers, “I was kinda assuming that you’re on some sort of stake out.” 
“That obvious, huh?” the man chuckles, showing you his ID.
“Yeah, your sleek car and nice shirt gave it away a little,” you smile, “and the way you sat out there all day, I’m pretty sure every business owner on the street has spotted you.” 
“I’ll need to fix that for tomorrow then,” he smiles, “I’m special agent Dave York, I’m with the CIA, and we’ve got surveillance on an apartment further down the street. I can’t tell you what it’s about but you don’t have to worry, it’s nothing dangerous for the neighborhood.” 
“That’s good to know,” you reply, “And you’re welcome in for coffee or something to snack on whenever you want,” you thumb at the coffee machine behind you, “I’d offer delivery service but that might be a little bit too obvious.” 
He chuckles at that and you notice the dimple on his clean shaven cheek, a slight five o’clock shadow indicating that it’s been a while since he got up and shaved this morning. 
“I’d love a coffee right now, if you don’t mind,” he says and you point at the menu. 
“What’ll it be? 
“The dark roast, black, please,” he says, “You’ve got a good selection.”
“Thanks, people mainly buy bread and cakes, the coffee machine is mainly for me and a handful of regulars who like good coffee, we like trying different beans and roasts,” you throw him a smile over your shoulder as you prepare his coffee to go. 
“I’ll have to become a regular then, keep your coffee business going,” he taps his card on the machine as you hand him the cup. 
“I just realized I know who you are,” you say, the penny finally dropping, “One of my regulars, Mrs Levinson, knows your mom. Mrs Levinson bought a Lemon Meringue Pie for her a while back.” 
“Oh yeah, those two are as thick as thieves, always trying to set me up on blind dates,” he chuckles, taking a sip of the coffee, “I’ve been blaming my workload to avoid them." He raises the cup to you with a smile, “Great coffee, I’ll definitely come back."
“If I don’t spot you, I’ll know you’ve done a better job of hiding,” you tell him and he laughs, giving you a cheesy thumbs up as he leaves.
You watch him take long strides across the street to his car, the coffee still in his hand, and just as he gets in the car, he turns and looks back at you, a smile cracking across his face as he raises his hand in a wave. 
You do spot him the next day, but you are keeping an eye out for him, glancing out to see if he’s arrived. He parks a different car across the street this time, a beat up, rusty looking banger, and he’s in a ratty looking t-shirt and a beanie pulled low over his forehead. Much less ‘agent on a stakeout’ this time, but you still glance over at him from time to time, far too often in fact. And you bite back a smile when you catch him glancing over at you too, catching your eye on a few occasions as he winks. 
Half way through the day he’s relieved, and he steps out of his car, coming over to the bakery again. 
“Hi,” he says, giving you a dimpled smile as he pulls off his beanie, “Did I blend in better today?” 
“Yeah, better,” you smile back at him as he comes up to the counter, “The distressed t-shirt was a good choice.” 
“I had to dig it out from the bottom of some box left over from when I moved,” he holds up the front of it and studies the suspicious looking stain on the front, “I swear this is not my usual casual look.” 
Holding up the front has resulted in the hem of the t-shirt lifting up over the edge of his pants and you can’t help but glance down as he flashes a few inches of skin, his sweat pants sitting low on his hips. The trail of dark hair disappearing beneath the waistband has you momentarily distracted as you follow it down to- 
“I’ll take your word for it,” you say, snapping your eyes back up to his, but not before he notices, giving you a small smirk, “NIce sweatpants.” 
“Thanks,” he chuckles, “not as old as the t-shirt, but still not my best look, I promise.”
“I don’t mind that much,” you smirk back and he flashes a crooked grin, his eyebrow cocked, before he looks up at the coffee menu behind you and tilts his head to the side.
“What do you recommend today? I’m feeling adventurous,” he says, looking down at you again with a smile, “blame the sweatpants.” 
“A single espresso shot vanilla hazelnut latte with salted caramel and whipped cream on top? I usually add some cookie crumbles too,” you say and Dave’s face falls, his eyebrows pulling together in a concerned look. 
“Ah…uhh…” he stutters, rubbing his hand over his jaw, clearly looking for a polite way to decline your suggestion and you bite the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from laughing at his panic, but he catches the mirth in your eyes. 
“Holy shit, you’re kidding,” he gasps out, wiping imaginary sweat from his brow as you start giggling. 
“Sorry, I had to check if you’re serious about your coffee,” you wink at him as he shakes his head and puffs a relieved breath. 
“Had me worried,” he says, “I thought I’d have to drink one of those to be allowed to stay a regular.” 
“No, I think I’d have to kick you out if you did order one of those,” you smile, picking up the bag of new beans that just arrived, “Here, smell these, I just got them so I haven’t even tried them yet.” 
Dave takes a deep breath and nods with a satisfied look, “That’s nice, can I try that?” 
“Sure, I’ll make us one each. Single or double?” 
“Double, please, this stake out thing is kicking my ass,” he says, leaning against the counter as you start the process of grinding the beans. 
“Do you want some cake or something else too?” you ask, nodding at your selection. 
“No, I’m good,” he says, “It all looks really good, but not today.” He does let his eyes drift over the cakes on display though and you smile to yourself, you know the type, sooner or later he’ll cave and get something as a treat no matter how strong his resolve it. 
“Here you go,” you say, passing him his espresso, in a cup this time, “let me know what you think, if it’s good I might give it a permanent spot on the menu.” 
You both take a few sips of the coffee in silence, humming at the flavors. 
“It’s good,” Dave finally says, “Really good, I wouldn’t complain if it was a regular on the menu.” 
“I agree, I’m going to order more,” you reply, draining the cup as he pulls his wallet out of his pants. 
“Let me pay for both coffees,” he says, holding out his card, “as a thank you, for letting me come in and disturb you.” 
“You’re not disturbing, Dave,” you smile, “you can come in whenever you want.” 
“Even if I’m not on a stake out?” he asks, a small smile playing around his mouth and you feel your cheeks heat up. 
“Especially when you’re not on a stake out,” you smile back and his dimple makes an appearance as his smile widens. 
“I’ll remember that,” he says, tapping his card to pay for both coffees, “I’ll see you tomorrow though, more stake out.” 
“See you tomorrow,” you say, returning the wave he gives you as he leaves. 
He’s back the next morning, already sitting in the car as you come out into the shop to open up for the day. He looks tired, yawning big and rubbing his hand over his eyes as he leans his head against the headrest. You glance over at him while you work and serve the small morning crowd, but he doesn’t look back at you. Saying goodbye to the last customer you look over at the car again, Dave’s head is flopped to the side, mouth hanging open and eyes closed, sound asleep. The sight is adorable, the big CIA agent clearly exhausted if he’s passed out on the job. You grab your travel mug, the one you keep filled with coffee through the morning, and give it a quick clean. Filling it up with a triple espresso shot from the beans you’d had with him yesterday, you screw on the top and exit the shop. He stirs as your shoes scuff over the asphalt, jerking up as you lightly tap the window. 
“Hey, want some coffee?” you ask, holding up the travel mug and he gives you such a look of relief and gratitude that it melts your heart. 
“Thanks,” he says once he’s cranked down the window in the old car, “I’m dead here, can’t keep my eyes open.” 
“Doesn’t do you much good on a stake out,” you say, “drop off the mug when you leave, and just wave at me if you want more coffee, I’ll come over with a refill.” 
“Thanks, you’re a lifesaver,” he smiles, and you smile back, giving him a wave as you cross the street to the bakery. 
Dave stays a bit more alert through the rest of the day, and gets relieved earlier than usual. You smile when he comes into the shop. 
“Any luck with whatever you’re waiting for?” you ask as he hands you the travel mug. 
“No, and we’re running out of time, this might be a waste of resources,” he says, shaking his head and yawning widely, “I’m sorry, I was up late last night, working on this and then I couldn’t fall asleep, too much stuff on my mind.” 
“Go home, Dave,” you say, shooing him out of your shop with a smile, “You’re no good to anyone when you’re like this.” 
“Yeah, you’re probably right,” he says, “But I like our chats, makes this stake out more enjoyable than any other I’ve been on,” he suddenly looks a little bit shy as he’s half turned towards the door, a small smile as he looks back at you. 
“I like our chats too,” you say, butterflies erupting in the pit of your belly, and for a few seconds you’re just ogling each other like a couple of fools, both too shy to say anything else. Dave clears his throat, a small chuckling sound, and looks at his shoes before he glances up. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow then.” 
“See you tomorrow, Dave,” you give him a wave and a small smile, biting your lip to hold back the bigger one that’s being pushed up by the butterflies as he returns your smile and leaves. 
But the next morning you don’t see his car, or any other car that might be a covert CIA operation and you wonder if the stake out got canceled. The day passes slowly, the usual February slump slower than usual without Dave outside your window. Realizing you don’t have his number, you can only hope he’ll come back even though he’s not on a stake out. And when you finally see him the next afternoon, crossing the street at a slight jog to avoid a car, you feel yourself smiling before he’s even spotted you. When he pushes open the door he gives you a wide grin. 
“Hey, how’s it going?” he asks, coming up to the counter as you put away your phone. 
“Hi,” you smile at him, thanking your past self for changing the stained t-shirt and apron into something cuter, “I’m good, but things are slow today so I’m glad you’re here, it’s been kinda boring without the stake out to distract me.” 
He chuckles at that, looking out onto the spot where his car had been for the past three days. 
“Yeah, orders came yesterday to can it, another team has picked up a hotter lead so we’ve been working on that. But that place doesn't have any nice bakeries nearby, so it's a complete loss,” he says with a smile that makes your insides liquid. 
“So you’re actually here when not on a stake out?” you tease him and he laughs. 
“Told you I’d be back,” he says, pushing the sleeves of the sweatshirt he’s wearing up over his thick forearms and crossing his arms, scanning the coffee menu. “Should I go for another one of those nice beans, or should I be adventurous?” he asks. 
You give him a crooked smile, tilting your head like you’re assessing him and he raises an eyebrow in question at you. 
“What do you have in mind? That look is making me nervous.” 
“I’m thinking….” you begin, “the regular coffee, but…you get a snack too, one of the cakes.” 
Dave gives you a grin in response and begins to scan the cakes, “The carrot cake,” he says, pointing to one of the smallest slices covered in white cream cheese frosting.
“Good choice,” you smile, “it’s a best seller and I made it this morning.” You plate the slice and start making the coffee for him.
“It’s kinda healthy, right?” he asks, eyeing the carrot cake with suspicion, “It’s got carrots and all?” 
“I mean, it’s still got sugar and fat in it,” you chuckle, “but it’s made with vegetable oil and not butter, so there is that.” 
You bring the coffee to the counter and start making a coffee for yourself as Dave picks up the plate. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” you sputter out as you watch him scrape the frosting off the cake with the spoon, “That’s the best part!” 
“It’s just fat and sugar,” he says, putting the dollop of frosting on the side of the plate, “I’m trying to stay healthy.” 
“I don’t know what to tell you, Dave,” you smirk, “if you don’t eat that frosting on the cake like the baker intended, I don’t think this friendship is going to last.” You point to yourself and raise your eyebrows in a challenge. 
 “You know, I usually don’t eat sweet stuff, it’s the job,” he says, “I need to stay fit for it.” He’s toying with the cake, the intonation heavy on the 'eat'. He's not looking at you, but there’s a smirk playing around the corners of his mouth. 
“So indulge a little, it’ll be worth it,” you smile and he looks up at you, his smirk suddenly changing into something more challenging as he seems to evaluate you in silence for several long seconds.
“Only if you’re on the menu,” he says, his dark eyes pinning you in place while he runs his tongue over his bottom lip, “Are you on the menu?” 
The question is direct as he slowly raises his eyebrows, the intention clear.
You feel your brain grind to a halt, Dave’s dark brown eyes are boring into you as you slowly inhale, you feel like he’s flicked a switch and turned on his professional side, but he’s not using it to interrogate you. Instead he’s using it to put pressure on you, to get you to tell him what you want. 
What he wants. 
Glancing down at the plate still in his hand, he swipes his finger through the frosting and slowly rounds the counter, coming up to where you’re still standing frozen by the coffee machine. 
“Are you?” he says, repeating his question and slowly bringing his finger to his mouth, sucking the frosting off with a pop. 
The tip of your tongue comes out to lick across your top lip and Dave glances down at your mouth, following the movement. Taking a step closer, he’s almost touching you now, you can feel the scent of his cologne wash over you as his eyes come back up to yours. 
“I’d really like it, if you were on the menu,” he says, his voice low and dark, “but if you’re not, tell me, and I’ll leave.” 
You swallow, still transfixed by his dark eyes on you, the way he’s looking at you, like he’s trying to read you and succeeding. You slowly nod your head yes. 
Dave inhales softly, putting down the plate, “Use your words. Tell me I can kiss you,” he says, the frustration clearly thrumming just below the surface of his low tones as his breath skates across your cheek, his hands hovering just inches from your body, ready to grab as soon as you give him permission, “You’ve been driving me fucking crazy all week but I couldn’t do anything.” 
A shiver runs through your body, your hand shaking as you put your coffee cup down, slowly putting both your hands on the front of his gray t-shirt, feeling the bunched up muscles flex under your palms as you slide them up to his shoulders. Dave is watching you intently, a small crease between his eyebrows, his fingers twitching by your waist. 
“Not here,” you say, dropping your hands to your sides, and side stepping him. He turns as you slip out past him, quickly walking the front door and locking it, flipping the ‘Back in five minutes’ sign. When you turn back, he’s still standing by the coffee machine and you pass him. 
“Less nosy neighbors in here,” you say, holding out your hand to him. 
He reacts in a heartbeat, taking your hand and crowding you as he pushes you further into the kitchen, out of sight. He lets go of your hand and grabs your waist, the other landing on your neck, his large hand easily spanning across it and up, cupping your cheek as he walks you backwards. The cool metal of the walk-in fridge hits your back and Dave’s towering over you, bending his face down so that his strong nose brushes against yours, his eyes almost black under his eyebrows, pulled together tight, and the hand at your waist bunching up your shirt. 
“Now?” he husks and you nod. 
“Yes, now.” 
His mouth is hot when it reaches yours in a flash, he’s pushing you further up against the fridge as he angles his head to have more. There’s an edge of desperation to the way he holds you. The hand on your cheek keeps you where he needs you as he licks the seam of your lips. When you part them, his tongue is eager and needy, a groan escaping from somewhere deep inside of him and you pant into his mouth as his sounds fire up your brain. Heat shoots through your body like rocket fuel ignited, the cool metal behind you a sharp contrast to the solid warmth of Dave’s body in front when he pulls you closer with his hand on your waist, tugging you into him. 
It’s messy, tongues and teeth fighting for control, your hands in his hair, his thick fingers grabbing your neck, his thigh between your legs. There’s no hiding the arousal coursing through you both as you moan at the way he rubs over your core, his low groans mixed in when he rolls his hard length into your hip. 
He tangles his fingers into your hair, pulling back your head and trailing wet kisses across your throat, sucking a mark into where shoulder meets neck, moving up again, his teeth gently tugging on your earlobe before you gasp when he nips at the soft skin just underneath. 
“I’ve been fucking dreaming about how you’d sound when I did this,” he growls when you moan loudly into the silent kitchen, “sound so pretty, so fucking sweet.” His hand on your waist tightens, he’s pulling you down onto his leg, rocking into you as you clamor for a grip, tugging at his hair, loud, satisfied groan coming from Dave. 
“I wanna hear what you sound like when you come,” he mutters, moving his mouth up to yours again, biting your bottom lip, sucking it into his mouth, tongue coming out to caress it, taste it, before he lets go.
Pulling back a little, he looks down at you. You meet his dark eyes, lust clouding them as you gasp at the way his thick thigh creates just enough friction to make you convulse under his firm grip. 
“So fucking sweet,” he mumbles, a tone to his voice like he’s been craving this, “always looking at me from the bakery, always smelling so good, so tempting. Been wanting to do this since the first day, just get you in here and make you come all over my leg, hear you say my name.” 
You try to unscramble your brain, it’s hazy with arousal, the coil that he’s wound so tightly about to snap. But all you can feel is the tell tale tingling that’s started in your core and you close your eyes, the feeling radiating out from where his thigh rubs against you. 
“No, keep them open for me, baby,” Dave growls, “keep your eyes on me,” his voice forcing you to look up at him as it hits. 
“Dave…” you gasp, “Pl-please, Dave…” 
It shoots through your system like electricity, your legs closing around his, your skin burning as he kisses you, swallowing down your cries of his name as he keeps moving his leg, working you through the high until your muscles finally relax. 
He holds you up, his arm around your waist now, as his kisses soften. Soft movements across your lips, his tongue gently teasing yours until he pulls back a little, pressing his lips against yours, foreheads touching as you take a deep breath and you can feel him smile against you.
He moves his leg back, bending down and grabbing hold of your thighs, picking you up like you weigh nothing. With your arms around his neck, you hold on until he sets you down on the workbench, his hard erection is pressed tight between you but he seems to ignore it. 
“You ok?” he asks quietly, bending down and pressing a small kiss to the side of your neck, “seemed like you needed that.” His chuckle is low and amused as you sigh deeply. 
“That’s how you indulge?” you ask, caressing the back of his head, raking your fingers through his thick hair. 
“Better for your body than that carrot cake,” he smirks, pulling back a bit so that he can look at you while he cups your jaw and strokes his thumb over cheek. 
“I told you, this friendship won’t last if you don’t eat the frosting,” you give him a small smile, your body still humming. 
Dave gives you a smug look, “I don’t want your friendship, I want your frosting,” he says with a grin, tugging gently at your chin so that he can press his lips to yours and slip his tongue inside before your addled brain can come up with a comeback. 
The kiss is languid and slow, Dave takes his time, holding you back as you try to pull him closer, your hands still in his hair. After several long minutes he reaches up and untangles your fingers and pulls them down to your sides. 
“I’m leaving now,” he says against your mouth, his lips brushing over yours, “And I want you to be good. I have to go take care of something on that case. Close the shop when you’re done, go home, I’ll come by later.” There’s a promise in his low tone, in the way he nips at your bottom lip one last time and his fingers dig into your hips as he moves around your neck.
“Listen,” he whispers, his mouth close to your ear, “I’m not done with you yet.” 
Part Twelve
Series Master List
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Ok, so that got spicier then intended right? I don't know what to say, Dave just stepped in and took over.... blame him or thank him!
For the cake, this recipe uses pecans but I prefer walnuts but you can also leave them out if you want too. But it really is a very good cake...
Taglist: @harriedandharassed @inept-the-magnificent @sheepdogchick3  @readingiskeepingmegoing @noisynightmarepoetry @survivingandenduring @vabeachazn @amyispxnk @oberynslady @vabeachazn @amyispxnk @thewiigers  
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amnevitahwritesstuff · 3 months ago
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Chapter One
You Are Cordially Invited
Feyre is invited to her ex’s wedding. She decides the best way to deal with this is to bring his rival as her plus one. 
Fandom: A Court of Thorns and Roses
Pairing: Feyre/Rhysand
Rating: Explicit
Triggers: Typical Toxic Ex Stuff
Chapters: 2
Length: 2,123 words
Read on AO3 or below the cut
Part of my contribution to the 2024 @acotargiftexchange 🎁
[Hello my lovely @millennium-queen! It is I, your Super Secret Santa (well, technically it’s my main blog @sajirah but shhhhh)!
I know I said this would come out on the 21st but honestly I just couldn't wait anymore (and @reverie-tales is a bad influence).
I had an absolute blast making this for you the past couple months and I'm thrilled to say that this fic is only half your present! I actually drew a couple art pieces to go along with it and you can find them both integrated into this fic as well as featured alone on my art blog. I hope you enjoy them all and have a wonderful holiday season!
And a special shoutout to @starfall-spirit for combing over this for me! You’re the beeessst! 💜]
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Feyre stared at the invitation as if it were a live grenade.
Of course he would do this. 
Of course. 
Just when her life had finally begun to return to normal. When she had clawed back her mental health and self worth Tamlin had to go and do this. 
It wasn’t enough for him that he and his shitty family had to go and make her feel like the dirt under the soles of their designer shoes. It wasn’t enough that he had traded her in almost immediately for someone ‘more appropriate’ to his station. Someone familiar with the world of old money and fancy silverware who could talk about the tax benefits of some tiny country in the Mediterranean (or had it been in the Caribbean?). 
“You just don’t fit in Feyre,” he had told her as they had driven away from his parent’s house for the final time. 
He broke up with her less than 24 hours later. 
Through a text message. 
Like a fucking coward. 
That had been six months ago. 
And now here she was, staring at a wedding invitation to the wedding of her ex and his new bride. 
It was so…cruel. 
She wouldn’t have thought him capable of such cruelty, but that was before she had received a break up text and all of her belongings sitting outside her locked apartment after work. There had been no warning. No backup plan. No other apartment she had just happened to be paying the lease on in case of something like this happening. 
He had seen to that. 
He had made sure to keep her vulnerable and dependent upon him until he could discard her at his leisure. If not for Mor and her exceptionally comfortable couch, Feyre would have likely spent those tumultuous first few post-break up months on the street. 
And yet, after all that, here she was back at square one. Feeling almost exactly as she had upon arriving upon Mor’s doorstep. 
Lost. Alone. Utterly betrayed. 
Fuck Tamlin. 
He didn’t need to do this. He could have easily pretended she ceased to exist the moment she was out of sight and just gotten married with her none the wiser. But no. It couldn’t be that easy. He had to rub her face in it. Show off her replacement and force her to smile and pretend to be happy for them. 
What kind of game was he playing?
Because whatever it was…she didn’t want to play. 
“Fuck you,” she told the invitation. 
Feyre decided now was as good a time as any to get drunk. If she was lucky, she’d black this whole thing out of her memory and forget about the invitation entirely. 
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“I texted Rhys.”
Feyre groaned. 
They had just settling in for their weekly date of Pride and Prejudice and enough chocolate to make Feyre’s doctor squint at her with disapproval. It had become their ritual of sorts after she had landed herself on Mor’s couch after the whole Tamlin fiasco. Because nothing was as healing to the soul as watching longing looks across a ballroom and stuffing one’s faces with an ill-advised amount of sugar. 
“I thought you were kidding about that.”
“Why would I joke about that?” 
“I’m not bothering your cousin with my bullshit.”
Mor waved away her concern with the kind of casual arrogance only achieved through a lifetime of privilege and a healthy dollop of nosiness. 
“Well that’s too bad, because he lives for this kind of bullshit. I think it’s what powers him through those boring ass business meetings with his dad.” 
“I thought that was spite?”
“That too.”
Feyre pursed her lips skeptically before popping another piece of chocolate into her mouth. 
“He says he’ll do it.”
Feyre nearly choked. 
“What?! Why?!!” 
“He said he couldn’t leave a damsel in distress.” 
“But…why would he even care?” She asked, bewildered. “He’s never even met me.” 
“No,” Mor agreed with a smile. “But he does know Tammy.”
Feyre jolted like she’d stuck her finger in an electrical socket. 
“Oh yeah, he and Tamlin go way back. Their fathers used to work at Goldman together and both got shunted off to some boarding school upstate. They basically spent every waking moment together when they were kids.”
“So…” Feyre said with a sinking feeling roiling in her stomach. “They’re friends.”
Mor’s smile widened. “Oh no. They despise each other.” 
“…Why?” She was still trying to grapple with the fact that this man had even agreed to this at all. 
Mor’s expression hardened. “Something about his sister. I never got the full details but it was enough for him to go nuclear on Tamlin. He hasn’t spoken to him since.” 
“I see…” 
And she did. Here was a man who hated Tamlin as much as she did, offering to be her date to his wedding just to stick it to her ex. It was petty. It was mean. 
It was perfect. 
Before she could think better of it, Feyre came to a decision. 
“Give him my number.”
Mor smiled. 
“I already did.”
Feyre began regretting agreeing to this meeting the moment she entered the cafe. 
She had been texting with him for the last week. 
Most of it was the usual ‘I just want to make sure you’re not a psycho’ smalltalk. Lots of ‘So where do you work?’ and ‘If you turn out to be an imposter I just want you to know that Mor has the DA on speed dial’. But eventually, once they were both satisfied the other wasn’t a serial killer, they set up a meeting. 
To plot. 
And plan. 
Feyre glanced at her phone again, checking the time for the twentieth time in the last fifteen minutes. 
What if he didn’t show up? What if he was just humoring her? What if this was all just some elaborate joke Tamlin had somehow orchestrated to make her look like an idiot?
(Okay, maybe that last one was just her catastrophizing a bit.)
She was just…nervous. 
What did she even really know about this guy?
That he was Mor’s cousin? That he worked for his (very rich) father’s cutthroat investment firm? That he grew up in the same old money circles as Tamlin?
It was…not a lot to go on now that she really thought about it. 
Why was she agreeing to this again?
She saw an image of herself arriving at Tamlin’s wedding. Alone. Pitied and condescended to while she watched the man she had loved marry someone else. 
Ah. Yes. Now she remembered. 
“Fucking asshole,” she muttered. 
She glanced up, expecting some random acquaintance…and blinked. 
And then blinked again. 
Rhysand Knight stared back at her with a cheeky smile. 
His photos on Mor’s instagram didn’t do him justice. 
At all. 
Feyre felt her brain try to make sense of what was in front of her. It felt a bit like meeting a Calvin Klein model in real life and realizing that not only did they look as good as they did in the pictures, but they looked better. 
“Hello. It is Feyre, right?” He smiled, flashing a set of perfectly white, perfectly straight teeth at her in a way that left her feeling a little dazed. 
“Umm, yeah,” she said, blinking up at him. 
God, why couldn’t she stop blinking?
He slid smoothly into the seat across from her, smiling pleasantly as if they did this every Tuesday. 
“Sooo…” she said, glancing about for something to stare at that wasn’t his stupidly pretty face. She settled on his coffee cup, reading the girlish script scrawled across the front. She couldn’t help noticing that the barista had spelled his name wrong. 
“So.” Rhys agreed. 
“I…umm, I got your texts.”
God, she sounded like a moron. Idly, Feyre wondered if someone could die of embarrassment. 
“Oh I know,” he said happily. “Apple has this wonderful feature that tells me exactly when you’ve read my text messages. Very handy.” 
She scowled. 
“Mor never told me you were a smart ass.”
Rhys grinned like a shark. “Really? I would’ve thought that would be the first thing she’d have brought up.”
“Must’ve slipped her mind.”
“Must have,” he nodded sagely.
An awkward silence set in then before Rhys eventually decided to take pity on her. 
“So,” he leaned forward, amused. He thought he was so funny. “I hear you need a date to a wedding.”
For lack of a better response, she nodded stiffly. 
“To Dear old Tammy’s wedding.”
She nodded again. 
“Well then I’d be delighted to accompany you, if you’ll have me.” 
“But…why?” She blurted out. “I thought you hated him?” 
“Oh I’m always up for taking the opportunity to piss Tamlin off. Call it a personal pass time of mine.”
Feyre supposed she sort of understood where he was coming from. Though, personally, she had always preferred to steer clear of her exes after the relationship had run its course. She was only agreeing to this insane plan because Tamlin had thrown down the gauntlet. 
And she had never been one to back down from a challenge. 
No matter how ill-advised. 
“I guess I just don’t really understand why you…care,” she ended lamely. “He isn’t your ex. Why would you bother making him feel bad about dumping some stranger?”
Rhys stared at her with an odd expression. Like he was trying to crack his way into her head and figure out what made her tick. 
“Darling, if I had been stupid enough to fumble a woman like you I would deserve what was coming to me.”
Feyre startled, not really sure how to respond to that. How was she even supposed to take that?
“Umm...thank you?” 
“Beside,” he continued. “If he didn’t want you showing up with his least favorite person he shouldn’t have sent you that invitation.”
Well she certainly couldn’t argue with that logic. 
“Honestly, I don’t even know why he invited me in the first place,” she grumbled irritably. 
“Oh it’s more than clear why he’s invited you,” he leaned closer, a conspiratorial smile on his face. “But we’ll make him regret it won’t we?”
Feyre felt a glimmer of hope bloom in her chest. 
“He didn’t deserve you. And we’re going to make him see that.” 
Rhys raised his cup of coffee in a salute. 
“Fuck ‘em.”
Feyre couldn’t help but smile as she raised her own cup. 
“Yeah. Fuck ‘em.”
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She should’ve been expecting it after that conversation. 
And yet Feyre still found herself quite caught by surprise a week later when she arrived home to a giggling Mor standing over a suspiciously large package. 
With her name on it. 
“It’s for you,” Mor sing-songed helpfully. 
Feyre eyed it dubiously before zeroing in on the name of a boutique in the space for the sender. 
“He didn’t…” she groaned. 
“Oh I assure you, he did,” her roommate laughed. 
Feyre grimaced. 
No matter, she thought as she squirreled the box away into Mor’s closet. Out of sight, out of mind. 
Except, she discovered later in the week, she couldn’t stop thinking about it. 
What was in the box?
Well, a dress, obviously. 
But what kind of a dress?
An expensive one, she thought grouchily when she later looked up the name of the boutique during a moment of weakness. Figures. 
Well…it wouldn’t hurt to try it on…right? After all, what were the odds that he had even gotten her size right? 
Very good, it turned out. 
Feyre eyed herself in the mirror later that night with bemused shock and a grudging sort of pleasure. 
It fit perfectly. 
In fact, it felt…tailored. 
But…how? How had he known her size? He’d only met her the once! And she’d been wearing a shapeless sweater that left literally everything to the imagination. And it’s not like she had told him her measurements. In fact, she had very pointedly ignored him when he had tried to get the information out of her in their texts. 
Mor, she thought after a beat. She must’ve given him her measurements. It was the only explanation for how perfectly this fit. 
That must be it. 
Feyre smoothed her hand down the bodice of the dress thoughtfully. 
It really was a beautiful gown. 
“Well,” she said to herself, admiring the fall of the fabric in her reflection. “He sure knows how to make a statement, I’ll give him that.” 
And what a statement it would make. 
She wondered, idly, what Tamlin would make of it–of her–arriving dressed like…this. Would he be upset? Would he hate it?
The thought made her…lighter. She felt…confident. 
Yes, she thought happily. This’ll do just fine. 
Next Chapter
Enjoy this fic? Looking for another like it? Try reading my other Modern AU Feysand fic: Take Care of Business for Me.
Or, alternatively, check out my ACOTAR Fic Masterlists.
Thanks for reading! 💙
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